中国石化新闻网讯 据世界管道12月23日报道,俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)上游企业Verkhnechonskneftegaz启动了一条93公里长的石油管道的建设,该管道旨在连接丹尼洛夫斯基(Danilovsky)地区的第一个油田——北丹尼洛夫斯科耶(North-Danilovskoye)油田和Verkhnechonskoye油田。生产的原油将被输送到Verkhnechonskoye油气田和凝析气田的石油处理设施,然后输送到主管道系统。
王佳晶 摘译自 世界管道
Rosneft commences construction of oil pipeline
Verkhnechonskneftegaz, an enterprise of the upstream complex of Rosneft Oil Company, has launched the construction of a 93 km oil pipeline designed to connect the first field of the Danilovsky cluster, the North-Danilovskoye field, with the Verkhnechonskoye field. Russia. The produced crude will be delivered to the oil treatment facilities of the Verkhnechonskoye oil, gas, and condensate field and then to the main pipeline system.
The pipeline will be laid underground. To prevent thawing of frozen soils, the project provides for the use of thermal insulation with protection of the welded joints area by segments of the same material.
Leakage control devices are to be installed on the oil pipeline crane units to control the tightness of the pipeline system. This solution will allow monitoring of possible leakages of pumped crude oil online. During the operation of the pipeline, regular diagnostics with the help of inline ultrasonic and electromagnetic devices will be carried out to assess its technical condition.
The North-Danilovskoye field is undergoing large-scale construction of infield roads, well pads, and engineering preparations for the construction of production facilities. The field development includes the drilling of 95 wells at ten well pads, reservoir pressure maintenance systems, an own 31 MW power generation centre, an oil pipeline, and other priority infrastructure facilities.
The North-Danilovskoye, South-Danilovskoye, Verkhneicherskoye, and Lisovsky fields comprise the new Danilovsky oil and gas producing cluster of Rosneft in the East Siberia. The compact location of the licence areas as well as the proximity of the Verkhnechonskoye field will provide a significant synergetic effect as a result of the joint use of onshore infrastructure.
Rosneft was the first among oil companies to apply the cluster method of field development. It was tested in the Vankor group of fields in the north of Krasnoyarsk Territory, replicated in the Erginsky cluster in Yugra, and is currently being implemented in the development of the Danilovsky cluster.