
2019年03月18日 11:57 新浪财经



  新浪财经讯 在2019中国发展高层论坛特别策划《你好,中国》节目中,阿斯利康董事长雷夫·约翰森指出,中国已成为世界上大力推动创新药物引进的国家之一,中国的药品市场准入和审批上市的时间已经大大缩短,这意义重大。



  Question:When did you start participating in CDF, and what has impressed you most during your journey in CDF?


  Answer:I’ve been participating in the CDF for many years now, and I really came into CDF because I wanted to know how policy was shaping in China, and how China was developing as a business person.


  What has impressed me most I think is that over this fairly long 10 years that I’ve been able to participate, I’ve seen the forum come into a very strong dialogue and discussion mode, where obviously I have learned a lot from the Chinese side, but I’ve also been asked to participate in panels, and in another way, so that interactivities in such way that I felt I could also in some small way contribute to the development of forum.


  So, all in all, I think this combination of really understanding coming from the outside – what goes on in China, how policy is formed, and then at the same time, in some small manners perhaps, but still pleasant to experience a listening atmosphere to what we from the outside can say.


  Question:What are the changes towards CDF and development of China within the past 20 years that provide highlight?


  Answer:CDF, I think, has changed with China, and to some extent also perhaps helped China to change.


  With the opened-up and reformed agenda that was put into China, and the development of that over the many decades that I can actually cover, it’s easy to see that there is a lot of learning and a lot of initiatives that have been needed to explore the opportunities as China to access the rightful place in the world economy.


  I think the forum CDF has been very much a central part of having the rest of the world understand how that is forming; but I think it’s also been very important to reflect, as we do in China Development Forum, to reflect what the outside world’s expectations are.


  I think what I’m most impressed with has been this real holding-on, stay-in-the-course that China has done over the past many decades, and especially so perhaps in the last couple of years.


  We have seen the Belt and Road Initiative; we have seen a lot of focus on science and technology development, we have seen a lot of wanting from China to participate in the global context, in the global business, but also in global society around us.


  I think the ability to continue to do that in such way that everyone around China, as China develops into the rightful place in the world economy, everyone around China should also feel that they too are winners.


  Real globalization, real global trade, and real participation in the overall concept of how the world develops, means that everyone in China, but obviously also everyone outside of China should feel that they are winners in that whole configuration of how the world should look like.


  Question:At this point, what kind of challenges does your company or your industry faces in China? What kind of suggestions do you have for China’s future development?


  Answer:In the pharmaceuticals industry, obviously we are part of an innovative industry where we try to get innovative medicines to patients as quickly as it’s ever possible.


  I’m much impressed with the fact that the access and the approval periods in China for medicines coming have been reduced in such way that is meaningfully so that China is one of the quicker countries to send innovative medicines into.


  In the greater context, we in the pharmaceuticals industry and we AstraZeneca want to be part of the greater healthcare program.


  Obviously, a big part of the population in China will have the ability to be part of a good healthcare system - a reasonable healthcare system as we say sometimes in China.


  There will be a need for a less silo thinking than there present is.


  There isn’t really a drug budget, a hospital budget, or a pretreatment or prevention budget. There is actually all of that coming together in a patient-centric way.


  So if we think about the development in China, ourselves included, if we can do that in a patient-centric way, such that the best we can prevent the disease, then treat it, and hopefully also making the treatment at the absolute lowest cost to the benefit of patients, but also to the benefit of the society in terms of the cost and the opportunities to get people back into productive work at the quickest.


  All of that comes together into what I would call a healthcare cluster, and everything we can do to help to provide that cluster with good data, we have digital data, we have innovation around digital data, such that we probably began to see medicines coming out of data, and not necessarily only out of the clinic.


  All of that is an area where we in the pharmaceuticals industry would like to participate, we AstraZeneca would like to participate, while we also see great opportunities for China and the citizens of China.




创新药 阿斯利康





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