清华大学管理学博士及环境工程学士, 商道融绿董事长, 商道纵横共同创办人兼总经理, 长期从事企业社会责任及可持续金融领域的研究和实践工作, 具有丰富的研究、培训和咨询服务经验。
郭沛源博士对中国绿色信贷政策与绿色金融发展有深入研究, 是中国金融学会绿色金融专业委员会理事、联合国贸发会议 (UNCTAD) 会计准则专家组可持续性报告举措咨询小组成员、担任全球报告倡议组织 (GRI) 利益相关方委员会委员、亚洲可持续投资协会 (ASrIA) 顾问委员会委员、韩国东亚30指数专家委员会委员、联合国环境署金融行动机构 (UNEP FI) 授权培训师, 兼任中国银行业协会教育培训部金融可持续发展培训项目负责人, 协助中国银行业协会组织绿色金融与银行可持续发展培训、绿色信贷——环境社会风险管理培训师培训等。
他发起了中国责任投资论坛 (China SIF) ; 协助绿色流域等民间组织推出中国首个绿色银行创新奖评选; 还应邀在北京师范大学为企业社会责任方向的MPA学生开设《社会责任投资》专业课、在清华大学为国际MBA学生开设《企业经营与可持续发展》专业课。
Dr. Guo Peiyuan is the Chairman of SynTao Green Finance and co-founder and General Manager of SynTao. As one of China's renowned experts in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) , he has been closely involved in responsible management development.
Dr. Guo is a member of the stakeholder council of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) , a member of China Finance Society Green Finance Committee, an advisor to Asian Sustainable and Responsible Investment Association (ASrIA) , and co-founder of China SIF. Dr. Guo teaches Business Performance and Sustainability for MBA students in School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, and teaches Socially Responsible Investment for MPA students at Beijing Normal University. Dr. Guo holds a Ph. D. in Management from Tsinghua University in China.
Yuki Yasui
Yuki Yasui 现任联合国环境署金融倡议亚太区经理, 过去16年来一直致力于可持续金融。她最近搬到了联合国环境署亚太办事处, 以扩大该地区的UNEP FI活动。她致力于加速该地区金融机构的发展, 将可持续发展作为价值创造的驱动力, 并为联合国可持续发展目标 (SDGs) 做出贡献。她是伦敦普华永道会计师事务所的特许会计师 (ACA) , 拥有伦敦经济学院经济学荣誉学士学位和牛津大学环境变化与管理硕士学位。
Ms. Yuki Yasui
Yuki Yasui, Asia Pacific Region Co-ordination Manager, UNEP Finance Initiative, has been working on sustainable finance for the last 16 years. She has recently moved to the UN Environment Asia Pacific Office to expand UNEP FI activities in the region. She works towards the acceleration of the development of financial institutions in the region that integrate sustainability as a value creation driver and which contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) . She is a chartered accountant (ACA) qualifying with Pricewaterhouse Coopers in London and has a BSc honours degree in Economics from the London School of Economics and an MSc in Environmental Change and Management from the University of Oxford.
上海新金融研究院理事长、中国金融四十人论坛常务理事, 曾任中国投资有限责任公司总经理。
Guangshao TU, Board Chairman of Shanghai Finance Institute; Executive Director of China Finance 40 Forum; Former General Manager of China Investment Corporation.
王忠民先生1985年4月加入中国共产党, 1975年2月参加工作, 中国社会科学院研究生院政治经济学专业毕业, 研究生学历, 经济学博士, 教授、博士生导师, 国家有突出贡献专家, 享受国务院特殊津贴。曾任全国社会保障基金理事会副理事长。现任中国责任投资论坛 (China SIF) 名誉理事长。
Mr. WANG Zhongmin
Mr. WANG Zhongmin joined the Communist Party of China in April 1985, joined the work in February 1975, graduated from the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, majoring in political economics, postgraduate degree, doctor of economics, professor, doctoral tutor, expert with outstanding contributions for the state, enjoying special allowance from the State Council. He served as the vice chairman of the National Social Security Fund Council. He is now Honorary Chairman of China SIF.
Chairman of China Association for Public Companies (CAPCO)
Margarita Pirovska
Margarita在UNEP FI和PRI领导中国和经合组织信托责任的持续工作。她最近的研究包括中国的投资者责任和ESG整合报告。Margarita在能源市场和可持续业务方面拥有17年的经验。直到2016年, Margarita在纽约的Cornerstone Capital Group担任政策和可持续发展分析师。在此之前, 她曾在法国的GDF SUEZ (Engie) , 国际能源署和Gaz de France工作。Margarita拥有经济学博士学位, 工业企业硕士和应用经济学学士。
Ms. Margarita Pirovska
Margarita has joined UNEP FI and the PRI to lead the ongoing work of the Fiduciary Duty Programme in China and the OECD. Her recent research include the report on Investor Duties and ESG Integration in China. Margarita has 17 years of experience with energy markets and sustainable business. Until 2016 Margarita worked as Policy & Sustainability Analyst at Cornerstone Capital Group in New York. Prior to that, she worked for GDF SUEZ (Engie) in France, the International Energy Agency, and Gaz de France. Margarita has a Ph. D. in Economic Science, a Master's in Industrial Organization and a BA in Applied Economics.
Sean Kidney
气候债券倡议组织是一家总部位于伦敦的非营利机构, 致力于调动债务资本市场, 为全球低碳和气 候适应型经济的快速转型提供资金。
Sean Kidney是欧盟委员会可持续金融高层专家组的成员之一, 也是印度绿色债券委员会的联合主 席。Sean Kidney 曾作为联合国秘书长在绿色债券方面的顾问, 同时也是英联邦秘书处气候金融专 家委员会的一员。Sean Kidney为多家机构提供咨询和顾问, 担任了美世 (Mercer) 可持续机会基 金、加拿大 Corporate Knights 资本和可持续低碳交通合作机构 (SloCAT) 金融框架的专家顾问。
作为国际知名的演讲者, Sean Kidney 在世界各地的会议和研讨会进行了演讲, 包括多伦多、纽约、华盛顿、巴黎、法兰克福、荷兰、伦敦、摩洛哥、多哈、北京、香港和悉尼等。
Sean Kidney
Co-founder and CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative
The Climate Bonds Initiative, an international NGO, based in London, working to mobilize debt capital markets to finance a rapid, global transition to a low-carbon and climate resilient economy.
Sean is a member of the European Commission's High Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance, and co-Chair of the India Green Bonds Council. He has also been a consultant on green bonds to the United Nations Secretary General, and a member of the Commonwealth Secretariat's Expert Committee on Climate Finance.
He is also a member of
- The UK Government's Green Finance Task Force
- Mercer's Sustainability Opportunities Fund Advisory Panel.
- The Canadian Corporate Knights Capital Advisory Council.
安国俊, 中国金融学会绿色金融委员会副秘书长、绿色金融与可持续发展研究中心UIBE执行主任、中国责任投资论坛副理事长、陆家嘴绿色金融发展中心学术委员会副主任、中国社科院金融研究所副研究员、中研绿色金融研究院首席研究员、江苏绿金委副主任、英国曼彻斯特大学发展经济学硕士、中国人民大学经济学博士、中国社科院金融学博士后。第十一届全国青联委员。英国曼彻斯特大学发展经济学硕士、美国哥伦比亚大学商学院访问学者 (含博士后研究) 、斯坦福大学访问学者。湖州、西安、海南等多地绿色金融发展顾问。中国人民大学、对外经济贸易大学等客座教授。清华大学国家金融研究院特邀研究员。
1997年8月至今, 先后就职于财政部 (经济建设司、国债金融司、国库司) 、中国银行间市场交易商协会债券市场委员会委员。曾先后参与世界银行、经济合作与发展组织、亚洲开发银行、财政部、国家发改委、人民银行、银监会、证监会、商业银行的金融市场发展研究项目。曾参加世界银行、国际货币基金组织、中国金融纽约峰会、联合国经济论坛、全美经济年会等多次海外论坛。曾担任中国银行业协会与香港银行业协会共同举办“全国杰出财富管理师”的评委。
主要研究方向包括全球金融市场、宏观经济与政策、地方投融资管理、绿色金融、国际投资、资产管理、私募股权投资、区域金融合作、碳金融等。具有会计师、银行间市场本外币交易员资格、证券投行 (发行与承销) 、证券经纪 (交易与咨询) 、上市公司独立董事等多项执业资格。
1994年至今在学术类或经济类核心期刊报刊发表论文上百篇。著有《国内外绿色基金发展研究》、《探路:中国金融改革再出发》、《债券市场发展与金融稳定研究--全球金融危机启示录》、《国债管理研究》、参编《构建绿色金融市场体系》、《中国金融蓝皮书》等, 相关文章和采访被人民网、新华网、和讯网、新浪网、中国金融网、财新网、中国经济网、财经国家新闻网、凤凰财经等多家媒体和网站转载。
Guojun An, Deputy Secretary General, Green Finance Committee, UIBE director of the research center on green finance and sustainable development, Vice president of the China responsibility and Investment Forum, Vice director of the academic committee of the Lujiazui Green Financial Development Center, China Society for Finance and Banking, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Finance and Banking, associate professor, Ph. D. , Senior Economist, MBA mentor. National Youth Committee. Master of Development Economics, University of Manchester, England. Doctor of Economics, Renmin University of China. Chinese Academy of Social Finance postdoctoral. Visiting scholar at Columbia University Business School, Stanford University.
Since August 1997, she has worked at Ministry of Finance, China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Financial Markets Department, the inter-bank market dealers association China Bond Market Committee, the China Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Finance and Banking. She ever participated in the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Asian Development Bank, Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, People's Bank, the CBRC, CSRC, commercial banks research projects.
The main research interests include global financial markets, macroeconomic and policy, foreign investment, green finance, fiscal policy and monetary policy coordination, local government debt management, private economy, capital markets, regional financial cooperation, carbon finance. Since 1994, published nearly on hundred papers in the academia or economic journals. Publications including :Reserch on Global and China's Green Funds. Research on Bond Market and Financial Stability--Enlightenment of the Global Financial Crisis; Exploring : New Drivers for China's Financial Reforms. Related articles and interviews include people net, Xinhua net, Sina, China financial network, Caixin, China Economic Net, finance national news, Phoenix finance, much home media and websites.
联合国环境署国际可持续发展金融中心联盟 (FC4S) 联席主席
中微半导体设备 (上海) 股份有限公司独立董事
Mr Kong Wei is also active in the following areas:
➢ Partner of Zhong Lun Law Firm
➢ Co-chair of International Network of Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S) of UNEP
➢ Independent Director of Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc
➢ Independent Director of Everbright Pramerica Fund Management Co. Ltd.
张顺荣先生为国际资本市场协会驻香港办事处亚太区总监。张先生负责协会大中华地区的工作, 与各监管机构、金融机构及其他活跃于区域内资本市场的市场机构紧密合作, 致力于推动及维持最佳市场实践规范。张先生在此之前, 曾就职于国际律师事务所、投资银行以及其他金融机构, 从事资本市场以及兼并收购的工作, 拥有丰富的市场执业经验。张先生毕业于香港大学法律系。
Director, Asia Pacific
International Capital Market Association
Ricco Zhang is Director, Asia Pacific of the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) based in Hong Kong. Mr. Zhang is responsible for ICMA's development in Greater China and works very closely with regulators, financial institutions and other organizations who are active at the capital markets in the region to promote and maintain the best market practice. He has previously worked for international law firms, investment banks and other financial institutions engaged in capital market transactions and mergers & acquisitions in Asia and has extensive experience as a market practitioner. Mr. Zhang graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong.
施浩先生现任穆迪董事总经理及中国区主管, 常驻北京, 参与制定并负 责实施穆迪在中国的发展战略、品牌推广和业务创新。
此前施浩先生曾在中国农业银行历任总行投资银行部副总经理, 负责非 传统信贷业务, 随后赴加拿大担任中国农业银行温哥华代表处首席代 表, 负责农行加拿大的业务宣传和政府关系。
在进入中国农业银行之前, 施浩先生曾在多家国内外金融机构任职, 包 括中国银行、民生银行、加拿大蒙特利尔银行、美国美联银行和英国巴 克莱银行, 职责范围从技术、运营到高管。施浩先生拥有25年以上的金融 从业经验。
施浩先生拥有清华大学计算机工程的学士和硕士学位及加拿大英属哥伦 比亚大学的计算机科学硕士学位。
Hao Shi
Managing Director Moody's Investors Service
Mr. Shi is the Managing Director for Moody's Investor Service, country manager for China and member of Regional Management Team. He is based in Beijing.
After graduation from Tsinghua University, Hao worked for Bank of China in Beijing as team leader of SWIFT project. In late 90s, Hao worked for Bank of Montreal in Toronto after he graduated from UBC, then First Union/Wachovia in Charlotte, North Carolina in commercial and retail banking. In 2005, he moved back to Asia and was managing director of retail banking, product and operation for China Mingsheng Bank and later head of Investor solutions for China at Barclays Capital. In the end of 2009, he was appointed as deputy General Manager for investment banking department of Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) , later was assigned as Chief Representative for Canada to open ABC's first Canadian office in Vancouver. Hao was past member of board governors of BC Business Council and Advisor board member of UBC Alumni Association.
Hao received a Master of Engineer in Computer Engineering from Tsinghua University and a Master of Science in Computer Science from UBC.
赵永刚, 东北财经大学金融工程博士, 深圳证券交易所博士后, 2010年加入中证指数有限公司, 现任研发部副总监, 主持基础研究和创新型指数开发工作。赵博士在因子投资、smartbeta、ESG、资产配置、大数据指数等有丰富研究成果和产品设计经验。
Zhao Yonggang, Doctor of Financial Engineering, is deputy director of Research and Development Dept. in China Securities Index Co. , . Prior to joining CSI in 2010, Dr Zhao was a postdoctor in Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Dr Zhao is in charge of research and innovative index development, with rich experience in smartbeta, ESG, asset allocation, big data index and so on.
刘长浩为亚洲企业融资部董事总经理, 任职于香港办事处, 负责香港分 析团队的管理工作, 涵盖北亚洲区 (不包括日本) 的企业评级项目。刘 先生拥有丰富的经验, 曾经担任穆迪多个分析和管理职位, 负责不同行 业和地区的工作。他于 1998 年加入穆迪。
加盟穆迪前, 刘先生曾任职巴克莱银行及美国银行的金融机构及企业银 行部。
Gary Lau
Gary Lau, Managing Director Moody's Investors Service
Gary Lau is the Managing Director for the Corporate Finance Group in Hong Kong. Gary manages analytical teams in Hong Kong, covering corporate ratings in North Asia (ex-Japan) . He has extensive experience with Moody's in analytical and management positions with responsibilities across different industries and geographies. He has been with Moody's since 1998. Before joining Moody's, Gary worked for Barclays Bank Plc and Bank of America in the Financial Institutions and Corporate Banking Divisions. He holds an MBA and a Bachelor of Social Science, both from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
执行董事, RBC环球资产管理大中华区主管
夏俊华女士是加拿大皇家银行 (RBC) 环球资产管理执行董事, 大中华区主管。她常驻香港并负责大中华区的客户拓展和战略业务, 拥有超过10年的金融服务行业经验。
在2016年加入RBC环球资产管理之前, 夏俊华女士在桑坦德银行香港分行任职国际业务主管。此前, 她任职于桑坦德环球银行市场部的伦敦和马德里总部, 负责亚洲和北美的机构客户, 包括银行、保险公司及资产管理公司等。
夏俊华女士获得北京外国语大学英语系学士学位, 以及加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院工商管理硕士学位。
Evelyn Xia
Executive Director, Head of Greater China
RBC Global Asset Management
Evelyn is the Executive Director, Head of Greater China for RBC Global Asset Management. She is based in Hong Kong and is responsible for client coverage and strategic development in Greater China. She has over 10 years' financial services industry experience.
Prior to joining RBC Global Asset Management in 2016, Evelyn was Head of International Desk at Banco Santander Hong Kong Branch. Previously she worked at Santander Global Banking & Markets in both London and Madrid with the Financial Institutions Group, responsible for covering institutional clients in Asia and North America, including banks, insurers and asset management companies etc.
Evelyn holds a B. A. in English from Beijing Foreign Studies University and an MBA in Finance from the Haas School of Business at University of California, Berkeley.
闫旭现任华宝基金投资总监兼国内投资部总经理。2006年6月至2008年9月任华宝行业精选混合型证券投资基金基金经理。2008年4月至2010年7月任华宝宝康消费品证券投资基金基金经理。2014年7月起任华宝行业精选混合型证券投资基金基金经理, 2015年2月至2019年7月任华宝收益增长混合型证券投资基金基金经理, 2015年3月起任华宝稳健回报灵活配置混合型证券投资基金基金经理, 2017年5月至2018年8月任华宝智慧产业灵活配置混合型证券投资基金基金经理。
Xu YAN, Chief Investment Officer, Hwabao WP Fund Management Co. , Ltd.
潘中宁, 董事总经理, 委托投资部及国际业务部行政负责人, 投资总监
曾任国泰君安证券股份有限公司企业融资部高级经理, 联合证券有限责任公司资产管理部总经理助理、投资经理, 宏利资产管理 (香港) 有限公司股票投资总监, 上海凯石益正资产管理有限公司副总经理、投资总监等。2013年5月加入华夏基金管理有限公司, 现任委托投资部董事总经理、投资总监。潘先生拥有超过18年的在A股、H股和ADR市场的投资记录, 目前管理中国基金公司中规模最大的QFII投资。潘先生拥有武汉大学经济学硕士学位, 并获得美国乔治城大学工商管理硕士 (MBA) 学位。
Richard Pan, Managing Director, Portfolio Manager, Head of QFII Investment, Head of International Business
Mr. Pan has more than 18 years of investment experience. Before joining ChinaAMC in 2013, Mr. Pan served as CIO and Deputy CEO of Vstone Capital, overseeing its A-share investments. He worked as a Director/Portfolio Manager at Manulife Asset Management from 2007 to 2011, managing its Greater China funds and QFII A-share fund. He also worked as a Portfolio Manager at United Securities from 2001 to 2004, and worked as a VP at Guotai Junan Securities since 1998. Mr. Pan holds an MBA from Georgetown University in the U. S. , an MA in Economics and a BS in Engineering from Wuhan University.
韩晓燕女士于2018年初加入嘉实基金, 主管嘉实ESG研究部工作, 构建嘉实ESG研究框架和评级体系, 进行ESG因子和策略研究, 撰写内部ESG投资研究报告, 并负责带领ESG研究团队与北京和香港的投研团队密切合作, 将ESG因素系统性纳入到嘉实基金投研决策流程中。加入嘉实前的八年时间里, 韩女士在MSCI担任资深ESG研究员, 负责领导全球科技行业的ESG评级和方法论, 并作为亚太区ESG评级方法委员会成员, 负责监督和维护亚太市场的ESG评级方法论框架和研究报告质量。此前, 她还在MSCI的机构投资者股东服务部门ISS担任公司治理研究员, 以及在多资产类别部门担任指数数据分析师。
韩晓燕女士是CFA和FRM持证人, 拥有中国人民大学金融学硕士学位和北京航空航天大学金融工程学士学位。
Katherine Han, CFA, FRM
Head of ESG Research, Harvest Fund Management
Katherine Han leads the ESG research team at Harvest and spearheads the group's efforts to systematically integrate ESG risks & opportunities in investment processes. Her responsibilities include establishing Harvest's proprietary ESG research framework and database, conducting ESG factor and strategies analysis, issuing internal ESG research reports and working with investment teams in Beijing and Hong Kong to integrate material ESG factors into investment decision making. Prior to joining Harvest, Katherine was a senior ESG research analyst at MSCI ESG Research for eight years. She led the ESG research for the global technology sector at MSCI and supervised the research quality and methodology for key Asian markets as a member of the APAC ESG methodology committee. Prior to MSCI ESG research, she also worked as governance analyst for ISS and multi-asset class analyst at Barra.
Katherine Han is a CFA charter holder and certified FRM holder. She holds a Master's degree in Finance from Renmin University of China and a Bachelor's degree in Financial Engineering from Beihang University.
易方达基金管理有限公司ESG研究负责人。华盛顿大学电子工程学士、纽约大学管理学硕士, 易方达基金管理有限公司ESG研究负责人, 参与A股ESG评价体系建设并担任主要研究工作。曾参与起草中基协的《绿色投资指引》, 撰写UNPRI (责任投资倡议机构) 的A股ESG投资案例《针对环境因素的估值调整方法》。在ESG体系的框架和指标设计、应用效果和评价方法、及上市公司的ESG信息披露等方面有深入的研究。
Yixi WEI
Mr. WEI Yixi is the ESG Research head of E Fund. Yixi has in-depth research in listed company's ESG framework, assessment metrics, ESG disclosure and application of ESG methodology in A-share investment. He participated in drafting “Green Investment Guideline” for Asset Management Association of China (AMAC) and A-share ESG investment case study for United Nations supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) . Yixi obtained his Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Washington in 2013, and obtained his Master degree in Management from New York University in 2017.
Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) 中国负责人
罗楠于2017年10月加入PRI担任中国区负责人。她与机构投资者及利益相关方共同合作推动ESG投资在中国的发展, 并协助中国机构投资者将ESG因素纳入投资流程和决策。
在加入PRI之前, 罗楠在英国驻华大使馆国际贸易部担任基础设施机构投资主管, 负责促进中国对英国能源和基础设施项目的投资, 并重点关注可再生能源领域。在此之前, 她在英国使馆气候变化与能源处工作, 重点负责绿色金融项目的开发、管理和实施。在大使馆工作期间, 她曾被借调到英国国际发展部和英国绿色投资银行工作, 以促进部门间在绿色金融领域的协同与合作。
Luo Nan, Head of China, Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
Luo Nan joined as the Head of China for the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since October 2017. She works with Chinese partners to raise the awareness of responsible investment in China and supports institutional investors to incorporate ESG issues into the investment process.
Before joining the PRI, Ms Luo worked with the Department of International Trade at the British Embassy in Beijing, where she was the Head of Institutional Infrastructure Investment, leading on attracting Chinese capital investment into UK Energy and Infrastructure projects. Prior to that position, she spent five years working in the Climate Change and Energy Section of the Embassy, focusing on green finance strategies and policy-oriented projects to address global climate change and support China's low carbon transition. During her time with the Embassy, she has been seconded to the UK Department for International Development and the UK Green Investment Bank.
吴增涛先生, CFA, 长期在中国证监会从事基金监管工作, 主要包括基金产品审核、制度改革及业务创新, 法律法规及监管政策拟定, 风险监测及防范, 跨境业务等。现任南方基金管理有限公司首席市场官, 负责战略与产品开发、企划等工作。拥有北京大学理学学士和经济学硕士学位, 持有特许金融分析师 (CFA) 资格证书。
Zengtao Wu
Mr. Zengtao Wu, CFA, has long been engaged in fund supervision work in China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) , mainly including fund product examination, system reformation and business innovation, formulation of laws and regulations and regulatory policies, risk monitoring and prevention, cross-border business, etc. Mr. Wu joined China Southern Asset Management Co. , Ltd. in 2015. Currently, He is the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of China Southern Asset Management Co. , Ltd. , responsible for strategy and product development, corporate planning and other work. Mr. Wu holds a bachelor of science and a master of economics degree from Peking university, and holds a chartered financial analyst (CFA) qualification certificate.
胡伊玲女士担任摩根大通的亚太区公用事业及环保证券研究部主管。她同时负责推进公司在亚太地区的ESG研究。她及她的团队曾获得机构投资者、格林威治以及汤森路透亚洲分析师奖的认可, 并被列入排名当中。胡女士于2008年开始覆盖该行业, 曾在野村证券任职, 于2011年加入摩根大通。她持有得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校和香港中文大學的双工商管理硕士学位。
Elaine Wu is the Head of Asia ex Japan Power Utilities and Environmental Research at J. P. Morgan. She is also spearheading the firm's Asia Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) research. Elaine and her team have been recognized in rankings from Institutional Investor, Greenwich and Thomson Reuters Asia Analyst Awards. Elaine has covered the sector since 2008 and worked at Nomura before joining J. P. Morgan in 2011. She holds double MBA degrees from the University of Texas at Austin and Chinese University of Hong Kong.
王芳女士现任富达国际大中华区公司治理及可持续投资业务总监, 负责领导富达国际在大中华区与所投企业之间环境、社会和公司治理 (ESG) 相关议题的沟通管理工作。同时, 她还与富达国际的基金经理和分析员密切合作, 对所投公司进行ESG分析, 以提升决策能力。
在加入富达国际前, 王芳女士任职贝莱德投资督导团队大中华区主管。此前, 她还曾在机构股东服务公司 (Institutional Shareholder Services) 担任中国大陆和台湾地区研究部门负责人。
王芳女士拥有新加坡管理大学李光前商学院金融学硕士学位和清华大学经济学学士学位, 并且持有特许金融分析师资格。
Flora Wang
Flora Wang is Director, Sustainable Investing for Fidelity International.
Based in Hong Kong, she leads Fidelity International's engagement efforts with investee companies in Greater China on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues. Flora also works closely with Fidelity's portfolio managers and analysts to conduct ESG analysis on these companies to enhance decision making.
Flora joined from BlackRock where she was the head of Investment Stewardship for the Greater China markets. Prior to joining BlackRock, she held the role of Head of China and Taiwan Research at Institutional Shareholder Services.
Flora holds a Master of Science in Finance from the Lee Kong Chain School of Business at Singapore Management University and a Bachelor of Art in Economics from Tsinghua University. She is also a CFA charter holder.
胥珂嘉女士现任 APG荷兰汇盈投资亚洲有限公司高级基金经理, 2018年2月加入APG, 负责APG与易方达合作管理的中国A股投资策略。 她领导团队搭建APG中国A股投资体系以及ESG框架。在2007之间2017年之间, 她任职于安本资产管理公司, 负责中国股票投资。 胥女士2006年毕业于复旦大学, 获得经济学学士学位, 2007年毕业于香港大学, 获得经济学硕士学位。
Kathy joined APG in Feb 2018, as the lead portfolio manager for APG E Fund China A share strategy. Kathy helped APG establishing China ESG framework and China A share investment process. Before that she was an investment manager in Aberdeen Asset Management covering China equity market for over 10 years. Kathy joined Aberdeen in 2007 as a graduate trainee of Asian Equities team and was promoted to be an investment manager in 2012. Kathy obtained her Bachelor of Economics from Fudan University in 2006 and Master of Economics from The University of Hong Kong in 2007.
王卫华, CFA, 中国人寿资产管理公司高级董事总经理, 投资总监, 曾任平安资管总经理助理、太保寿险投资总监、全国社会保障基金理事会投资部副巡视员, 固定收益处处长、委托投资处处长、招商银行深圳管理部新业务推广室副主任等职。王卫华先生毕业于北京大学光华管理学院, 获经济学博士学位。
William (Weihua) Wang CFA Senior Managing Director, CIO of Asset Allocation of China Life Asset management ; General Manager Assistant of Ping An Asset Management (May 2017--May 2018) ; CIO of China Pacific Life Insurance (May 2013 – May 2017) ; Vice Inspector of Investment Department, Division Chief of Fixed-income investment, and Division Chief of Entrusted Investment of National Council for Social Security Fund (May 2001 – May 2013) ; new business promotion and credit management in Shenzhen Management Department of China Merchants Bank (May 1995 – May 2001) ; Mr. Wang graduated from Guanghua School of Management, Peking University with a degree of Ph. D in Economics.
章晖先生, 北京大学西方经济学硕士, 具有基金从业资格、金融分析师 (CFA) 资格, 2009年7月加入南方基金, 担任研究部研究员、高级研究员; 2014年2月至2015年5月, 任南方新优享基金经理助理; 2015年5月至今, 任南方新优享基金经理; 2015年6月至今, 任南方创新经济基金经理; 2018年4月至今, 任南方成安优选混合基金经理。
Mr. Hui Zhang, CFA, master of western economics from Peking University. He joined Southern Asset Management in July 2009 as a senior analyst in research department. From February 2014 to May 2015, he served as assistant fund manager of Southern New Premium Fund; From May 2015 to now, he has served as fund manager of Southern New Premium Fund; From June 2015 to now, he has served as fund manager of Southern Innovation Economy Fund; From April 2018 to now, he has served as fund manager of Southern ChengAn Selected Mixed Fund.
张凯峰, 2002年加入华夏银行, 现任华夏银行资产管理部资本市场投资室负责人、ESG策略负责人。在资产管理、投资银行和金融市场等业务领域有丰富的管理经验, 创设了“投融顾信”综合金融服务方案; 构建了华夏银行ESG研究框架和评级体系, 组织开展ESG因子和策略研究, 研发并推出了华夏银行ESG系列理财产品累计募集规模已超过100亿元人民币。
James ZHANG joined Huaxia Bank in 2002 and now heads the Capital Market Department in the Asset Management Division of the bank, and he is also in charge of ESG strategy and business. With rich and extensive management experience in the fields of asset management, investment banking, financial markets and other business, he created a comprehensive financial service plan of “investment, financing, financial advisory, information matching”; established the ESG research framework and ESG rating system of Huaxia Bank, organized and carried out ESG factor and strategy research, developed and launched the ESG series financial products of Huaxia Bank, which raised over 10bn CNY in total already.
关睿, 商道融绿副总经理, 北京大学国际MBA, 拥有人口、资源和环境经济学博士学位。关睿女士致力于关注可持续金融和责任投资领域的研究和发展, 拥有十余年金融行业工作经验, 曾供职于德意志银行全球银行部及中德证券、私募基金管理公司等。
Grace GUAN, Deputy General Manager. Grace Guan is now dedicating to the research and development of sustainable finance and responsible investment, with more than ten years financial industry experiences, including serving at Deutsche Bank, Zhongde Securities, and PE fund. Ms. Guan holds a MBA degree from Peking University, and a PhD degree in Population, Resources and Environmental Economics.
汇丰银行 (中国) 有限公司企业可持续发展总监
王颖1997年毕业于北京大学, 同年加入中国日报, 曾在经济部以及商业周刊担任记者职务, 并兼任商业周刊金融版编辑。 王颖于2003年在美国雪城大学获得公共管理硕士学位, 并于2004年加入汇丰银行, 专职负责汇丰在中国内地的慈善与公益投资及项目管理。 王颖现任汇丰银行 (中国) 有限公司企业可持续发展总监, 除负责管理汇丰在内地的公益投资外, 还与汇丰中国各相关部门合作推进可持续金融服务及其它可持续发展相关工作。
Wang Ying
Head of Corporate Sustainability,
HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited
Wang Ying graduated from Peking University in 1997 and joined China Daily as finance journalist. She became editor of finance pages of the paper's Business Weekly later. Wang Ying obtained master degree in public administration from Syracuse University Maxwell School in 2003 and joined HSBC to be responsible for the Bank's community investment in China. In her current post as head of corporate sustainability China, she manages community investment by HSBC in Mainland China, and works with other functions and departments on various sustainability issues including sustainable finance.
颜俊, 北京市金杜律师事务所资深合伙人, 广州华象投资咨询有限公司创始人兼董事长, 阿拉善SEE生态协会章程委员会主席。曾任广东华邦世纪律师事务所创始合伙人, 北京市君泽君 (广州) 律师事务所创始合伙人。
Jun YAN, Partner, King & Wood Mallesons; Chairman, Constitution Committee, Society of Entrepreneurs & Ecology
刘霞, 经济学博士, 现就职于兴业银行法律与合规部企业社会责任管理处, 主要从事兴业银行赤道原则管理以及环境与社会风险政策研究工作, 长期致力于赤道银行与银行业的环境、社会、治理研究工作, 并在众多学术期刊发表该领域相关论文。
LiuXia, PHD in economics is currently working in the corporation social responsible division of legal and compliance department of the industrial bank. , in which she mainly engaged in the management of equator principles and policy research on environment and social risk. Also, She has committed to the equator bank and banking industry's environment, social and governance research and published many articles in academic journals.
湖州银行 绿色金融部 总经理助理
现任湖州银行总行绿色金融部总经理助理, 主要负责全行环境社会风险体系建设、绿色产品开发和绿色金融业务拓展。曾担任湖州银行总行公司银行部营销管理主管、总行营业部信贷经理等岗位, 熟悉基层信贷实践。
Fang Xiaying
Assistant General Manager, Department of Green Finance, BOH
Ms. Fang Xiaying, born in 1980, is Assistant General Manager, Department of Green Finance, BOH. She is responsible for system construction, product innovation, and business expansion of BOH's green finance. She has worked as client manager at BOH's H. Q. banking department, and as business manager at corporate finance department.
邱牧远 ICBC城市金融研究所国际处分析师
经济学博士, ICBC总行城市金融研究所分析师。2017年加入ICBC, 负责商业银行金融理论与实务、绿色金融、宏观经济分析与预测等研究工作。
Dr. Muyuan Qiu
Analyst, Urban Finance Research Institute, Industrial and
Commercial Bank of China
Mr. Muyuan Qiu, Ph. D. in Economics, Analyst of Urban Finance Research Institute of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) . His research focuses on green finance, financial theory and practice of commercial banks, macroeconomics analysis and forecast etc, .
徐秀玲女士毕业于中国人民大学新闻学院, 获得长江商学院MBA。曾担任中央电视台财经频道主编, 拥有10 年财经媒体工作经验。
负责宜信企业文化与企业社会责任 (CSR) 、培训管理相关事务。
同时, 她还担任China SIF 理事, 中国公益金融创新计划 (CISF) 联席秘书长, 创行中国理事。
在徐秀玲女士的主导下, 宜信提出“负责任的金融、有温度的金融”战略CSR倡议, 通过公益金融创新的方式服务于三农、小微和弱势群体, 通过专业志愿服务为社区提供金融启蒙, 通过知识引进和倡导营造公益金融生态。
在她的主导下, 宜信组建企业文化建设委员会, 提出凝聚宜信核心价值观的“文化小屋”, 让“诚信、专业、创新”的三大文化基石深深植根于宜信人心中; 同时, 她为宜信搭建完整的学习发展体系, 覆盖了从新人融入、岗位胜任, 到管理启航, 梯队发展的人才发展全路径, 让宜信公司真正成为4万宜信人的事业平台和心灵家园。
Selina XU xiuling
Senior VP of CreditEase
Selina graduated from the School of Journalism of RENMIN University of China and obtained an MBA from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. He has served as editor-in-chief of CCTV's financial channel and has 10 years of experience in financial media.
She responsible for the company's corporate culture and corporate social responsibility , training management related matters.
At the same time, she also serves as the Board of China SIF, the Joint Secretary General of the China Initiative for social finance (CISF) , and board member of Enactus China.
Under the leadership of Selina, CreditEase proposed the “Good Finance is Finance for good” strategic CSR initiative, to serve the rural people, SME and vulnerable groups through social finance products, and provide financial education services to the community through professional volunteer program. , through the introduction of knowledge and advocacy to create a social finance ecosystem.
Mark Mills
Mark Mills, 世代投资管理公司全球客户团队合伙人。
Mark Mills于2005年加入世代投资全球客户团队, 负责公司在亚洲的宣传和业务发展。在加入世代投资之前, Mark Mills与总部位于苏黎世的可持续资产管理 ( SAM) 合作, 并建立和管理SAM在澳大利亚的业务。在加入SAM之前, 他曾是澳大利亚国家银行子公司County Investment Management的市场总监。Mark Mills还曾担任瑞士信贷 (Credit Suisse) 的创始董事, 负责其在澳大利亚的投资管理业务和市场营销; 是CS First Boston Australia的债券研究分析师。
Mark Mills毕业于墨尔本大学, 拥有计算机科学学士学位, 并获得了日本政府授予的横滨国立大学研究生研究奖学金。他担任澳大利亚野生动物基金会 (Australian Wildlife Trust) 主席, 并且是可持续棕榈油投资者工作组的创始人和主席。
Mark joined Generation in 2005 and is a member of the Global Client Team, whose responsibilities include advocacy and business development in Asia. Prior to joining Generation, Mark formed his own business to work in partnership with Zurich-based Sustainable Asset Management (“SAM”) , and established and managed SAM's operations in Australia. Prior to joining SAM, he was Head of Sales and Marketing for County Investment Management, formerly a subsidiary of Australia's largest bank, National Australia Bank. Previously, Mark was a founding director at Credit Suisse, responsible for all aspects of sales and marketing for its investment management operations in Australia; a bond research analyst at CS First Boston Australia, and previously worked in software engineering including for NEC and Logica.
Mark graduated from the University of Melbourne with a BSc in Computer Science, and was the recipient of a post graduate research scholarship from the Japanese Government which he undertook at Yokohama National University. Mark speaks fluent Japanese and is a student of Mandarin.
Mark serves as Chairman of the Australian Wildlife Trust, and is a founder and serves as Chairman of the Investor Working Group for Sustainable Palm Oil.
刘蔚2013年加入上海证券交易所, 现任上交所投资者服务部副总经理。
近年来刘蔚负责上交所绿色金融相关工作, 包括上交所绿色金融愿景与行动计划的制定、绿色债券市场的筹备和发展建设及绿色金融领域国际合作等。刘蔚作为咨询顾问组成员参与了联合国可持续证券交易所倡议关于证券监管机构及交易所发展绿色金融的相关指南的编撰, 负责了上交所在世界交易所联合会发起的《可持续发展证券交易所原则》的起草工作, 并为责任投资原则、联合国环境署金融倡议等机构发布的可持续金融相关报告做出了贡献。目前刘蔚任亚洲金融合作协会绿色金融合作委员会副主任委员。
在加入上交所之前, 刘蔚自1999年起在香港和新加坡任职于高盛、瑞银、汇丰等投行, 拥有丰富的海外经验。刘蔚毕业于新加坡国立大学, 并在北京大学光华管理学院获EMBA, 现为上海特聘专家, 特许金融分析师 (CFA) 。
Claire LIU Wei CFA
Ms. Claire Liu joined the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) in 2013 and she is currently Executive Director of Investor Service Department.
Claire has been responsible for SSE's green finance development in recent years, including the formulation of “SSE Vision and Action Plan for Supporting Green Development and Promoting Green Finance”, the set-up of SSE's green bond market and international cooperation on green finance, etc. She worked as advisory group member of UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiatives (UN SSE) and made valuable inputs to UN SSE's publications on action plans of stock exchanges and securities regulators to advance green finance. On behalf of SSE, she has taken the lead in the compilation of “WFE Sustainability Principles” initiated by the World Federation of Exchanges and also contributed to other green finance projects by UNEP FI and PRI. Claire also serves as a deputy director of the Green Finance Cooperation Committee of Asia Financial Cooperation Association.
Before joining SSE, Claire held various senior positions at Goldman Sachs, UBS and HSBC in Hong Kong and Singapore since 1999 and has extensive experience in global capital markets. Claire graduated with B. B. A (Hons) from the National University of Singapore and also obtained EMBA from Peking University. She is an expert from Shanghai “Thousand Talents Program” and CFA charter holder.
刘彦沣, 法学博士, 现任中国上市公司协会公司治理部 (法务部) 副主任 (主持工作)
Yanfeng LIU, Doctor of Law, Deputy Director (Acting Head) of Corporate Governance, China Association for Public Companies.
田波, 金融学硕士。现任中国再保险集团公司ESG工作小组的执行责任人。曾在中国人民银行、中国保监会等任职。目前正在从事ESG研究和实践。
Tian Bo, Master of Finance, the Chief of ESG Execution Group of China Re. , and responsible for research and practice of ESG. He used to work for PBoC and CIRC.
林朝雯女士为世界银行集团国际金融公司 (IFC) 的公司治理高级顾问。林女士为监管者、政策制订方及公司企业提供公司治理建议。林朝雯持有清华大学工程学和法学双学士学位以及英国布里斯托大学法律硕士学位。林女士是全球公司治理论坛认证的董事培训师。目前还担任中国企业改革与发展研究会高级研究员, 北京君百略管理咨询公司合伙人。
Zhaowen (Maggie) Lin is a corporate governance senior consultant of the International Finance Corporation (“IFC”) , a member of the World Bank Group. Ms. Lin has extensive experience in advising regulators, policy makers and corporations to develop and implement corporate governance strategies, improve board practices, and assess corporate governance risks. Ms. Lin holds a Bachelor of Law and a Bachelor of Engineering from Tsinghua University, China, and a Master of Law from University of Bristol, United Kingdom. Ms. Lin is a trainer of corporate directors certified by the Global Corporate Governance Forum. Currently Ms. Lin also serves as the senior research fellow of the China Enterprise Reform and Development Society, and the partner of Beijing Kingparallel Management Consulting Company.
Christine Chow, Ph. D. 周尚颐博士 Director 董事 Head of Asia and Global Emerging Markets Stewardship 亞洲和全球新興市場管理負責人
周尚颐博士负责亞洲和全球新興市場, 管理分析师团队, 專注於信息技術和金融服 務領域。作為科技板塊的負責人, 她的工作也包括一些美國的大型科技公司, 如 Apple 和 Google。周博士拥有 23 年在金融投资方面的经验。她对负责任投资充满热情, 深入研究, 用余暇的时间攻读了博士学位。她的博士論文是 2011 年聯合國 PRI / MISTRA 國際獎項 入围候选者之一。2019 年 1 月, 她被任命为英国全党人工智能议会小组数据治理工作组成 员。2019 年 7 月, 她当选为国际公司治理网络 (ICGN) 的董事会成员。 2019 年 9 月, 她 被任命为《布鲁默尔杂志》伦敦市的励志女性之一。该名单由 30 名女性担任各自领域的领 导者, 这是由金融领域行业专家组成的独立小组选出的。
她是英國倫敦政治經濟學院 (LSE) 监理會和投资委員會的成員。她曾昰香港科技大 学金融部的兼任副教授, 也是香港退休基金協會中國委員會的成員 (2014-2016) 和苏格 兰圣安德鲁斯大学的访问学者 (2012-2013) 。 周博士曾任职于美林证券, 英國施羅德集 团和美国怡安翰威特等跨國公司。在九十年代, 她为施羅德中外合資企業搜寻合作夥伴方 面做了大量的諮詢和筹备工作。周博士是英國倫敦政治經濟學院和澳洲墨爾本大學的畢業 生, 并攻读了美国斯坦福大学金融工程的研究生课程。
Christine Chow, Ph. D. Director Head of Asia and Global Emerging Markets Stewardship Hermes Investment Management
Dr Christine Chow is the Head of Asia and Global Emerging Markets stewardship and the global lead of technology. She has 23 years of experience in investment management, research and consulting. Christine's PhD thesis on shareholder engagement for responsible investment was short-listed for a United Nations award in Sweden for industry relevance and academic excellence. Christine is an elected member of the Court at the London School of Economics (LSE) and a member of the School's Investment Sub-Committee. In January 2019, she was appointed member in the Data Governance Task Force of the UK All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Artificial Intelligence. In July 2019, she was elected as a board member of the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) . In September 2019, she has been named as one of Brummell Magazine's Inspirational Women in the City of London. The list celebrates 30 women who are leaders in their respective fields, as chosen by an independent panel of industry professionals across the financial sector.
She was an adjunct finance professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2014 – 2016) , a visiting scholar at the University of St Andrews in Scotland (2012 – 2013) and a member of the Greater China Committee of the Hong Kong Retirement Funds Association (2014-2016) . Christine worked for multinational companies such as Merrill Lynch (BAML) , Schroders and Aon Hewitt.
Christine is a graduate of the London School of Economics and the University of Melbourne. She completed an executive education course on financial engineering at Stanford University.
Jon Edwards
艾德华 伦敦证券交易所集团北京代表处首席代表
艾德华先生是伦敦证券交易所集团北京代表处首席代表, 负责开发伦敦证券交易所在中国的业务, 主要工作内容包括与有兴趣了解伦敦证券交易所集团各个市场的企业, 顾问和当地监管者进行沟通 与合作。艾德华先生以及他在伦敦, 香港和北京的团队一起推动中国企业在主板市场和高增长市场 上市, 并助其提高在伦敦投资者心目中的形象和地位。在担任北京首席代表之前, 艾德华先生在伦 敦担任新兴市场联席总监, 负责伦敦证券交易所在俄罗斯, 独联体及亚太地区的业务开发。
艾德华先生拥有哥伦比亚大学俄罗斯研究专业学士学位, 工商管理学硕士及法律博士学位。2003 年 8 月, 艾德华先生加入伦敦证券交易所。此前他曾在 Incepta Ventures UK Limited, Delta Capital 及 BNP-Invest 负责私募股权业务。艾德华先生具有超过 20 年的国际公司合作经验, 涉及 自然资源、消费品、房地产及科技、媒体和通信等行业。
Jon Edwards, Chief Representative, Beijing Representative Office London Stock Exchange Group
As Chief Representative of LSEG's China office, Mr Edwards is responsible for developing the London Stock Exchange's business in China, spending a majority of his time working with companies, advisors and regulators in the region interested in London Stock Exchange Group's markets. Jon and his teams in London, Hong Kong and Beijing work to promote both Main Market and AIM listings and work with companies to increase their profile among London's investment community. Prior to taking up his post in Beijing, Jon was co-head of Emerging Markets, looking after business development activities in Russia, CIS & Asia Pacific.
Mr Edwards studied at Columbia University where he received his BA degree in Russian studies and joint JD/MBA degree in business and law. He joined the London Stock Exchange in August 2003, before which he worked on private equity transactions for Incepta Ventures UK Limited, Delta Capital and BNP-Invest. Mr Edwards has over 20 years of experience working with international companies in the natural resources, consumer products, real estate and TMT sectors.
张洪福, 商道纵横高级研究经理。
致力于企业社会责任与可持续发展的研究和咨询工作, 曾为世界500强等大型企业和政府机构、行业协会、国际国内NGO等提供过课题研究和咨询服务。
主持并参与《以透明降风险——中国采掘业透明度与风险管理研究报告》、《中国农业海外投资企业社会责任风险识别与评估》、《中国农业海外投资性别影响调研报告——以中国农业企业投资老挝、柬埔寨为例》等研究报告和《中肯经贸协会企业社会责任报告》, 主持并编制了《中国海外投资社区沟通指南》、《中国对外承包工程行业社区沟通手册》等海外投资CSR实用工具, 编制社区沟通培训课程, 主导并组织了国内首次社区发展经理培训活动; 主持中国首个海外投资CSR风险地图搭建工作, 参与编制了《中国海外投资CSR国别风险指数》报告; 作为项目专家, 参与起草中国五矿化工进出口商会 (CCCMC) 的《可持续天然橡胶指南》和中国食品土畜进出口商会 (CFNA) 的《中国企业境外可持续棕榈油投资与经营指南》。
主导“价值发现之旅”系列研究报告、“碳信息披露项目”调研报告, 《中国推进SDGs环境目标调研报告》等; 主持中国绿色消费政策与标准研究等项目。所主持开发的《企业社会责任报告关键定量指标指引》 (MQI) 获联合国贸易和发展会议 (UNCTAD) 国际会计准则荣誉2019 (ISAR Honours 2019) 大奖。
Zhang Hongfu, Senior Research Manager of SynTao
Mr. Zhang has extensive experiences in consulting and research in the field of CSR and sustainability Clients he serves include Fortune 500 companies, governments, industry associations, domestic and international NGOs.
He has led and participated in various research projects including More Transparency, Less Risk— Study of Transparency and Risk Management for Chinese Extractive Industry's Overseas Investment, Identification and Evaluation of the Social Responsibility Risk of Chinese Agricultural Industry's Overseas Investment, The Impact of China's Agricultural Overseas Investment on Gender Equality—A Case Study of the Investment of China's Agricultural Enterprises in Laos and Cambodia, Kenya Chinese Economic Trade Association CSR Report. He has involved in developing various CSR toolkits for Chinese enterprises operating overseas, including Community Engagement Guideline for Overseas Investment of Chinese Enterprises and Community Engagement Handbook for Chinese International Contractors. He designed and organized the community engagement training, which is the first of its kind in China. He also led the designing of The Country Responsibility Risk Index for Chinese Overseas Investment (CRRI) . As project consultant, he engaged in the drafting of Guidelines for Sustainable Natural Rubber released by CCCMC and Investment and Operation Guidelines of Sustainable Palm Oil Overseas Investment for Chinese Enterprises released by CFNA
He's responsible for the serial report A Journey to Discover Value, CDP carbon information disclosure research project, Report on promoting SDGs Environmental Goals in China, China's chemical industry safety performance management evaluation index system and preliminary assessment report, research on China's green consumption policy and standards. The Material and Quantitative Indicators (MQI) Reporting Guidelines he led has received UNCTAD-ISAR Honours 2019.