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2006年8月21日全球金融市场周报 欧洲

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年08月21日 15:33 上投摩根


  Global Emerging Markets 环球新兴市场

  Emerging stock markets were mostly lower last week as investor risk aversion rose in response to geopolitical worries and concerns over the US economic outlook. In Latin America, Mexico's IPC fell 0.4% as a Federal court rejected a request from opposition candidate, Manuel Lopez Obrador, for a full recount of last month's presidential election ballots. Although this moved Felipe Calderon, a conservative candidate committed to economic reform, closer to victory, fears remained that left wing protests may intensify and cause further disruption. Brazil's BOVEPSA fell 2.4%, with mixed corporate results adding to uncertainty among investors. Bradesco, Brazil's largest non-state bank, revealed a 13% rise in second quarter profits, but slower growth than previous quarters due to the impact of rising interest rates. Argentina's MERVAL, meanwhile, was 3.9% lower.

  In Central Europe, Hungary's BUX fell 4.2% despite strong profits growth from Mol, the energy group, which announced a 19% increase in quarterly earnings due to higher crude oil prices. The Czech PX 50 was down 1.7% while the Polish WIG fell 2.9%. However, in emerging Europe, Russia's RTS rose 1.7% to its highest level since May on the back of record high oil prices. Figures also showed that Russia had received USD 26 billion in direct foreign investment in the first half of 2006, boosted by a commodities boom and surging oil and gas prices. Turkey's ISE National 100, meanwhile, rose 3.5%, as economic data showed a 11.4% rise in industrial production during June as a weaker lira sparked the strongest exports growth for 16 months. We expect volatility to remain high within the Emerging Markets universe as investors absorb the full implications of tighter global money and ebbing liquidity. The key swing factor for the asset class is the outlook for earnings - therefore we will be watching earnings news very closely.





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