
2020年01月15日 16:21 中国石化新闻网


中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气1月14日消息,通过对立陶宛天然气基础设施及其与邻国的互联互通进行有针对性的投资,去年输送到波罗的海国家的天然气比2018年增加了2.6倍,达到近6太瓦时。

根据立陶宛天然气传输系统运营商Amber Grid的数据,在此期间,输送至拉脱维亚和爱沙尼亚的天然气占了立陶宛和其他波罗的海国家消费的天然气进口总量的五分之一(20%)。

据Amber Grid的代理首席执行官Nemunas Biknius称,近年来,向拉脱维亚方向输送的天然气量增加了10倍。2019年取得的成果是有史以来向拉脱维亚输送天然气的最高记录。

Nemunas Biknius表示:“立陶宛成熟的天然气基础设施,例如克莱佩达LNG终端和成熟并妥善维护的天然气传输系统已被证明是有效的。及时的投资使立陶宛市场参与者以及波罗的海市场其他国家的参与者能够利用非常优惠的天然气价格。低价格和广泛使用的基础设施之间的相互作用证明了市场的运作,立陶宛已经成为地区天然气市场的一个十字路口。”

裘寅 编译自 世界天然气


Lithuania dispatches record gas volumes to Baltic States

By making targeted investments into the Lithuanian gas infrastructure and its interconnection with neighboring countries, the gas transmission to the Baltic States increased 2.6-fold last year if compared to 2018, and reached almost 6 TWh of gas.

According to the Lithuanian gas transmission system operator Amber Grid, during this period, the flow of gas to Latvia and Estonia made a fifth (20 percent) of the total amount of the introduced gas intended for consumers in Lithuania and the other Baltic States.

According to Nemunas Biknius, the acting CEO of Amber Grid, the amount of the gas transmitted in the direction of Latvia has increased 10-fold over several recent years. The result achieved in 2019 is the highest ever recorded result of gas transportation to Latvia.

“Lithuania’s well-developed gas infrastructure, i.e. Klaipėda LNG terminal and a developed and properly maintained gas transmission system, has proved to be effective. Timely investments allowed Lithuanian market participants as well as participants of other states of the Baltic market to make use of very favorable gas prices. The interaction between the low prices and the well-used infrastructure evidences that the market operates and that Lithuania has become a crossroad of the regional gas market,” says Nemunas Biknius.

立陶宛 拉脱维亚





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