
2020年01月15日 16:21 中国石化新闻网


中国石化新闻网讯 据离岸能源1月14日消息,图洛石油公司(Tullow)已获得更多时间来决定是否在牙买加沃尔顿莫兰盆地的近海区块钻探油井。该公司还在就出售部分股份进行谈判。

图洛的合作伙伴联合石油天然气公司(United Oil & Gas,UOG)于周二早上分享了延期的消息,该公司拥有钻探许可证20%的股权。





UOG首席执行官Brian Larkin表示:“我们很高兴能获得延期。到2019年底,我们发现了许可证的一些额外权益,此次延期将允许各缔约方充分评估这一绝佳机会。”


UOG去年表示,在获得新的2018年3D地震勘测数据后委托编制的CPR报告,已将Colibri预期石油资源的总平均未风险估值从2.19 一标准桶提高至2.29 亿标准桶,报告还提供并将地质成功的机会从16%增加到了20%。

裘寅 编译自 离岸能源


Tullow Gets More Time Offshore Jamaica

Tullow Oil has been given more time to decide on whether to drill a well at an offshore block in Jamaica’s Walton Morant Basin. The company is also in talks to farm-out some of its share in the block.

The news of the extension was shared on Tuesday morning by United Oil & Gas, Tullow’s partner, which owns a 20% stake in the license.

According to UOG, the extension of the Initial Exploration Period during which a drill or drop decision is required for a further six months.

The Initial Exploration Period was due to expire on January 31, 2020, at which point a commitment to drill an exploration well would have been required to move into the next phase of the license.

With the extension to the Initial Exploration Period, the Joint Venture now has until July 31, 2020, before the drill-or-drop decision is required.

Tullow is the operator of the license with an 80% stake.

Brian Larkin CEO, United Oil and Gas PLC: "We are very pleased with the extension that has been granted. We have seen additional interest in the license towards the end of 2019, and this extension will allow those parties to fully evaluate this excellent opportunity."

Tullow acquired the rights in the Jamaica acreage back in 2014. The company has so far carried out one 2D seismic survey, and two 3-D seismic campaigns.

United Oil & Gas last year said that that the CPR report, commissioned following the acquisition of new 2018 3D seismic data, had increased in Gross Unrisked Mean Oil Prospective Resources estimate for the Colibri prospect to 229 MMstb recoverable from 219 MMstb. It also provided and an increase in the geological chance of success from 16% to 20%.

油井 牙买加





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