
2015年08月05日 14:34  作者:Grenoble  (0)+1

  文/新浪财经意见领袖(微信公众号kopleader)机构专栏 Grenoble[微博] 作者 Vincent Mangematin(法国格勒高商战略管理教授)






  当一间房空置时,实践者喜欢用“冻结”这个词,所以当这间房被出租了之后就变成了“解冻”。这个过程不影响实际的物业所有权,只是使用权受到影响。类似Drivy, Blablacar 或是AirBnB这样的平台就是在对一些“冻结”资源的使用权进行重组。从这个意义来说,他们并不是有关资本的创新,因为除了平台本身之外,他们不需要其他投资。













In the 21st century, managing innovationmeans managing communities

  By Vincent Mangematin(Professor ofStrategic Management and Associate Dean for Research, Grenoble Ecole deManagement)

  Uber, the world’s largest taxi company,owns no vehicles. Drivy is becoming the European rental car leader and owns novehicles. Facebook, the world’s most popular media owner, creates no content.Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodation provider, owns no real estate. Allthese examples are revealing the growing importance of platform innovation as anew form of business management. But what are the characteristics of platforminnovation?

  First of all, all these platforms combinetechnological and economic facets. They create a facility to match those whohave needs and those who can satisfy them. Music platforms like iTunes areamongst the most well-known platforms. But it is not  technological advances which make theplatform known and useful - It is the breath of music it offers for download.These platforms had to scale up rapidly and offer a large variety of music,from classical to new age and rap. Scale-up mechanisms are based on structureand alliances to interconnect with other platforms. For example, you can accessmusic but also films, clips and other videos。

  Finally, and as is mainly the case withAirBnB, these innovations are defreezing unused resources. For example, anempty flat is a resource which is freezed. The door is closed and no one canuse it. When you are renting a flat through AirBnB or Roomrama, the resource isnot dedicated for rental. This is an unoccupied apartment which is rented for ashort period。

  Practionners are using the term freezedwhen the apartment is unoccupied and defreeze when it is rented. . Ownershipdoes not change. This is mostly the usage which is affected. Platforms likeDrivy, Blablacar or AirBnB are organising the use of resources which have beenfreezed before. In that sense, they are a non -capitalist innovation, as theydo not require other investment beyond the platform。

  Platform innovations  are changing the ways we use existing resourcesthrough internet matchmaking. They are also transforming the  roles of suppliers and clients. Whilstclients and producers are becoming one person, one day you can be the client ofUberPop and the next one the  driver. Youcan be the client of AirBnB whilst renting your apartment through AirBnB at thesame time. Clients are simultaneously suppliers at the same time andvice-versa. Platforms are just a new intermediary to match supply and demand.Something interesting is happening and it affects the ways innovation ismanaged。

  Firstly, this is not a technologicaladvancement and this is not technological push. The Internet is not new,theTCP/IP protocol was introduced during the Seventies. What is radically newthough is the generalisation of the use of the Internet, not only at home butalso on mobile devices. The Internet is one of the most powerful mechanisms tomatch individuals that need something and those who have something to offer.TheInternet was first used as a mail order sales platform before developing into away to match decentralised suppliers and demand. The Internet is a generalpurpose technology which is not only an intermediary between suppliers andclients but also a powerful way to change market structure。

  Secondly, the Internet and the relatedplatforms like Google, Facebook, Amazon etc. have been renewing the sources ofinnovation. It is not only science based innovation, but rather innovation interms of usages. While scientific discoveries were seen as a major source ofinnovation in the 20th century, it seems that new usages and communities arebecoming a major trigger for innovation in the 21st。

  Users generated innovation and itsdevelopment, which has been studied since the 1970s and have mainly focused onB2B relationships, where professional users gave producers and developersfeedback. In B2C relationships, lead users were on the contrary identified tohelp producers in the development of innovation. Nowadays with these newplatforms, achieving innovation directly with user communities require thecompany to open up its innovation and development processes. It also means thatthe firm loses control over the innovation process and has to share thereturns. Managing innovation with user communities is challenging for companiesas they cannot monitor the community。

  The game industry is known for itscontinuous dialogue with online communities to make the games more attractive.Some of the companies like Trackmania have been developing tools to allowgamers to develop their own playground. Meanwhile, Trackmania makes moneythrough advertisements on circuits and the organization of events for playersto compete in. To be able to benefit from user communities, companies have toadopt the role of orchestrator, interacting with user communities withoutcontrolling them, respecting the specific identities of each player。

  When a company adopts an identity that ispartially shared with its community, its degree of freedom is reduced, as ithas to negotiate each evolution of its strategy with the community. Managementof innovation has been understood stricto sensu as the management of internalprocesses within the company. The implicit assumption for this is that sourcesof innovation are within the firm. When innovation is based on usages, thesources of innovation are located in the interactions between the firms and theusers. Management of innovation in the XXI century is the management of theinterfaces and interactions between the firm and its environment to design orco-design innovation。

  Finally, another major source of innovationin the 21st Century  has been theevolution and development of disruptive business models. Indeed, this topic hasgenerated a lot of discussion in academia to create a better understanding ofthe consequences of the Internet revolution in the early 2000’s. New businessmodels are more than the mechanism to create value for customers and to capturevalue from the monetization of the value delivered. Business model approacheslead the top management team to consider to whom the value is delivered andwhat is the value created。

  For example, Google as a search engine iscreating value for the users. But it is free of charge. This is because Googleis collecting huge amount of data on users and because firms are willing to payto better know users and consumers that Google is able to monetize its data anddata analysis. The added value of the business model approach is to questionfor whom business is for and what are the better ways to capture value. Withtraditional strategic or marketing approaches, you target markets which youbelieve would purchase your products and services. When you are modellingthrough these new  business models, youare exploring complex and multifaceted markets, on which you can offer servicesfor free to users and monetize information to clients, such as Facebook andGoogle。

  In-between the cornershop which sellsproducts and Google, there is a huge variety of situations in which users andclients may differ, in which clients may subscribe to pay per use, in which theproduct or service offered may be standard or tailored. Business modelling isthus a ‘manipulable device’ that can be used to help academics or managersunderstand the emergence of multifaceted markets and the growing complexity ofvalue creation and value capture. It is also an artefact that can be used toengage with others to convey knowledge about a business and its status。

  Managing innovation today means“strategising through modelling activities and value creation and capture。” Themore important element in the dyptic value creation//value capture is not theoptimisation, but the identification of, for whom value is created and whichare the different modes of capture in the interrelated markets。





文章关键词: 互联网创新谷歌脸书优步互联网公司

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