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新浪财经InvestGlobal收录了在美国、英国、香港、沪深等地证券交易所挂牌交易的ETF行情信息,其中,跟踪富时罗素(FTSE Russell)指数系列的ETF有389只。点此查看分类详情。
■FTSE Global Equity Index Series (GEIS)
FTSE GEIS provides a robust global equity index framework with the versatility to tailor to your investment view. The series includes over 16,000 large, mid, small, and micro cap securities across 49 developed and emerging markets globally, with a wide range of modular indexes available to target specific markets and market segments.
FTSE Russell offers a consistent and flexible capping methodology to help investors meet concentration and diversification requirements.

■FTSE UK Index Series
The FTSE UK Index Series is designed to represent the performance of UK companies, providing market participants with a comprehensive and complementary set of indexes that measure the performance of all capital and industry segments of the UK equity market.
■FTSE China Indexes
Designed to represent the breadth and depth of China’s evolving equity market landscape, the FTSE China Indexes include a range of benchmarks designed to support both domestic and international investors looking to access this unique opportunity set. Covering every Chinese share class, broad market benchmarks as well as indexes designed to be used as the basis for index-linked products are included in the series.
■Russell US Indexes
The Russell US Indexes, from mega cap to micro cap, serve as leading benchmarks for institutional investors. The modular index construction allows investors to track current and historical market performance by specific market segment (large/mid/small/micro cap) or investment style (growth/value/defensive/dynamic). All sub-indexes roll up to the Russell 3000® Index. The Russell US Indexes can be used as performance benchmarks, or as the basis for index-linked products including index tracking funds, derivatives, and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).
■Russell US Style Indexes
Russell created the industry‘s first style indexes to provide investors with accurate benchmarks for measuring the growth and value equity market segments. With over $3.5 trillion in assets and approximately 98% of institutional style-oriented products benchmarked to the Russell style indexes, this ground-breaking innovation has now become the industry standard and has paved the way for the creation of more style- specific benchmarks.
Russell style indexes are built using three highly representative growth and value characteristics. Our style indexes use one value characteristic, book-to-price ratio (B/P) and two growth characteristics, medium-term forecast earnings growth rate based on I/B/E/S two-year forecasts and sales-per-share growth rate based on five-year historical sales.
■FTSE BRIC 50 Index
The FTSE BRIC 50 Index represents the performance of the 50 biggest companies, ranked by full market capitalisation, that trade as either depositary receipts (for Brazilian, Indian or Russian companies), or H Shares, Red Chips, P Chips, S Chips and N Shares (for Chinese companies).
The index is a tool suitable for use in the creation of ETFs, structured products or index-tracking funds.
■FTSE Italia Index Series
The FTSE Italia Series provides investors with a comprehensive and complementary set of market-cap weighted indexes measuring the performance of Italian companies listed on the MTA and MIV markets of Borsa Italia. The indexes are designed for use as performance benchmarks and are suitable for the creation of structured products, index-tracking funds, exchange-traded funds and derivatives.
■FTSE EPRA Nareit Global Real Estate Index Series
富时EPRA Nareit全球房地产指数系列
The FTSE EPRA Nareit Global Real Estate Index Series is designed to represent general trends in eligible real estate equities worldwide.
Relevant activities are defined as the ownership, trading and development of income-producing real estate. The index series now covers Global, Developed and Emerging indices, as well the UK‘s AIM market.
In addition, the FTSE EPRA Nareit Green Indexes provide a sustainability-focused extension to the FTSE EPRA Nareit Global Real Estate Index Series. These indexes allow investors to identify real estate companies with strong sustainability performance.
富时与美国和欧洲领先的房地产组织——全美房地产投资信托协会 (NAREIT) 和欧洲公共房地产协会 (EPRA)合作,通过它们深入了解全球上市房地产,并获得相关的专业知识。合作创建的富时EPRA/NAREIT全球房地产指数系列被公认为全球上市房地产投资的基准,为投资者提供涵盖发达和新兴市场、房地产投资信托、非房地产投资信托和不同的房地产行业与投资焦点的等房地产投资类别的指数。富时EPRA/NAREIT全球房地产指数系列拥有的广度和深度为建构房地产投资基金提供最理想的解决方案。
富时EPRA/NAREIT发达市场投资焦点指数(FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Investment Focus Indices)是富时ERPA/NAREIT发达市场指数的分类指数,把现有的成分股细分为租金和非租金指数。这些指数可被进一步细分为全球、地区和国家分类指数。如企业来自投资物业的租金收入高于或等于总收入的70%,便会被纳入租金指数,其它企业则被纳入非租金指数。这些创新的基准指数能帮助投资者更精细地评估全球房地产股票的表现特点。
■FTSE Global Choice Index Series
The FTSE Global Choice Index Series is designed to help investors align their portfolios with their individual values by selecting companies based on the impact of their conduct and products on society and the environment.
■FTS Eurofirst Index Series
FTSEurofirst Index Series is a joint product of FTSE Russell and Euronext, a cross-border European exchange for equities, bonds, derivatives and commodities. The FTSEurofirst Index Series provides a range of liquid and transparent pan-European and Eurozone indexes, which track equity performance across the region as a whole, and across 18 industry sectors.
FTSEurofirst 80 指数的成分股包括富时欧元区指数中最高市值的60家公司,余下20支成分股则以市值规模和行业代表性作为挑选的准则。
FTSEurofirst 100 指数的成分股包括富时发达欧洲指数中最高市值的60家公司,余下40支成分股则以市值规模和行业代表性作为挑选的准则。
■FTSE Value-Stocks Indexes
These value-based equity indexes combine FTSE’s globally recognised index expertise with Value Partners’ experience in disciplined value investing. The value-based methodology is designed by Value Partners Index Services Limited and the index is calculated and maintained by FTSE Russell.
The FTSE Value-Stocks Indexes offer market participants an opportunity to access value stocks in the China, China A-Share, Japan, Korea and Taiwan markets through a transparent and rules-based approach. Constituents of the FTSE Value-Stocks Indexes must pass a proprietary value screening process which includes valuation, quality, and contrarian factors. The following factors are utilised to identify quality value stocks in the Hong Kong listed China, China A-Share, Japan, Korea and Taiwan markets:
P/E ratio
Dividend yield
Return on equity
Operating profit margin
Net gearing
A unique contrarian factor
■FTSE Infrastructure Index Series
The FTSE Infrastructure Index Series uses a building block approach to give market participants greater choice and flexibility in the way they can benchmark, research and manage their exposure to listed global infrastructure.
The series includes the FTSE Core Infrastructure Index, FTSE Core Infrastructure 50/50 Index, and the FTSE Infrastructure Opportunities Index. The FTSE Infrastructure Index Series uses a building block approach to give market participants greater choice and flexibility in the way they can benchmark, research and manage their exposure to listed global infrastructure.
■FTSE Gold Mines Index Series
The FTSE Gold Mines Index Series is designed to reflect the performance of the worldwide market in the shares of companies whose principal activity is the mining of gold. The index series encompasses all gold mining companies that have a sustainable and attributable gold production of at least 300,000 ounces a year, and that derive 51% or more of their revenue from mined gold. The indexes in the series are:
FTSE Gold Mines Index
FTSE Gold Mines Americas Index
FTSE Gold Mines Asia Pacific Index
FTSE Gold Mines EMEA Index
The indexes are suitable for benchmarking purposes and as tools in the creation of a wide variety of financial products, such as index-linked funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs) and derivatives contracts.
■FTSE Global Factor Index Series
The FTSE Global Factor Index Series is a suite of benchmarks designed to represent the performance of specific factor characteristics, with six single factor indexes and additional combinations of factors comprising the index series. The six factors represent common factor characteristics for which there is a broad academic and practitioner consensus, supported by a body of empirical evidence across different geographies and time periods.
The Indexes are based on the market cap weighted FTSE All-World, Russell U.S. and FTSE UK indexes. The FTSE Global Factor Index series uses a transparent methodology to achieve a controlled exposure to a target factor, whilst considering levels of diversification and capacity.
■FTSE RAFI™ Index Series
富时罗素Smart Beta-富时RAFI指数系列
FTSE Russell partners with Research Affiliates® on the innovative FTSE RAFI™ Index Series. Index constituents are weighted using a composite of fundamental factors, including total cash dividends, free cash flow, total sales and book equity value. Prices and market values are not determinants of the index weights. Consequently the indexes are less prone to excessive concentration arising from market fads, which can result in over-exposure to individual companies, sectors or countries.
富时RAFI指数是全球不少ETF的基准指数,这些ETF 在全球多个交易所上市,包括多伦多证券交易所、纽约证券交易所、纳斯达克证券交易所、美国证券交易所、瑞典证券交易所和香港证券交易所。
■Russell RAFI™ Index Series
富时罗素Smart Beta-罗素RAFI指数系列
The Russell RAFI™ Index Series is designed to capture the beta of a fundamental index strategy. Combining the transparency, objectivity and broad diversification that plan sponsors expect from Russell Indexes with the advantages of the Research Affiliates‘ Fundamental Index® Strategy. The Russell RAFI™ Index Series offers a cost-efficient index-based solution for investors seeking a complement to traditional passive strategies. Using publicly available data, the Russell RAFI™ Index Series methodology selects and weights securities using the average of three fundamental measures of company size including adjusted sales, retained operating cash flow and dividends plus buybacks.
Also available is the Russell RAFI™ Select Real Estate Index Series. This is a sub-set of the Russell RAFI™ Global Index, and is designed to provide exposure to the real estate segment of the global equity market by selecting and weighting securities by fundamental measures of company size as opposed to market capitalization.
■FTSE Global Minimum Variance Index Series
富时罗素Smart Beta-富时全球最小方差指数系列
The FTSE Global Minimum Variance Index Series aims to deliver reduced index volatility based on historical return information, thereby offering potential improvements to the risk reward trade-off, whilst maintaining full allocation to the relevant equity market.
Reduced volatility is achieved by applying a transparent rules-based approach which minimises historical variance subject to additional constraints on the weight of individual stocks, industries and countries represented in the index.
Key Features:
Targets a more efficient investment portfolio through reduced volatility
Diversified index outcomes
Transparent approach with minimal constraints
Expected returns play no role
Academic evidence of a low volatility effect
Based on the widely adopted FTSE All-World Index, the FTSE Global Minimum Variance Index Series provides investors with an alternative to cap weighted approaches, whilst maintaining full allocation to the relevant equity market. The global series follows on from the launch of the FTSE 100 Minimum Variance Index and includes a range of global, regional and country indexes. Please see the Index Series Rules for further information.
■FTSE Global Equity Shariah Index Series
The FTSE Global Equity Shariah Index Series is based on the large and mid cap stocks in the FTSE Global Equity Index Series universe. Screening is undertaken by Shariah consultants, Yasaar Limited, against a set of guiding principles. The series has been fully certified as Shariah-compliant through the issue of a Fatwa (Islamic legal opinion) by Yasaar‘s principals.
■FTSE/JSE Africa Index Series
The FTSE/JSE Africa Index Series is designed to represent the performance of South African companies, providing market participants with a comprehensive and complementary set of indices, which measure the performance of the major capital and industry segments of the South African market. The series allows market participants to track by market capitalisation, sector and alternative weighting methodologies such as Equal Weighting. A range of shareholder weighted and capped indices are also available.
The FTSE/JSE Responsible Investment Index Series represents the performance of South African companies meeting defined ESG (environmental social and governance) performance thresholds. All companies in the FTSE All World Index that are also included in the FTSE/JSE Shareholder Weighted All Share are eligible for potential inclusion in these indexes subject to the ESG criteria based on the FTSE ESG Model. FTSE Russell is advised on the ESG methodology and its application by the independent FTSE Russell ESG Advisory Committee.
富时/JSE 非洲40指数是旗舰指数,成分股为富时/JSE全股指数中总市值最高的40家公司。富时/JSE全股指数被当地和国际投资者视为衡量南非股市的主要指标,被全球采纳作为南非主题ETF的跟踪标的指数。
■FTSE Vietnam Index Series
The FTSE Vietnam Index Series represents the performance of Vietnamese companies trading on the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange. The family includes:
FTSE Vietnam All-Share Index - this is a broad market benchmark covering the top 90% of the eligible universe by full market capitalisation (before the application of investability weightings).
FTSE Vietnam Index - this index covers a subset of the FTSE Vietnam All-Share Index, which comprises companies that have sufficient foreign ownership availability and meet specified liquidity requirements.
The indices are suitable for benchmarking purposes and for use as tools in the creation of index-tracking funds and derivatives.
■FTSE Actuaries UK Gilts Index Series
The FTSE Actuaries UK Gilts Index Series is a broad-based family of indexes and related bonds data (e.g. duration) based on all eligible British Government Securities. The indexes are divided into conventional gilts and index linked gilt indexes. There is a headline index for each sub-division.
■FTSE MTS Indexes
The Euro Government bond benchmark - tradable, real-time and independent indexes
FTSE MTS indexes are a set of benchmarks for the European sovereign bond market. Independent total return indexes measure the performance of the largest and most widely-traded securities in the euro bond market. The data underlying FTSE MTS Indexes is drawn from real-time tradable prices on MTS, the first and leading electronic marketplace for cash bond trading across Europe with over over 500 unique counterparties and average daily turnover exceeding EUR 85 billion.
The Euro government bond indexes serve as the reference for numerous financial instruments such as exchange traded funds (ETFs), structured products, bond funds and index certificates.
Origin and History
In January 2003 EuroMTS Ltd acquired the intellectual property rights to the well established CNO Etrix indexes. The CNO indexes were developed by the Comité de Normalisation Obligataire (French Bond Association) in 1989 to include French Sovereign debt and were subsequently evolved to include Eurozone government bonds from 1 January 1999.
The design of the EuroMTS Government indexes and the selection criteria are unchanged from the original CNO Etrix specification however they have been calculated using real time MTS Markets prices since May 2003.
EuroMTS‘ euro government bond index range has since been expanded to include other bond asset classes traded on MTS Markets according to the same principles of tradability and transparency originating from the real time EuroMTS Governments indexes.
■FTSE Renaissance Global IPO Index Series
The FTSE Renaissance Global IPO Index Series is designed to track the activity and performance of the global IPO market, and to add structure and transparency to these equities, providing market participants controlled access to the attributes of IPOs.
The indexes incorporate a rolling two-year population of IPOs and employ a float-adjusted market capitalization weighting scheme to account for only those shares that are publicly available for trading. The indexes are available for license to institutional investors and ETF sponsors and can be used as tools in the creation of structured products.
The FTSE Renaissance IPO Index Series covers Global, Developed and Emerging markets as well as the Americas, EMEA and Asia-Pacific regions.
富时与研究和投资全球首次公开发行股份的公司Renaissance Capital LLC合作,创建富时Renaissance全球IPO指数系列。该指数系列追踪在全球53个国家与地区上市的新股表现,涵盖欧、非、中东、亚洲和美洲发达与新兴市场。
