AWS Announces Amazon Managed (Apache) Cassandra ServiceAWS宣布亚马逊管理(Apache)Cassandra服务

AWS Announces Amazon Managed (Apache) Cassandra ServiceAWS宣布亚马逊管理(Apache)Cassandra服务
2019年12月04日 04:34 腾讯自选股综合


原标题:AWS Announces Amazon Managed (Apache) Cassandra ServiceAWS宣布亚马逊管理(Apache)Cassandra服务 来源:腾讯自选股综合

Amazon Managed Cassandra Service provides a scalable, highly available, and managed Cassandra-compatible database service – that’s serverless, too

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today at AWS re:Invent, Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), an company (NASDAQ: AMZN), announced Amazon Managed (Apache) Cassandra Service, a scalable, highly available, and fully managed database service that supports Cassandra workloads. Developers can use the same Cassandra application code, Apache 2.0 licensed drivers, and tools as they do today to run, manage, and scale workloads on Amazon Managed Cassandra Service and enjoy scalability, availability, and manageability without having to worry about managing the underlying infrastructure. And, because Amazon Managed Cassandra Service is serverless, it also removes the need to provision, configure, and operate large Cassandra clusters, manually add or remove nodes, and rebalance partitions as traffic scales up or down. There are no up-front investments required to use Amazon Managed Cassandra Service, and customers only pay for the capacity they use. To learn more about Amazon Managed Cassandra Service, visit:

Today, there are many customers using AWS who have asked for help with running, scaling, and managing their Cassandra database deployments. Managing large Cassandra clusters on-premises with hundreds of terabytes of data and millions of reads and writes per second is difficult and complex. Cassandra requires specialized expertise to set up, configure, and maintain the underlying infrastructure, and a deep understanding of the entire application stack, including the Apache Cassandra open source software. Aside from scaling clusters, customers must secure, patch, and operate Cassandra. Managing and scaling Cassandra clusters requires regularly adjusting complex configuration settings, manually adding or removing nodes, and rebalancing partitions, which can adversely affect availability and performance. Most customers with variable workloads also find it challenging to scale clusters up and down, so they often end up building clusters for peak loads and incur the unnecessary cost of paying for unused capacity. And, many customers also complain that they are unable to upgrade their cluster reliably due to Cassandra’s clunky rollback and debugging features, so they choose instead to run outdated versions of Cassandra.

Amazon Managed Cassandra Service provides a scalable, highly available, and fully managed Cassandra-compatible database service. Amazon Managed Cassandra Service is compatible with the open-source Apache Cassandra 3.11 API, enabling customers to migrate their workloads to Amazon Managed Cassandra Service and use the same Cassandra application code, Apache 2.0 licensed drivers, and tools that they use today. Amazon Managed Cassandra Service is serverless, so customers no longer need to provision, configure, and operate large Cassandra clusters, manually add or remove nodes, and rebalance partitions as traffic scales up or down. Amazon Managed Cassandra Service provides customers with single-digit millisecond performance at any scale, and can scale tables up and down automatically based on actual application traffic, with virtually unlimited throughput and storage. Amazon Managed Cassandra Service offers on-demand capacity, so customers pay only for the resources used by the application, and in early 2020, Amazon Managed Cassandra Service will also offer provisioned capacity, allowing customers to optimize costs by specifying capacity per workload. In early 2020, customers with existing Cassandra tables running on-premises or on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) will also be able to migrate tables to Amazon Managed Cassandra Service using AWS migration tools. Amazon Managed Cassandra Service integrates with other AWS services, so customers can help secure access to their tables using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), monitor their tables using Amazon CloudWatch, and manage their encryption keys with AWS Key Management Service (KMS).

"Customers who are running Cassandra have told us they want to spend less time scaling, patching, and managing infrastructure and more time building applications at scale,” said Shawn Bice, Vice President, Databases, AWS. “Amazon Managed Cassandra Service gives these customers the ability to run Cassandra without having to worry about managing the underlying hardware, and it gives them an easy way to integrate their Cassandra applications with other AWS services. Because Amazon Managed Cassandra Service is also serverless customers can stand up Cassandra clusters in minutes and scale their database up and down based on demand, so they can spend less time worrying about their clusters, and more time building the applications that impact their businesses.”

McDonald’s is one of the world’s leading food service brands with more than 36,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries. “Our developers like using Cassandra because of its scalability and open-source, CQL API. However, managing Cassandra infrastructure is complex and requires very specialized knowledge,” said Thilina Gunasinghe, Vice President of Global Technology, Architecture, and Data at McDonald’s. “We’re excited about the introduction of Amazon Managed Apache Cassandra Service because of its ability to scale Cassandra workloads up and down easily and its compatibility with the Cassandra drivers and development tools that our developers are already familiar with.”

Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. “Adobe’s products and services empower our customers to design and create immersive, digital interactions with their brands,” said Dan Neff, Principal Architect, Adobe. “We’ve used Cassandra for years to help us store and manage data for many of Adobe’s applications. However, managing our Cassandra infrastructure is expensive and complex. With Amazon Managed Cassandra Service, we look forward to having a managed option to run our Cassandra workloads that offers us consistent performance at-scale and built-in enterprise management and security features, such as monitoring using Amazon CloudWatch, fully-managed durable storage, encryption, and access management using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).”

Pega’s adaptive, cloud-architected software empowers people to rapidly deploy and easily extend their AI-driven, 1:1 customer engagement strategies at remarkable scale. “We use Cassandra to help us build cloud-scale applications for our clients, but managing Cassandra at scale requires significant resources,”said Dr. Maarten Keijzer, VP Product Management, Decision Analytics, Pegasystems. “We’re excited about the introduction of Amazon Managed Cassandra Service, which gives our clients access to a fully managed service to run Cassandra workloads that offers consistent performance at-scale and has built-in enterprise management and security features.”

Reltio Cloud Customer 360 is used by Global 2000 companies to power their digital transformation by driving hyper-personalization, accelerating real-time operations, and simplifying compliance with customer consent and privacy laws. “Unlike traditional solutions, we use modern NoSQL technologies like Cassandra to give our customers business agility, enterprise scalability for real-time operations, and insight-ready data,” said Anastasia Zamyshlyaeva, Chief Architect and Co-founder, Reltio. “We have a close partnership with AWS and with the announcement of Amazon Managed Cassandra Service, we now have an efficient solution that can help us create workloads on a fully managed, serverless offering that future-proofs our customers’ investments.”

About Amazon Web Services

For 13 years, Amazon Web Services has been the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform. AWS offers over 165 fully featured services for compute, storage, databases, networking, analytics, robotics, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), mobile, security, hybrid, virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR), media, and application development, deployment, and management from 69 Availability Zones (AZs) within 22 geographic regions, with announced plans for 13 more Availability Zones and four more AWS Regions in Indonesia, Italy, South Africa, and Spain. Millions of customers—including the fastest-growing startups, largest enterprises, and leading government agencies—trust AWS to power their infrastructure, become more agile, and lower costs. To learn more about AWS, visit

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Amazon ManagedCassandra服务提供可伸缩的、高可用性的和托管Cassandra兼容的数据库服务--这也是无服务器的

西雅图-(商业线路)-今天在AWS Re:发明,亚马逊网络服务公司。亚马逊公司(NASDAQ:AMZN)宣布亚马逊管理(Apache)Cassandra服务,这是一种可扩展、高度可用和完全管理的数据库服务,支持Cassandra工作负载。开发人员可以使用与今天相同的Cassandra应用程序代码、Apache 2.0许可驱动程序和工具,在Amazon管理的Cassandra服务上运行、管理和扩展工作负载,并享受可伸缩性、可用性和可管理性,而不必担心管理底层基础设施。而且,由于Amazon管理的Cassandra服务是无服务器的,它还消除了提供、配置和操作大型Cassandra集群、手动添加或删除节点以及在流量上升或下降时重新平衡分区的需要。使用亚马逊管理的卡桑德拉服务不需要预先投资,客户只为他们使用的容量付费。要了解有关亚马逊管理的卡桑德拉服务的更多信息,请访问:


AmazonManagedCassandra服务提供可扩展、高可用性和完全管理的Cassandra兼容数据库服务。Amazon管理的Cassandra服务与开放源代码的ApacheCassandra 3.11API兼容,使客户能够将他们的工作负载迁移到Amazon管理的Cassandra服务,并使用相同的Cassandra应用程序代码、Apache2.0许可驱动程序和他们现在使用的工具。Amazon管理的Cassandra服务是无服务器的,因此客户不再需要提供、配置和操作大型Cassandra集群,手动添加或删除节点,并在流量上升或下降时重新平衡分区。亚马逊管理的卡桑德拉服务为客户提供了任何规模的一位数毫秒性能,并且可以根据实际应用流量自动调整表的大小,并且具有几乎无限的吞吐量和存储能力。Amazon管理Cassandra服务提供随需应变能力,因此客户只为应用程序使用的资源付费,而在2020年年初,Amazon管理的Cassandra服务还将提供供应能力,允许客户通过指定每个工作负载的容量来优化成本。2020年初,现有的Cassandra表的用户可以使用AWS迁移工具将现有的Cassandra表迁移到Amazon管理的Cassandra服务中,或者在AmazonElasticComputeCloud(EC2)上运行。Amazon管理的Cassandra服务与其他AWS服务集成在一起,因此客户可以使用AWS标识和访问管理(IAM)帮助保护对其表的访问,使用AmazonCloudWatch监视他们的表,并使用AWS密钥管理服务(KMS)管理他们的加密密钥。

AWS数据库副总裁Shawn Bice说:“运行Cassandra的客户告诉我们,他们希望花费更少的时间来扩展、修补和管理基础设施,更多的时间在规模上构建应用程序。”“Amazon管理的Cassandra服务使这些客户能够运行Cassandra,而不必担心底层硬件的管理,这为他们提供了一种将Cassandra应用程序与其他AWS服务集成的简单方法。因为亚马逊管理的Cassandra服务也是无服务器的,客户可以在几分钟内站起来卡桑德拉集群,并根据需求上下扩展他们的数据库,这样他们就可以减少对集群的担忧,更多的时间来构建影响其业务的应用程序。“

麦当劳是全球领先的食品服务品牌之一,在100多个国家拥有36,000多家餐厅。“我们的开发人员喜欢使用Cassandra,因为它具有可伸缩性和开源的CQLAPI。然而,管理卡桑德拉基础设施是复杂的,需要非常专门的知识,“ThilinaGunasinghe,全球技术,建筑和数据在麦当劳副总裁说。“我们对亚马逊管理的Apache Cassandra服务的引入感到兴奋,因为它能够轻松地扩展Cassandra工作负载,并且它与Cassandra驱动程序和我们的开发人员已经熟悉的开发工具兼容。”


PEGA的自适应云架构软件使人们能够快速部署并轻松扩展其人工智能驱动的1:1客户参与策略。“我们使用Cassandra帮助我们为客户构建云级应用程序,但规模管理Cassandra需要大量资源,”Maarten Keijzer博士说。“我们对亚马逊管理的Cassandra服务的引入感到兴奋,它使我们的客户能够访问一个完全管理的服务来运行Cassandra工作负载,该服务提供了一致的规模性能,并具有内置的企业管理和安全功能。”

Reltio Cloud Customer 360被全球2000家公司使用,通过驱动超个性化、加速实时操作和简化遵守客户同意和隐私法律的方式来推动他们的数字转换。Reltio首席架构师兼联合创始人Anastasia zamshlyaeva说:“与传统解决方案不同的是,我们使用现代nosql技术(如Cassandra)为客户提供业务敏捷性、实时操作的企业可伸缩性以及可洞察的数据。”“我们与AWS有着密切的合作关系,随着亚马逊管理的Cassandra服务的宣布,我们现在有了一个高效的解决方案,可以帮助我们在一个完全管理的、无服务器的未来产品上创建工作负载--证明我们客户的投资。”




亚马逊遵循四个原则:专注于客户而不是竞争对手,热衷于发明,致力于卓越的运营,以及长期的思考。顾客评论,1-点击购物,个性化推荐,Prime,亚马逊的实现,AWS,Kindle直接出版,Kindle,Fire平板电脑,Fire TV,Amazon Echo,和Alexa是亚马逊开创的一些产品和服务。欲了解更多信息,请访问并关注@AmazonNews。




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