
2020年08月07日 08:27 中国石化新闻网


    中国石化新闻网讯 俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom Neft)已加入国际财团开放集团(Open Group),成为首家与700多家创新公司和组织建立合作关系的俄罗斯企业。



    该公司将与IBM、斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger)和贝克休斯(Baker Hughes)等长期合作伙伴一起,展示其在综合生产管理项目、认知地质以及在油田开发和管理中使用工业4.0技术方面取得的行业特有的油气技术专长。


    他说:“我们与其他行业领袖一起,正在为组建合资企业和技术联盟创造新的吸引力。参与开放小组将使我们的开发人员在开发IT架构时能够利用最佳的国际实践。这将简化公司新的数字项目整合到一个新的、集成的生态系统中的过程,并加快将全球范围内的技术公司和初创企业的开发成果转化为我们自己的生产流程。此外,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司将有机会影响管理地质和现场数据、油井和钻井设备数字化方面的国际方法和工具。”俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司负责勘探和生产的副首席执行官Vadim Yakovlev说。

    赵斌 编译自 Neftegaz.RU


    Gazprom Neft becomes the 1st company in Russia to join technology consortium The Open Group

    Gazprom Neft has joined international consortium The Open Group, becoming the 1st Russian business in a partnership comprising more than 700 innovation companies and organisations.

    As part of the Open Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU) business group Gazprom Neft will add its skills and competencies to those of IT and “smart energy” industry players including Amazon Web Services, Google, IBM, Microsoft, NVIDIA, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Equinor, BP, Shell and TOTAL.

    Gazprom Neft specialists will be joining working groups comprising consortium members involved in developing Open Standards and projects in areas including computing systems, artificial intelligence (AI) and cutting-edge IT architectures for energy companies.

    Together with long-standing partners including IBM, Schlumberger and Baker Hughes, the company will showcase the industry-specific oil and gas technological expertise it has gained in integrated production-management projects and cognitive geology, as well as in using Industry 4.0 technologies in field development and management.

    Specialists at The Open Group point, in particular, to Gazprom Neft’s successful developments in data science, developing corporate data storage facilities, seismic archiving, the company’s “Cognitive Geologist” initiative, and a range of platform solutions for geological prospecting and production processes.

    “Together with other industry leaders we are creating new points of attraction for forming joint ventures and technological alliances. Being involved in The Open Group will allow our developers to utilise best international practice in developing IT architectures. This will simplify the integration of the company’s new digital projects into a new, integrated ecosystem, as well as speeding-up the implementation of developments from technological corporations and start-ups worldwide into our own production processes. Added to which, Gazprom Neft will have the opportunity to influence international methodologies and tools in managing geological and field data, and in digitising wells and drilling equipment”, said Vadim Yakovlev, Deputy CEO for Exploration and Production, Gazprom Neft.








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