荷兰ECR Research的研究员Andy Langenkamp通过金融博客The Hill发文称,由于结构性、周期性障碍以及政治等各方面的原因,美元的全球霸主地位正越来越受到人们的质疑,各国也在试图减少对美元和美国整体的依赖。但Langenkamp认为,美元作为全球货币的地位不会很快被取代。他还指出,各国为减少对美元的依赖而采取的尝试性措施表明,它们预计一个后美国时代正在形成。由于美国被视为一个越来越反复无常的对手和不可预测的盟友,这种趋势必然会加强。
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Current uncertainty and worries are clearly reflected in the financial markets. Investors are fleeing into assets that are deemed safe such as gold, U.S. Treasuries and the dollar. They still flock to the U.S. on a massive scale whereas a lot of the current insecurity derives directly from the White House. At the same time, we are seeing more and more commentaries around the question whether a shift is taking place, slowly but surely, from the dollar toward other currencies.
摩根大通(276.59, 0.27, 0.10%)最近写道:“我们认为,由于结构性原因和周期性障碍,美元可能会失去其作为全球主导货币的地位(中期可能会出现贬值)。”
JP Morgan recently wrote, “We believe the dollar could lose its status as the world’s dominant currency (which could see it depreciate over the medium term) due to structural reasons as well as cyclical impediments.”
And this month, Bank of England Governor Mark Carney claimed that the dollar’s status as a hegemon is putting the global economy under increasing strain and needs to end.
That the dominance of the dollar is being questioned is not surprising at the present juncture:
美国当前和未来的政策看起来模糊不清或者根本没有。无论是盟友还是敌人,都感到失控,因为他们必须等待,看看美国总统的推特(53.7, 0.00, 0.00%)上正在酝酿着什么将要爆发的风暴。
Current and future U.S. policies look vague or non-existent. Allies as well as enemies feel out of control as they have to wait and see what storms are brewing in the U.S. president‘s Twitter feed, about to be unleashed.
Countries such as Russia are taking an increasingly assertive stance.
The relative supremacy of the U.S. has been waning and there are mounting doubts whether the country will continue to support and shore up the international system that it has largely build up and shaped itself.
The power of the United States may be lessening in a relative sense but the country has its tentacles in projects and countries virtually all over the world.
Owing to the role of U.S. financial institutions, authorities and the dollar in SWIFT (the international payment system) non-U.S. businesses are terrified that they will incur billions of dollars in fines. They worry that this will happen as soon as there is even a tiny shred of evidence that can connect them to a country or corporation hit by sanctions from Washington. Therefore, many states are looking for ways to become less reliant on the dollar and the U.S. in general.
America really started to move toward hegemony just before the end and after World War II when the Allied nations set up Bretton Woods system. Subsequently, the U.S. managed to further amass the financial-economic, political, and military power that allows it to leave a structural and sweeping mark on the world.
与此同时,美国人也被指责专横。早在上世纪60年代,时任法国总统Charles de Gaulle就愤怒地表示,美元作为全球储备货币,对美国人来说是一种过分的特权。不时有人试图削弱美元的主导地位,但是大部分都不太成功。
At the same time, Americans have been criticized for being overbearing. As early as the 1960s, the then French president de Gaulle irritably said it was an exorbitant privilege for the Americans that the dollar was the global reserve currency. Attempts have been made from time to time to weaken the dominance of the dollar; mostly without much success.
Nevertheless, things are shifting in a way that seems to suggest that countries want to become less dependent on the dollar. Whereas China owned 14 percent of U.S. government paper in 2011 that percentage has dropped to seven by now. Viewed from a broader perspective, it is clear that the dollar reserves at other central banks have started to play a slightly less prominent role.
Some 70 percent of the currency reserves of central banks consisted of dollars around the year 2000 whereas this share is currently 60 percent. We are also seeing political initiatives by countries trying to keep away from the clutches of the U.S. financial system and the dollar.
Europe wants to continue to trade with Iran via the so-called INSTEX instrument as parties try to bypass the U.S. sanction regime. And there are more and more initiatives that are intended to ensure that countries can trade in their domestic currencies instead of using the dollar. For instance in the context of energy trading between China and Russia.
1. 在所有的货币交易中,80%-90%的交易对手都使用美元。
2. 美元占全球外汇储备的62%,而欧元仅以20%的比例位居第二。
3. 60%的国际未偿债务是以美元计价的。
However, specifically the buying and selling of oil and other energy sources shows how “sticky” the U.S. hegemony still is. Eighty percent of global oil trades is paid in dollars. And there are other sobering data:
1. The dollar is used by counter parties in 80 to 90 percent of all currency transactions.
2. The dollar comprises 62 percent of the global currency reserves whereas the euro is in second places with a meagre 20 percent.
3. Sixty percent of international outstanding debt is priced in dollars.
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