
2020年01月03日 15:31 中国石化新闻网


中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油2019年12月31日伦敦报道,英国最新一轮海上许可证出售招标吸引了104份申请,此轮招标涉及英国大陆架(UKCS)主要产区的245个区块或部分区块。从跨国公司到新加入国家公司,共有71家公司递交了申请。





李峻 编译自 世界石油


UK continental shelf licensing round attracts more than 100 applications

The United Kingdom’s latest offshore licensing round has attracted 104 applications covering 245 blocks or part-blocks across the main producing areas of the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS). Applications were received from 71 companies ranging from multinationals to new country entrants.

The 32nd UK Offshore Licensing Round, which closed on 12th November 2019, offered acreage in the Central North Sea, Northern North Sea, Southern North Sea and the West of Shetlands.

The OGA fully supports the energy transition, welcomes the government’s legally binding commitment to net zero emissions by 2050. The OGA understands why there could be concern about UK domestic production of oil and gas in this context. However, oil and gas will remain an important part of our energy mix for the foreseeable future, including under net zero scenarios, where the UK is still expected to be a net importer. As such, managing the declining production and maximizing the economic recovery from the UK remains vital.

Dr Nick Richardson, head of exploration and new ventures at the OGA, said: “The response to the round has been very positive, exceeding the interest received for the 30th Offshore Licensing Round.”

The OGA is currently focusing on evaluating the 32nd round applications, with a view to making awards in 2Q 2020. The OGA will engage with industry on the timing and nature of the 33rd round, which is unlikely to take place in 2020.

offshore 天然气





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