
Q:The 12th World Economic Forum‘s Annual Meeting of the New Champions was concluded in Tianjin yesterday. Premier Li Keqiang attended the forum and delivered a special address. What message did Premier Li Keqiang send out at this forum?
A: This year‘s Summer Davos Forum is the largest one so far with the participation of over 2,500 representatives from various sectors of more than 100 countries and regions. In his special address at the opening ceremony, Premier Li Keqiang reaffirmed the major propositions put forth by President Xi Jinping at last year’s World Economic Forum annual meeting, put forward the important proposal of boosting the new drivers of global growth in the new industrial revolution and expounded China‘s economic development and future policy directions. The key message sent out by Premier Li Keqiang in his speech can be summed up as follows:
Firstly, China firmly upholds economic globalization. The Chinese side always believes that the rules-based multilateral trading system is the bedrock of economic globalization and free trade and that its authority and efficacy should be respected and protected. Taking a unilateralist approach will not solve any problems. The attendees echoed what he said by stating their support for multilateralism and free trade.
Secondly, the Chinese economy maintains a sound momentum of steady progress. Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that the Chinese economy has stayed on the track of steady progress, with growing new drivers and sound fundamentals. The express train of China‘s economy will not lose speed but stay on a steady course. The representatives are also optimistic about the prospects of China’s economy and believe that Premier Li Keqiang‘s speech will help the world get a better understanding of China’s policies on development, reform and innovation.
Thirdly, China will press ahead with reform and opening up. This year marks the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up. Since the beginning of this year, we have introduced a host of major steps to deepen reform, expand opening up and advance innovation. Going forward, China will work even harder to advance reform and opening up, restructure and stimulate innovation. China will further widen market access and continue to lower its overall tariff level so as to create a market environment in which companies of all ownerships, be they Chinese or foreign-owned, are treated as equals and compete on a level playing field. China will introduce a more rigorous system for intellectual property rights protection to make infringers pay unaffordable price. The representatives all expressed their willingness to continue to take an active part in China‘s reform and opening up and share the opportunities presented by China’s reform and development in a bid to achieve mutual benefit and win-win outcomes with China.
At last, I would like to stress that like Premier Li Keqiang pointed out, China‘s economic growth now accounts for about 30 percent of the world’s total. The Chinese market is simply too big for any far-sighted business leaders to ignore. China is willing to work with all parties to ensure the new industrial revolution will promote the sustainable and inclusive growth of the world economy and make greater contribution to the recovery and steady growth of the world economy.
责任编辑:刘万里 SF014

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趋势领涨今天 10:26:55
阿尔特(sz300825)(300825.SZ)公告称,公司与日产(中国)投资有限公司签署了《业务主协议》,双方将以汽车产品相关车型的开发为目标,在整车开发委托、汽车零部件和系统的开发等领域积极开展项目合作。该协议为合作框架性文件,具体业务合作将以另行协商签署的协议为准。协议有效期为6年。公司是行业领先的提供独立整车研发及系统解决方案的前瞻技术驱动型企业,能够为客户提供全流程、全领域、全栈式、短周期的“交钥匙”服务。日产汽车在中国市场深耕多年,开发了多款经典畅销车型。本次协议签署有利于公司业务拓展和稳健经营,提高公司在国际客户群体中影响力和全球范围内的品牌知名度。 -
数字江恩今天 09:18:43
2-c是否跌破3340不能保证,只能当下确认。下周几个需要确认的事情是:首先,如果跌破3297,则代表结构判断错误,反之,不跌破都将完成第2浪回踩,然后开始第3浪上涨。其次,下周一二内突破3406代表向上扩展,直接确认第3浪开始,这是小概率事件;正常来说,下周一二震荡,则下周二之后,站上图上的蓝色轮峰线,即确认第三浪开始。判断条件都给出了,下周大家可以结合条件,自己当下判断第2浪下跌结束、第3浪上涨开始。 -
数字江恩今天 09:18:38
5分钟图来看3297上涨的内部次级别结构。其中第1浪上涨内不是abc三段式结构,第2浪回踩也同样是abc三段式结构。其中2-c的主要跌幅已经在本周五完成。【更多独家重磅股市观点请点击】 -
数字江恩今天 09:18:25
首先看15分钟图,这是大盘去年12月3494以来的总体结构。对3140的反弹结构,提前预测了abc+X+12345的内部形态。这里我们已经看到3297开始新的1浪上涨结束,而上周高点3439开始的第2浪回踩将在下周确认结束,这是下周最重要的事情。【更多独家重磅股市观点请点击】 -
数字江恩今天 09:18:07
大盘本周成交量继续缩量,周内略微冲高试探上周周阴线实体50%位置后再次回落,受到10周线3336支撑,收了一根跌幅22个点的周小阴线。10周线继续是下周的重要支撑,这条均线只要不有效跌破,3140的上涨结构都将持续上涨。 -
数字江恩今天 09:17:59
下周行情展望2025.03.28 -
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张馨元今天 08:16:46
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张馨元今天 08:13:44
[问]淡然: 老师放量下跌和缩量下跌怎么讲[答] 张馨元老师: 缩量缓跌,抛盘减弱;放量大跌,主力出货。 -
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