
2021年03月05日 10:48 中国石化新闻网


    中国石化新闻网讯 据3月4日路透社报道,海上钻井平台承包商Seadrill周四表示,由于该行业前景黯淡,导致对其钻井平台的需求减少,该公司已追加29亿美元的非现金资产减值。





    这家在奥斯陆上市的集团由挪威出生的亿万富翁约翰·弗雷德里克森(John Fredriksen)控制,截至2020年底,该集团的总负债为71亿美元,其中逾60亿美元将在一年内到期。


    王佳晶 摘译自 路透社


    Norway's Seadrill writes down $2.9 billion on its oil rigs

    Offshore drilling rig contractor Seadrill said on Thursday it had taken an additional $2.9 billion non-cash impairment on its assets due to a bleak outlook for the sector, which has reduced demand for its drilling rigs.

    Seadrill, which in February filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the United States for the second time in four years, said it expected offshore drilling demand to remain depressed well into 2021, with some degree of market recovery seen by mid-2022.

    The $2.9 billion impairment for the second half of 2020 comes on top of $1.2 billion taken on the assets in the first half of last year.

    The extra impairment reflects the company’s view that some of its cold-stacked rigs - an industry term for laid up rigs without crews - were unlikely to return to work.

    “We have now impaired all long-term cold stacked units in full and all other drillships and benign environment semi-submersible rigs have been written down to their estimated fair market value,” Seadrill said.

    At the end of 2020, 19 out of 34 of Seadrill’s drilling rigs were idle.

    “Since the supply of rigs in the market still outweighs demand there will continue to be a dampening effect on utilization levels and dayrates across all segments in 2021,” it added.

    The Oslo-listed group controlled by Norwegian-born billionaire John Fredriksen had $7.1 billion in total liabilities at the end of 2020, including more than $6 billion due within one year.

    Its debt restructuring was expected to lead to a significant reduction or elimination of current shareholder positions, Seadrill said.

挪威 资产 美元







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