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Tax cuts will not rescue America

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年04月12日 12:16 新浪财经


不管就业市场的消息是好是坏,美国总统的经济拯救计划都保持不变。乔治•W•布什(George W. Bush)想让其减税方案永久化。这就像使用阿司匹林就能立竿见影,却硬要开出终生服用类固醇的处方。这种减税,只能有限地刺激短期消费,对经济复苏的影响更是微乎其微。未来年代的减税会增加消费,直至失业降至保障通胀安全的最低水平后很久,这很有可能阻碍长期增长。这种减税方案还有可能导致短期内发生经济危机,进一步摧毁工作机会。

Good news about jobs or bad, the president's remedy remains the same. George W. Bush wants to make his tax cuts permanent. That is like prescribing a regimen of steroids for life, when fast-acting aspirin would do. Only the small fraction of the cuts that significantly boosts spending in the short term will further the recovery. Tax cuts in future years will increase spending long after unemployment is down to its inflation-safe minimum and are more likely to retard growth in the long term. They also risk a job-destroying financial crisis in the short term.


Businesses generally create jobs when they need more workers to increase production. They will increase production only if they believe that someone will buy the output. Tax cuts promote jobs when they increase domestic or foreign spending on goods produced by American workers.


Exports depend mainly on foreigners' incomes and the exchange rate; cutting our taxes will not affect them directly. Tax subsidies to get businesses to build new plants or buy machinery are not a good bet either while many factories and machines are still idle. The reliable answer to that - as the recent pickup in equipment and software spending suggests - is an increase in household or government purchases, combined with low interest rates.


Leaving government aside, boosting household spending is where tax cuts can be useful. Increasing after-tax incomes usually causes all but the rich to spend, on average, between 60 and 90 cents of each extra dollar. But timing is crucial. Only a small fraction of the Bush tax cuts will boost after-tax incomes soon enough to affect spending in the short term. Tax cuts that apply to years in the far future are at best useless for reducing current unemployment. Should large prospective deficits push up long-term interest rates before the economy fully recovers, these future cuts will retard recovery and reduce the number of jobs created in the short term.


What about tax cuts and job-creation once unemployment has fallen to its minimal inflation-safe level? We will then need just enough growth in private and public spending to offset productivity growth and keep job growth in line with the supply of new workers. Many policy combinations could achieve that outcome. The mix should depend in part on how we want to divide the national product between consumption and investment, both private and public.

布什的长期减税计划会限制政策手段的选择。纳税人一般都会将多出来的税后收入部分用于消费,只要政府消费不对半削减,总体消费支出是会上升的。为了防止消费上升造成通货膨胀,美联储(the Federal Reserve)将被迫提高利率,以降低利率敏感型消费,特别是商业和基础设施投资,以及美国净出口,即出口额减进口额。(高利率会提高美元币值类债券的需求量,这一情形多会抬高美元和美国产品的价格,使外国产品更便宜。)

The Bush tax cuts that apply far into the future will sharply narrow the options. Because taxpayers typically spend some of their extra after-tax income on consumption, unless the government reduces its spending on consumption dollar for dollar, total spending on consumption will be higher. To prevent this igniting inflation, the Federal Reserve will be forced to raise interest rates so as to hold down interest- sensitive spending, notably business and infrastructure investment and US net exports - that is, exports less imports. (High interest rates, by boosting demand for dollar-denominated bonds, will tend to make the dollar and American goods more expensive and foreign goods cheaper.)


Barring a supply-side miracle, the president's future tax cuts will shift the composition of spending in favour of consumption and against national investment. As a result, the economy's capacity to produce output for our own use will grow more slowly. There will be less output available in 15 to 20 years when our relatively few grandchildren - who will produce that output - will have to share it with our many retired baby-boomer children.


The planned future tax cuts also pose a danger in the shorter term. Tax cuts unmatched by cuts in government consumption, together with high interest rates to prevent inflation, may not be a sustainable policy combination. Because high US interest rates tend to cause the dollar to appreciate, they are likely to make an already large trade deficit larger. If borrowing to pay for the resulting excess of imports over exports means that our foreign debt keeps increasing faster than gross domestic product, our creditors are likely to get nervous. Should they try to reduce their holdings of dollar debt, or even to cut back on new lending, they might inadvertently set in motion a speculative run from the dollar.


The Fed might try to prevent a free fall in the dollar's price by driving interest rates still higher. Whether it succeeds or fails, US financial markets would take a beating and the real economy, jobs included, would suffer damage. As a saving grace, counter-cyclical measures aside, we would be compelled to restore long-term fiscal order.


Slower growth over the long term - and an appreciable risk of a financial crisis in the short term - are a steep price to pay for a little stimulation of current demand that could readily have been achieved by measures that would do more good now and cause no damage later.


The writer is professor emeritus of political economy at Harvard's Kennedy School





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