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Google trawls for a way to stay ahead of the pack

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年04月09日 13:20 新浪财经



Walking into the office of a business school professor the other day, I was startled to discover quite how much he knew about me. "I Googled you," he replied.


Of course he did: that is how a lot of clued-in people find their information these days. Google, the internet search engine that started six years ago in a back room of Stanford University, has ballooned into a global phenomenon, voted best-loved brand in an Interbrand survey. It is in that select list of brands that enter the language as a synonym for their product, such as Hoover, Xerox and Portakabin.


Google handles more than 200m queries a day. It is the world's top search engine, boasting an estimated 50 per cent share in December 2003 of internet search referrals worldwide, according to StatMarket. (This includes searches via the likes of AOL, which uses Google, as well as Google's own-branded websites.) If a rumoured flotation goes ahead this year, it may value the company as high as $15bn (?.3bn), recalling the heady days of the dotcom boom.


Unlike the dotcom start-up or indeed conventional businesses, Google has built a worldwide customer base without a marketing budget of any size. Its only advertising has run in trade publications and direct to corporate marketing departments.

辛蒂•麦卡弗里(Cindy McCaffrey)在名义上是负责市场营销的副总裁,但她的工作与多数营销类职务鲜有类似之处。作为一家私人拥有的公司,Google审慎地保管全部财务数据,不对外公开。因此很难知道公司收入有多少,但分析师的预测值基本上都在每年10亿美元左右。(不过按照美国证交会的规定,由于Google已达到一定的规模,因此它必须在今年春季晚些时候把一些公司信息提交给证交会备案,但在此之前,它也有可能先上市。)

Cindy McCaffrey is nominally vice-president for marketing, but her job bears little resemblance to most marketing posts. As a privately-owned company, Google jealously guards all its financial data. So it is difficult to know what the company's revenues are, though analysts' estimates converge on about $1bn a year. (SEC rules, however, mean that because it has reached a certain size, it will have to make some filings later this spring, though it could float on the stock market first.)


The marketing budget, McCaffrey indicates, is a tiny fraction of revenues. She will agree only that it is "less than 5 per cent", though her readiness suggests it might be much less.


"We do not need it," she explains. The money that in other companies would go on publicity in Google pours straight into research and technical development instead, she says. "Our focus is totally on the product."


Google was not always so dead against advertising spend. "We rang lots of advertising agencies [in 1999], but none of them returned our calls," says McCaffrey. Had they not been too busy with a bunch of other dotcoms, now mainly folded, those agencies might have cashed in on an astonishing money-spinning machine. And the Google story might have been very different.


As it was, Google fell back on its own resources. The company grew by word of mouth, spreading from academic circles to techie users to internet journalists to the wider world. When McCaffrey joined in 1999, she was handed a thick file of press clippings. Though the company had no PR budget, journalists had begun to use the engine for their researches, and then wrote articles praising the technology, thus garnering more users for the site.

Google的创始人谢尔盖•布林(Sergey Brin)和拉里•佩奇(Larry Page)很快为他们的搜索引擎确定了三大要求:它必须对搜索到的站点进行排列,最贴近用户要求的站点越靠前;它必须很快;它必须易于使用。

Google's founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, quickly identified three requirements for their search engine. It had to rank sites to be of most relevance to the user; it had to be fast; it had to be easy to use.


"It's about purity," says McCaffrey. Purity of intent, in eschewing the model of other search engines where companies pay to be listed in the results thrown up by the search engine. Purity of design, which means there is no advertising on the Google site, just a box for users to type in their search terms and a large Google logo. And purity of purpose, in a single-minded focus on technology and the service to the user to the exclusion of all else. Google resisted the urge to become an all-purpose portal in the manner of Yahoo, MSN and AOL.


After a few years when Google's main business model was licensing its technology to other companies, the company tried a different tack. The bulk of its revenues in future will come from its paid listings service. These services allow advertisers to have their sites displayed in a clearly demarcated box at the top of the screen if a word or phrase they have bought from Google is typed in by the user. Though Google sells keywords to advertisers, it corrals their sites into a corner of the screen, allowing the rest of the sites which have not paid to take centre stage.

广告客户对这种模式趋之若骛,既因为这使得它们即刻获得了搜索提示,也因为现在大多数人在网上探路都用搜索引擎,而不是依靠门户网站。Overture和Espotting之类的公司曾是搜索引擎市场的领军企业,但Google已快速赶了上来。US Bancorp Piper Jaffray预测,到2007年该市场的规模将达70亿美元。这种市场增长预测导致雅虎去年收购了Overture,还收购了搜索科技专业公司Inktomi。

Advertisers have flocked to the model because it gives them instant leads, and because most people now use search engines to find their way round the internet, rather than relying on portals. Companies such as Overture and Espotting led this market, but Google has caught up fast. US Bancorp Piper Jaffray estimates the market will be worth $7bn by 2007. Such growth forecasts led Yahoo to buy Overture last year and Inktomi, a search technology specialist.


Yahoo has begun rolling out its own search technology to rival Google's. The potential riches also caught Microsoft's eye; the company plans to launch its first internet search engine, though it declines to say when.


How will Google cope with this new competition? McCaffrey says: "We can't predict what will happen, but we will continue to invest in our technology and maintain focus. We have five-and-a-half-years' lead in search technology. We haven't been standing still."

Google也将充分倚赖其品牌。英国Interbrand公司首席执行官耶斯•弗兰普顿(Jez Frampton)说,这或许是它最好的策略,“Google已具备了成为一个伟大品牌的首要条件:提供人们真正想要的产品,并坚守对人们所作的承诺。他们保持着一贯的形象,而且从未偏离其重点。可能有其它搜索引擎比Google更快或更准确,但Google受人信赖。”

The company will also rely heavily on its brand. This might be its best strategy, according to Jez Frampton, chief executive of Interbrand in the UK: "Google has fulfilled the first requisite of a great brand: providing products that people really want and keeping the promises made to people. They have maintained a consistent identity and been unswerving in their focus. There may be other search engines that are faster or more accurate, but Google has the trust."

通过这种方式,Google已与消费者建立了牢固的关系。虽然它的吸引力似乎主要还是功能上的,但用户也能与它培养感情上的联系。麦卡弗里引述了一个男子的故事,他定期发来他的狗本(Ben)的照片。有一次本生病了,兽医不知所措。狗的主人把症状一股脑打进了Google,带出一个有关莱姆病(Lyme’s disease)的网页。结果表明这就是狗患的病,于是获得了治疗。自那以后,主人不断发来有关本健康状况的最新消息。在Google的办公室里有块告示牌,上面全是与此类似的故事。

In this way, the company has built up a strong relationship with consumers. Although its appeal would seem to be mainly functional, users can develop emotional ties. McCaffrey cites the story of a man who regularly sends in pictures of his dog, Ben. When Ben fell sick, the vet was flummoxed. Its owner fed the symptoms into Google, bringing up a page on Lyme's disease. This turned out to be the dog's ailment, and it was treated. The owner has been sending updates on Ben's health ever since. In Google's offices sits a noticeboard overflowing with similar stories.


Frampton says Google also taps something more commonplace: laziness. "Unless someone comes up with another search engine of interstellar proportions, people get only marginal benefits from going to the competition. Who cares if the competitor is .001 seconds faster? People are used to Google."


Yet for all its brand equity, Google remains vulnerable. Microsoft retains a huge advantage in that it owns the operating system and the browser through which people access the internet. If it were to build its search engine into its existing products, for instance through a desktop icon on Windows or a button on its browser, that might be enough to make lazy users switch. The company also has huge marketing might to back up any bundling strategy.

对于微软是否会把搜索功能与现有产品捆绑起来,该公司英国搜索部经理罗宾•凯利特(Robin Kellett)拒而不答。鉴于欧盟最近对这家软件集团处以4.97亿欧元(合3.34亿英镑)的罚款,捆绑是个热点话题。微软已经击溃了足够多的昔日竞争对手,从Word Perfect和Novell到网景(Netscape)。或许不需要提醒,你便知道Google的高管的情况:他们中好几个是网景的旧臣。

Robin Kellett, UK search manager at Microsoft, refuses to answer whether the company would bundle search with its existing products. Bundling is a hot issue, given the European Commission's recent E497m (?34m) fine of the software group. Microsoft has smashed enough past competitors, from Word Perfect and Novell to Netscape. Google chiefs probably do not need reminding: several are ex-Netscapers.

即使微软的捆绑不会发生,对Google来说,最大的风险可能是一个技术上的超级对手的推出。还记得AltaVista吗?它一度也是市场领头羊。正如弗里斯特研究公司(Forrester Research)首席执行官乔治•科罗尼(George Colony)所说:“Google的地位没有城墙保护。你在Google之前用的是什么搜索引擎?你转用Google花了多久?几秒钟。你抛弃Google另投他处要花多久?也只要几秒钟。”

Even if bundling does not happen, the biggest risk is probably the launch of a technically superior rival. Remember AltaVista? It was once market leader, too. As George Colony, chief of Forrester Research, observes: "There are no walls protecting Google's position. What was the search engine you used before Google? How long did it take you to switch to Google? Seconds. How long will it take to switch out of Google? Seconds."







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