【金融曝光台315特别活动正式启动】近年来,银行卡被盗刷、买理财遇飞单的案例屡见不鲜,金融消费者维权举步维艰,新浪金融曝光台将履行媒体监督职责,帮助消费者解决金融纠纷。 【在线投诉】
中国银行(5.450, 0.14, 2.64%)业监督管理委员会北京监管局
Beijing Municipal Bureau of Financial Work
Business Administration Department of the people‘s Bank of China
Opinions on Further Optimizing the Financial Credit Business Environment
In order to further optimize the financial and credit business environment in Beijing, enhance financial and credit services, strengthen innovation in financial and credit products, and develop a modern financial sector that matches Beijing’s status as the capital of such a major country as China, the following opinions are proposed:
First, reduce financial credit costs
We shall standardize the fees and credit behaviors of financial institutions, promote the independent deduction and exemption of one or two items of fees and charges in banks registered and based in Beijing, and ensure that the overall level of fees and charges is reduced year by year. We shall reduce the guarantee cost of corporate financing, encourage financing guarantee institutions based in Beijing not to collect corporate customer deposits, when corporate customer deposits do need to be collected, financing guarantee institutions should ensure that they will be returned in a timely fashion once the loan is repaid. We shall vigorously develop financial leasing and commercial factoring and introduce low-cost international funds.
Second, reduce the review and approval time for financial credit
Banking financial institutions are encouraged to establish specialized financial credit classification, mass marketing, standardized loan review, and differentiated authorization mechanisms for small and micro enterprises of the same type. Industry self-regulatory organizations should invite industry experts and financial lawyers to form a credit advisory group so as to provide counseling on such issues as industry analysis, credit programs, and customer marketing difficulties for personnel in financial institutions responsible for review and approval, which should be conducted at least once a quarter so as to improve the efficiency of credit review and approval.
Third, create innovative green financial credit models
Banking regulators should regularly disclose green credit developments in the area on their website. Banking financial institutions are encouraged to develop fast-track credit review and approval for such projects as green, low-carbon, and circular economy. We shall guide financial institutions under the authority of Beijing Municipality in issuing green financial bonds and green credit asset-backed security (ABS). We shall promote the integration of corporate environmental information of the area into the basic database of financial credit information.
Fourth, extend collateral eligibility
We shall support banking financial institutions to vigorously develop environment-related services, including income rights, emission rights, and emission rights mortgage loans. We shall also promote the development of such pledge financing services as intellectual property rights and accounts receivable of banking financial institutions.
Fifth, offer customized financial services for small and micro enterprises
We shall promote banking institutions based in Beijing to conduct separate management and special performance appraisal of credit review and approval for small and micro enterprises, and setting such assessment indicators as the growth rate of loans for small and micro enterprises and the number of loan households according to the assessment requirements of regulatory authorities. Incentive policies shall also be developed for the credit business of small and micro enterprise, for small and micro enterprises under 5 million yuan in particular.
Sixth, improve the policy-based agricultural credit guarantee system
We shall establish an innovative mechanism featuring coordinated fiscal and financial support for agriculture, support the development of Beijing Agriculture Guarantee Co., Ltd, gradually expand the establishment of district-level agricultural credit guarantee affiliates, and complete the “full coverage” of all agriculture-related areas. We shall guide banking financial institutions in the area to pilot mortgage loans for operating rights of rural contracted land in Daxing District and Pinggu District, and carry out such operations as mortgage of agricultural production facilities.
Seventh, improve the efficiency of the provident fund credit audit
Through coordination, we shall promote the sharing of information on real estate ownership and mortgage registration between Beijing Housing Provident Fund Management Center and Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Planning and Land and Resources Management so as to improve the efficiency of loan approval.
Eighth, provide efficient service for the change of the provident fund loan registration
Beijing Housing Provident Fund Management Center shall send such information as the housing in question of housing provident fund loans to real estate registration departments. The real estate registration department will add the house mortgage registration mark or mortgage registration mark purchased by the loan based on relevant information sent by the Beijing Provident Fund Management Center.
Information sharing: After the loan from the borrower is settled, the borrower does not need to go to the Municipal Housing Loan Guarantee Center or the trustee bank or real estate registration center to handle the relevant formalities for canceling the mortgage, so that the information is more likely to run and the people will run less.
Ninth, realize the one-stop service for chattel mortgage registration
Electronic services covering every step of the chattel mortgage registration process shall be gradually realized, through “filing in information via internet, reviewing via intranet, on-site submission, and one-stop service”, facilitating banking financial institutions’ mortgage financing service. Information on chattel mortgage registration shall be released to the public in a timely fashion through the national enterprise credit information disclosure platform so as to facilitate inquiries by the public. We shall actively cooperate with the piloting of the national unified “online chattel mortgage registration system” in Beijing.
Tenth, strengthen the collection and sharing of credit information
We shall promote the inclusion of such non-bank information as Beijing Provident Fund credit information, credit information of various credit institutions, and utility bills to the financial credit information basic database, and improve its integrity. We shall promote the linking of micro-credit company and financing guarantee companies in Beijing with the credit information system of the People‘s Bank of China.
Eleventh, realize the “one-stop” inquiry of social credit information
We shall improve and enrich the website services of “Credit Beijing” and Beijing Urban Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System. We shall also strengthen the interaction between banks and tax authorities and the cooperation between banks and enterprises.
Twelfth, encourage new developments in credit services
We shall promote the development of brand credit service agencies in Beijing that is leading in China, capable of applying technological innovation and has a strong credibility among the public.
Thirteenth, establish an internationally-oriented financial policy publicity platform
We shall coordinate policies on the development of and support for the financial sector between departments and in districts. We shall provide domestic and foreign investors with bilingual services in the website of “Capital Finance”, including regional economic and financial development plans, policies and regulations, investment projects, and risk warnings so as to support the better implementation of such strategies as “going global” and “bringing in” by enterprises, and promote connectivity as well as exchanges and cooperation in the financial market and create more pathways and facilities for two-way investment.
Fourteenth, regulate financial enforcement
Relevant financial regulatory authorities should standardize the administrative law-enforcement on financial institutions. While practicing law-based administration and supervision, they are encouraged to conduct joint law-enforcement inspections so as to improve the effectiveness of supervision and reduce the impact on their business activities. We will fully carry out the administrative law-enforcement responsibility system, strictly implement the law-enforcement accountability mechanism, so as to maintain a fair and competitive financial credit business environment.
The Opinions shall come into effect from March 15, 2018.
责任编辑:杜琰 SF007
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趋势领涨今天 01:13:58
一觉醒来,中国资产大涨,这是什么情况,是真的要东升西落了吗? deepseek的爆火,提振了外资对我们的信心。不管怎么样,节后大A开盘营造了极为有利的氛围。年前红包没拿到,希望年后给股民补回来吧。祝大家新春快乐! -
趋势领涨今天 01:13:02
大家早上好!趋势为王,做股海的领航者,新的一天,新的战斗,欢迎你来到本直播室!新进的朋友请注意点赞,收藏本直播室,以方便你下次观看,谢谢大家的支持!【更多独家重磅股市观点请点击】 -
趋势领涨2025-01-31 00:56:01
大家早上好!趋势为王,做股海的领航者,新的一天,新的战斗,欢迎你来到本直播室!新进的朋友请注意点赞,收藏本直播室,以方便你下次观看,谢谢大家的支持!【更多独家重磅股市观点请点击】 -
趋势领涨2025-01-28 01:20:24
不过,英伟达一天下跌就定义科技股的行情就此结束,这也有点太武断了,美股最大的优点就是流动性强,每次大跌以后,最终都会创出新高,所有,科技股的行情随后几天还需要继续观察,如果A股在开市以前不能收回跌幅,科技股节后还有承压。今天已经开启了放假模式,本来不想写文章的,主要是看见昨天市场杀的有些蹊跷,收盘以后通过数据分析,大盘是不应该杀跌的,节日期间只要不出现意外的利空,只要外围股市不再大跌,A股节后是有望阳包阴的,所以,建议大家安心过春节!最后祝大家新的一年似灵蛇蜕皮,褪去旧疾,迎来股市长红,全家幸福安康! -
趋势领涨2025-01-28 01:20:14
昨天大盘走势确实让人费解,两市个股全线下跌,重点是还有近百只个股跌停,说好的节前红包,结果都给幻方发了红包,不过经过盘后数据分析,昨天应该是某种势力在故意砸盘,节后大盘有望阳包阴!现在重点是科技股,昨晚美股科技股也是全线大跌,英伟达盘中大跌近20%,收盘大跌约17%,费城半导体指数大跌超9%。英伟达大跌的主要原因就是DeepSeek实现了弯道超车,发布了多款开源多模态人工智能(AI)模型。有人不懂DeepSeek为什么能够这么牛逼,能够让世界震惊,这里我们举一个例子说明。一家豪华大酒店高薪聘请了很多海外顶尖厨师,并购置了一系列高端厨具,要打造一道惊艳世人的美食,经过精心烹制,这道美食终于问世。重点是这道美食是世界上独一无二的,他想卖给谁就卖给谁,想卖多少钱就卖多少钱,甚至是阉割版,价格也不下降。现在没有想到的是,一家小餐馆利用现有的锅碗瓢盆,也做出了同样的美味佳肴,而且价格只有豪华大酒店价格的1/30,现在这家小餐馆将方案公布于众,你想吃可以随时进来,没有各种各样的门槛限制,于是豪华大酒店就垮塌了!这个豪华大酒店就是英伟达,而那个不起眼的小餐馆就是幻方大模型!不过,这里我们想说的是,幻方如果能把精力都集中在大模型国际竞争上,而不是把心思用在股市收割上,不要跟韭菜争那三瓜两枣,那才是名族英雄,你们说呢? -
趋势领涨2025-01-28 01:20:06
大家早上好!趋势为王,做股海的领航者,新的一天,新的战斗,欢迎你来到本直播室!新进的朋友请注意点赞,收藏本直播室,以方便你下次观看,谢谢大家的支持!【更多独家重磅股市观点请点击】 -
宋谈股经2025-01-27 07:21:04
今日共39股涨停,连板股总数8只,22股封板未遂,封板率为64%(不含ST股、退市股)。焦点股方面,机器人(sz300024)板块的高标冀东装备(sz000856)与冀凯股份(sz002691)双双上演“地天板”行情,但其余高位股大面积退潮,兴业科技(sz002674)、好想你(sz002582)、五洲新春(sh603667)、华联股份(sz000882)等人气股均跌停。 -
宋谈股经2025-01-27 07:11:26
1月27日收评:创业板指缩量跌2.73%,DeepSeek概念股逆势爆发1、市场全天走势分化,创业板指领跌。DeepSeek概念股集体爆发,每日互动(sz300766)、卓创资讯(sz301299)、每日互动(sz300766)、竞业达(sz003005)等多股涨停。AI智能体概念继续走强,新炬网络(sh605398)、垒知集团(sz002398)、美格智能(sz002881)、泛微网络(sh603039)等封板。下跌方面,算力硬件股持续走低,铜高速连接、CPO等方向领跌,华脉科技(sh603042)、新亚电子(sh605277)、瑞斯康达(sh603803)等跌停;机器人(sz300024)概念股下挫,宝塔实业(sz000595)、五洲新春(sh603667)等跌停。个股跌多涨少,沪深京三市超3300股飘绿,今日成交1.13万亿。截止收盘沪指跌0.06%,深成指跌1.33%,创业板指跌2.73%。2、板块概念方面,DeepSeek、AI智能体、银行、煤炭等板块涨幅居前,铜高速连接、机器人(sz300024)、CPO、液冷服务器等板块跌幅居前。3、两市共1783只个股上涨,45只个股涨停,3197只个股下跌,49只个股跌停,22只股票炸板,炸板率36%。 -
巨丰投资张翠霞2025-01-27 07:10:40
4小时运行结束,总结全天市场运行,1)A股龙年收官日,三大指数集体收跌,沪指跌0.06%,深证成指跌1.33%,创业板指跌2.73%,三市成交额超1.1万亿,复制12月底走势,预期红盘跨年跟跨界,但实际走势出现较大偏差,尾盘出现小幅恐慌抛售,主要长假因素,节后预期延续结构型行情;2)量能,沪深两市今日成交额11276亿元,较上个交易日12337亿元减少1061亿元;3)行业板块方面,以加权涨幅来看56家行业35家红盘,家居用品、银行、电力等板块涨幅居前;通信设备、矿物制品、通用机械等板块跌幅居前;4)市场延续结构型行情,题材热点快速轮动。详细解盘,可关注《翠霞首席课》的“热点直击”和“操盘指南”~~~ -
数字江恩2025-01-27 07:09:31