国际无废日| 向“零废物”目标迈进!

国际无废日| 向“零废物”目标迈进!
2024年03月30日 20:36 媒体滚动


今天是第二个“国际无废日”(International Day of Zero Waste)。



What's China's approach 

to improving waste management?

The United Nations General Assembly, in its 77th session, decided on December 14, 2022, to declare March 30, 2022, International Day of Zero Waste, to be marked on that day each year.

The International Day of Zero Waste emphasizes both the need to improve global waste management and the need to promote sustainable consumption and production habits.

China has been investing heavily in infrastructure and technology to improve waste management practices. The country has been exploring innovative solutions such as waste-to-energy plants and advanced recycling facilities to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills.

The government in east China's Zhejiang Province recently issued the "Zhejiang Food Delivery Plastic Zero Waste Program" to promote the reduction and recycling of plastic used in food delivery.

The plan specifies that by the end of 2023, a "zero waste" operational model for food delivery plastics should be established in key areas such as universities.

By the end of 2025, this model should be actively promoted in various areas, including schools, commercial buildings, and communities.

According to the plan, Zhejiang will bring together various stakeholders, including food delivery platforms, merchants, university representatives, disposal enterprises, restaurant associations and recycling associations, to jointly establish a province-wide alliance for reducing plastic in food delivery.

Zhejiang will also set up waste collection facilities in areas with high amounts of plastic waste from food delivery. For instance, food delivery platform companies will be responsible for appropriately configuring collection facilities in areas with a significant amount of plastic waste, such as university dormitories and cafeterias, with universities managing the later operation and maintenance of these facilities.










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