凌通社 国际投行研究报告
疫苗之外华海药业有大事 高血压药版“三聚氰胺”初见端倪! 加拿大400万病人拟议集体诉讼 路透社指事件可能追溯到2012年!
华海药业有毒高血压药品进展:NDMA的潜在影响可能包括肝癌 美国缺陷药物专业律师事务所开始征求受害者 让制药公司承担责任

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said Friday it will no longer allow imports of drug ingredients or medicines made with ingredients produced by China’s Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals, after a recall of one of its drugs that contained a probable carcinogen.
The manufacturer of the high blood pressure medicine valsartan recalled the product in the United States in July because an impurity linked to cancer had been detected.
European authorities also said Friday that Huahai had not complied with good manufacturing practices and that its factory in Linhai, China, was no longer authorized to produce valsartan.
The FDA said it was halting imports after it found major manufacturing process issues during its inspection of Huahai’s plant. The agency said the freeze on the imports would remain in place until Huahai determines how the impurities were introduced and improves its quality-control systems.

The European Medicines Agency has piled onto China’s Zhejiang Huahai, finding its manufacturing out of compliance for the valsartan API that has been recalled globally after being found to contain a suspected carcinogen.
The action was posted Friday, the same day the FDA announced it has finally put the Chinese company on import alert, meaning it products are now banned from the U.S. The company primarily makes APIs and intermediates for of valsartan, which is used to make blood pressure drugs.
A September inspection by the Italian Medicines Agency found essentially the same issues laid out in an FDA Form 483: that Huahai did not carefully evaluate the risks of changes to its manufacturing processes that led to the formation of the impurity. N-nitrosodimethylamine, a suspected cancer-causing agent, was discovered in Huahai’s APIs this summer.
欧洲药品管理局(European Medicines s Agency)发现华海的制造违反了缬沙坦原料药的规定,该原料药在发现含有一种可疑的致癌物后被全球召回。