O2Micro International(纳斯达克股票代码:OIIM)股价突破200日移动平均线4.12美元

O2Micro International(纳斯达克股票代码:OIIM)股价突破200日移动平均线4.12美元
2023年02月21日 15:41 富途牛牛综合

O2Micro International Limited (NASDAQ:OIIM – Get Rating) crossed above its 200-day moving average during trading on Monday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of $4.12 and traded as high as $4.90. O2Micro International shares last traded at $4.87, with a volume of 1,792,500 shares trading hands.

Analysts Set New Price Targets

Separately, StockNews.com upgraded O2Micro International from a "hold" rating to a "buy" rating in a research note on Friday, January 13th.


O2Micro International


O2Micro International Stock Down 0.6 %

The firm has a 50 day simple moving average of $4.56 and a 200-day simple moving average of $4.12. The stock has a market cap of $141.91 million, a P/E ratio of 48.70 and a beta of 0.65.

Hedge Funds Weigh In On O2Micro International

A number of large investors have recently made changes to their positions in the company. Morgan Stanley increased its stake in shares of O2Micro International by 15.5% during the fourth quarter. Morgan Stanley now owns 24,000 shares of the electronics maker's stock worth $107,000 after purchasing an additional 3,215 shares during the period. Acadian Asset Management LLC bought a new position in shares of O2Micro International during the first quarter worth approximately $30,000. Ergoteles LLC bought a new position in shares of O2Micro International during the first quarter worth approximately $55,000. Kennedy Capital Management Inc. bought a new position in shares of O2Micro International during the second quarter worth approximately $52,000. Finally, Jane Street Group LLC bought a new position in shares of O2Micro International during the first quarter worth approximately $80,000. Institutional investors own 30.14% of the company's stock.

O2Micro International Company Profile

(Get Rating)

O2Micro International Ltd. engages in design, development, and marketing of integrated circuits and solutions. The firm offers solutions for manufacturers of products in the consumer electronics, computers, industrial, communications, and automotive markets. Its products include LED backlighting controller ICs, battery management units, and gas gauge.

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