芯片行业不景气,AMD怎么做到一枝独秀? The chip industry is in a slump, how can AMD excel?

芯片行业不景气,AMD怎么做到一枝独秀? The chip industry is in a slump, how can AMD excel?
2023年02月01日 14:43 富途牛牛




不过有意思的是,不管是英特尔、AMD还是三星,都表示宏观经济高度不确定,因此没有给出全年的营收指引。AMD CEO Lisa Su 对分析师表示,鉴于宏观环境,我们希望在进入今年之前保持谨慎。


第四季度,AMD的个人电脑芯片组收入同比下降51%;英特尔个人电脑芯片收入下跌36%,但基数更大。AMD首席执行官Lisa Su周二表示,预计2023年PC市场总量将下降10%,但AMD实际上在第四季度获得了市场份额

Lisa Su说:“可以公平地说,考虑到我们目前的客户库存水平,上半年收入肯定会有所下降。我们预计下半年会有所改善。”。


英特尔数据中心的销售额比上一年下降了33%,降至43亿美元,部分原因是其最新服务器芯片系列Sapphire Rapids发布较晚。


Lisa Su表示:“在嵌入式和数据中心领域,我们相信,凭借竞争优势和领导地位,AMD将在2023年实现收入增长并获得份额。”



The slump in the chip industry is a market consensus, but there are still winners. On Tuesday, AMD said it expected third-quarter sales to reach $5.3 billion, down 10 per cent from a year earlier. Year-on-year decline is not a good thing, but it is much milder than its peers.

AMD's biggest competitor is Intel Corp. Intel Corp expects sales of all types of products to decline across the board. Last week, the company expected sales of about $11 billion, down 40 per cent from a year earlier.AMD said its data center business grew with the introduction of new chips and that its acquisition of Xilinx, a specialist chipmaker during the COVID-19 pandemic, also helped growth.

Another chip giant, Samsung, recently reported that its chip division's profits plunged by more than 96.9% in the fourth quarter of 2022.

Interestingly, however, Intel Corp, AMD and Samsung all said that the macro-economy was highly uncertain, so they did not give revenue guidance for the whole year. "given the macro environment, we want to be cautious until we enter the year," AMD CEO Lisa Su told analysts.

The market reaction was also direct, with Intel Corp down more than 7 per cent in after-hours trading after the release of the report last week. AMD rose 2 per cent in after-hours trading after Tuesday's earnings report.

In the fourth quarter, AMD's PC chipset revenue fell 51% from a year earlier; Intel Corp's PC chipset revenue fell 36%, but from a larger base. AMD CEO Lisa Su said on Tuesday that the total PC market is expected to decline by 10% in 2023, but AMD actually gained market share in the fourth quarter.

Lisa Su said: "it is fair to say that given our current customer inventory level, revenue will definitely decline in the first half of the year. We expect improvements in the second half of the year. " .

In terms of data center chips, AMD is also better.

Sales at Intel Corp's data center fell 33% from the previous year to $4.3 billion, in part because of the late release of its latest series of server chips, Sapphire Rapids.

However, AMD's data center business grew strongly, growing at an annual rate of 42% to $1.7 billion. AMD released its latest data center chip, the fourth-generation Epyc processor, in November. AMD expects its data center business to grow this year, while revenue from PC chips and graphics processors for gaming applications will decline.

"in embedded and data center areas, we believe that with competitive advantage and leadership, AMD will achieve revenue growth and gain share in 2023," said Lisa Su.

AMD's acquisition of Xilinx for $35 billion in 2020 is also a very successful acquisition. According to the company, Xilinx is a major contributor to sales of $1.4 billion in AMD's embedded division, growing at 1868 per cent a year. Xilinx mainly produces processors that perform special tasks such as encryption or video compression.

Edit / lydia

AMD Xilinx 美元 Lisa 英特尔









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