达飞集团不忘初心,持续践行环保承诺 | 航运界

达飞集团不忘初心,持续践行环保承诺 | 航运界
2024年06月09日 12:50 市场资讯


World Environment Day



As a global player in maritime, land, air, and logistics solutions, CMA CGM places environmental preservation at the heart of its strategy: the Group acts daily and worldwide to limit the carbon footprint of its activities and contribute to the preservation of marine and terrestrial biodiversity.


On World Environment Day and World Oceans Day, the Group is organizing the CMA CGM Planet Days: two days dedicated to the Group’s 160,000 employees worldwide to deepen their understanding of climate and biodiversity issues and get involved in environmental preservation actions.

在两天活动期间,达飞集团动员16万名员工为环保事业积极行动:在50个国家开展超过60项环保主题活动,例如环保意识研讨会(“Climate fresk”)、植树造林活动、海滩清理活动以及携手合作伙伴开展小海龟放生志愿活动。

For two days, the 160,000 employees of the CMA CGM Group were mobilised for environmental preservation: more than 60 actions will be implemented in 50 countries, such as awareness workshops (“Climate fresk”), reforestation activities, beach clean-ups and volunteering with partners, releasing young sea turtles.


The Biodiversity Project of the Year award recognised the unwavering commitment of the teams responsible for the projects supported by the Group with international and local partners to preserve endangered species and fragile ecosystems worldwide.



Acting for the Climate


At the heart of international economic exchanges, the CMA CGM Group works daily for a decarbonised transport and logistics industry.


Committed to achieving Net Zero Carbon by 2050, CMA CGM has invested $15 billions since 2017 in the order of 119 dual-fuel (LNG and methanol) ships ready to use low-carbon energy sources (biogas, biomethanol, and synthetic fuels).

达飞集团不断优化船舶设计,例如2024年3月投入营运的全新2,000 TEU集装箱船达飞RUNDALE轮。该轮采用独特设计,可以减少20%的燃油消耗。

The Group continually seeks to optimise the design of its ships, such as the CMA CGM RUNDALE, a new 2,000 TEU vessel that entered service in March 2024, whose unique design allows for a 20% reduction in fuel consumption.


CMA CGM explores all energy and technological solutions to reduce the carbon footprint of its activities, investing in the first sail-powered cargo ship NEOLINE, and relying on artificial intelligence for better connectivity of its vessels.

达飞集团旗下的子公司也为集团的气候目标做出了巨大贡献。到2025年,CEVA Logistics将拥有一支由1,450辆低碳型车辆组成的车队,全面承担其所有物流业务,同时其所有仓储业务将使用低碳电力,由总面积210万平方米的太阳能电池板供电。2022至2023年间,CEVA的二氧化碳排放总量减少了20万吨(从2022年的620万吨减少到2023年的600万吨)。

Subsidiaries of CMA CGM also contribute to the Group's climate goals. By 2025, CEVA Logistics will have a fleet of 1,450 low-carbon vehicles for all its logistics operations, and all warehouse activities will use low-carbon electricity supplied by 2.1 million square metres of solar panels. Between 2022 and 2023, CEVA reduced its overall CO2 emissions by 200,000 tonnes (from 6.2 MT in 2022 to 6.0 MT in 2023).


To accelerate its energy transition and that of the entire transport and logistics sector, the Group has also created the PULSE energy fund, with a budget of €1.5 billion over five years. This fund has already supported 20 projects alongside major companies, innovative start-ups, and investment funds, such as the next-generation FLEXIS electric vans or the CARBON solar panel gigafactory.


CMA CGM is also a driving force behind the NEW ENERGIES coalition, a coalition of 19 industrial partners aiming for the decarbonisation of international logistics chains.



Acting for Biodiversity


Present in all oceans and continents, the CMA CGM Group has long been committed to preserving biodiversity.

达飞集团采用追踪技术(REPCET和Whale Safe)或通过避开特定航线(北极航线和希腊海沟)减少海上碰撞等方式,保护其业务活动可能影响到的物种。为了应对塑料污染,达飞船队自2022年6月1日起,已不再为塑料垃圾提供运输服务。

The Group protects species that its activities may interfere with by using tracking technologies (REPCET and Whale Safe) or by avoiding certain routes (Northern Route and Hellenic Trench) to limit collisions at sea. To combat plastic pollution, CMA CGM also stopped transporting plastic waste on its ships as of 1st June 2022.


To accelerate research on marine conservation and contribute to the restoration of natural habitats, the Group supports the largest international and local organisations in their missions around the world:

·  美国:自2022年以来,达飞集团一直与Woods Hole海洋研究所(WHOI)合作,通过出资投放声学浮标,保护北大西洋露脊鲸免受船舶碰撞。

United-States: Since 2022, the CMA CGM Group has been collaborating with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) to protect North Atlantic right whales from ship collisions by funding acoustic buoys.

·  非洲:2023 年,达飞集团在贝宁、刚果、加蓬、科特迪瓦和突尼斯启动了一项海龟保护计划,以海龟保护为重点,支持保护海洋和沿海生物多样性。

Africa: In 2023, CMA CGM launched a turtle conservation program in Benin, Congo, Gabon, Ivory Coast, and Tunisia to support the preservation of marine and coastal biodiversity, specifically targeting sea turtles.

·  中国:达飞集团与红树林基金会合作,致力于在三年内恢复深圳湾超过18公顷的红树林湿地。

China: The CMA CGM Group is partnered with the Mangrove Wetland Conservation Foundation to restore over 18 hectares of mangrove wetlands in Shenzhen Bay over a three-year period.


France: In 2022, the CMA CGM Group became the first private sponsor of the National Forestry Office (ONF) to accelerate the preservation of French forests against fire risks.

·  欧洲:2023年,达飞集团与海洋基金会签订合作协议,共同致力于恢复被誉为地中海之肺的波西多尼亚海草床,合作范围覆盖马赛、科西嘉岛、意大利和马耳他等多地。

Europe: In 2023, CMA CGM signed a partnership with the Fondation de la Mer to restore Posidonia seagrass beds, the lungs of the Mediterranean, at several sites in Marseille, Corsica, Italy, and Malta.

·  埃及:自2023年以来,达飞集团一直支持社会企业Bassita在埃及建立的、名为VeryNile的尼罗河清洁和垃圾回收行动倡议。

Egypt: Since 2023, CMA CGM has been supporting VeryNile, an Egyptian initiative implemented by the social enterprise Bassita, in its actions to clean the Nile and recycle waste.

·  大洋洲:达飞集团积极参与在世界最大的泻湖——新喀里多尼亚泻湖中安装10个礁球,以恢复珊瑚礁。新喀里多尼亚泻湖自2008年起被列为联合国教科文组织世界遗产。

Oceania: In New Caledonia, CMA CGM is contributing to the upcoming installation of 10 Reef Balls in the world's largest lagoon, which has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2008, to restore coral reefs.

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