
2021年04月21日 21:38 新浪财经-自媒体综合


  “我的2020” | 瑞穗金融集团董事长佐藤康博:把握“后疫情”时代数字化转型机遇





  今年的“CDF之声”栏目,论坛秘书处邀请参会代表们以“我的2020”为题,分享过去一年来自己与他们所领导的企业、所在行业与国家的共同经历与感受。今天发声的是瑞穗金融集团董事长佐藤康博(Yasuhiro Sato)
















  I am the chairman of the board of Mizuho Financial Group, Yasuhiro Sato. 

  I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations on the holding of the 2021 China Development Forum, with the participation of many people from all over the world. 

  Due to the Chinese government’s strong leadership, China has achieved outstanding results in COVID-19 infection control compared to other countries around the world. One of the first countries to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, China is a driving force in the global economy. As a company operating in China, we would like to work together with China for the development of the Chinese economy and the world economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

  Today, I would like to talk about the business opportunities created by COVID-19, along with Mizuho‘s initiatives.

  In the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, factories shut down around the world. Some countries moved to restrict exports with the idea of giving top priority to their own economies and their own people. In light of this experience, some believe that the trend in the future will be to prioritize one’s own country within the world economy. However, I think it is extremely important to rebuild the system so that the global supply chain can function smoothly even in the event of unanticipated situations. In this sense, the RCEP, recently signed by 15 countries, including Japan, China, and ASEAN, is very important and symbolic. Based on this framework, we believe that sustainable and stable economic development will be possible in the future. As a result, business opportunities will expand in all industries.

  Amid the current “with-COVID-19” world and in the “post-COVID-19” world of the future, people’s changed behavior patterns demand “no contact,” and it is important to digitalize in order to cope with such. In addition to e-commerce, demand is expanding for new no-face-to-face and no-contact products and services such as teleworking, telemedicine, telecare, distance education, and autonomous driving. Together with this trend, growing importance will certainly be placed on technologies that are the basis of digitalization, for example, AI, cloud computing, and quantum technology, as well as technology related to semiconductors and communications. Such digitalization is indispensable not only to improve economic efficiency and labor productivity but also to resolve important issues such as work-style reform, educational disparities, and the declining birthrate and aging population. The utilization of data under fair rules is extremely important for the digitalization of society. I think this is an area where we can create great business opportunities through cooperation between Japan and China.

  Next, regarding Mizuho‘s initiatives as a top global financial group, while looking ahead to the future shape of the global supply chain, which will be rebuilt within a new framework such as RCEP, we will continue to strengthen our leading role in the loan business and bond markets by utilizing our broad customer base.

  In addition, perceiving structural changes in society such as involving digitalization and remote work, we desire to further evolve and accelerate financial services such as payment by smartphone and lending for individuals based on AI credit scoring—both of which we have already started. The idea of so-called “open innovation” is important in this field, and we would like to give proactive consideration to opportunities to collaborate with Chinese companies.

  Lastly, even during the “with-COVID-19” and “post-COVID-19” eras, the role of financial institutions is still based on “maintaining the financial functions” that are indispensable for society. Mizuho will endeavor to ensure the stability and sustainability of international financial markets and will contribute to the development of Japan and China, as well as to the development of the global economy overall. Thank you for your time and attention today.











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