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Lucy Kellaway: A not-so-secret admirer

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2003年11月20日 09:35 新浪财经


    今天上午一上班,我第一件事就是给Interflora花店打电话,订了两束花,一束送给《金融时报》总编辑安德鲁•高尔斯(Andrew Gowers), 另一束送给坐在我隔壁的同事黛乐•布莱德肖(Della Bradshaw)。

The first thing I did when I got to work this morning was phone Interflora and sgroupstwo bunches of flowers. One was for Andrew Gowers, the editor of the Financial Times, and one for Della Bradshaw, a colleague who sits in the next cubicle.


I dictated a message of thanks to each for their hard work, but asked for my name to be left off the card. I paid an extra ?0 to ensure the flowers would arrive within three hours.

    在我急切地等待送花之时,我想解释一下我到底是在玩什么花招。这种秘密献花的主意来自新泽西州托托华(Totowa)的一位读者。肯尼•莫尔(Kenny Moore)是美国能源公司Keyspan的人力资源总监。其个人经历也颇不寻常,他曾在天主教会当过15年的牧师。他告诉我说,他在工作中“负责唤醒公司的喜乐、意义和承诺意识。”

As I sit here now anxiously waiting for the delivery, I shall try to explain what on earth I think I am playing at. The idea for these mystery floral tributes came from a reader in Totowa, New Jersey. Kenny Moore is director of human resources at Keyspan, a US energy company, and is a little unusual. He spent 15 years as a Catholic priest and told me that in his job he is "responsible for awakening joy, meaning and commitment in the company".

    我在工作中总能收到不少怪人发来的邮件。肯尼也算一怪,但是他基本上是属于脑筋正常的那种。他说他没有时间拜读诸如汤姆•彼得斯(Tom Peters)、杰克•韦尔奇(Jack Welch)之类人物的大作,也没有时间去推动制定使命宣言、实施文化变革、提高员工士气之类的企业行动。这话出自一位人力资源总监之口,不可谓不正常啊。

In my job I get a lot of e-mails from nutters. Kenny, though odd, struck me as being basically of sound mind. He said he had no time for Tom Peters, Jack Welch or for any corporate attempts to issue mission statements, change culture or raise morale en masse - which coming from a corporate HR person is very sound indeed.


Instead, he drew inspiration from a children's book called Somebody Loves You, Mr Hatch. In this book a lonely man gets sent a gift with the label "somebody loves you". He starts greeting strangers, hoping to meet the admirer. He undergoes a personality change, and all his neighbours start to love him. It then turns out that the present was delivered to him by mistake, and Mr Hatch tries to go backsintoshis shell. But the neighbours will not let him.


The corporate lessons of this cheery tale are not immediately obvious to me, but to Kenny they were. He decided to conduct a Mr Hatch pilot in his company without asking anyone - on the admirable principle that it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission.


He sent out two bunches of flowers, one to a woman on his floor and one to his senior vice-president. "While I personally hate anyone in authority, I notice that no one ever says 'thank you' to executives," he said. I agreed with that bit, too.


After he ordered the flowers he felt, as I do now, strangely uncomfortable. Yet he need not have feared. The woman was delighted, though mystified, and other women gathered round her desk and oohed and aahed.


A couple of days later he went to own up to the SVP, but before he could say anything, his boss said he had just received a bunch of flowers from a grateful employee, and that as a result he was going to spend his last few years until retirement concentrating more on the needs of individual employees.


As I write about the heartening results of Kenny's pilot, Della has just taken the call telling her there are flowers waiting for her in reception. I watch as she returns carrying them; she's smiling but her expression is puzzled. Her face falls slightly as she reads the message. "It says: 'Thanks for your hard work', but it's not signed. This makes me feel really paranoid," she says.


"That's really sinister!" exclaims the person who sits next to her. "Christ, you've got a stalker," says someone else.


Like a true journalist, she snatches up the phone to call the florist. I try to bury my whole bodysintosmy computer keyboard. Mercifully the florist says she cannot reveal the name of the sender.


"The editor has got one too," Della says. "It's so weird."


The consensus is that this is some daft PR stunt and everyone loses interest. It does not occur to anyone that some genuine well-wisher would really be thanking her for her genuine hard work. "I mean, why would they do that?" she says.


I go downstairs to see if I can find out how my floral tribute is playing with the editor. He has just stepped off an overnight flight from Washington and is writing up an interview with the president of the US. I peep though the glass hole in his door. I can't see if the flowers are in there or not. Suddenly I know they are not going to interest him at all. They are certainly not going to make him decide he wants to spend more time with us individually (not that I would necessarily advocate such a course of action).


After the success of his pilot, Kenny has been secretly sending flowers out every week. He says he has not succeeded in changing corporate culture. But his little scheme makes him happy on Mondays. It also makes the guy from the shop who supplies the flowers happy, makes two people feel good each week and causes a good deal of pleasant bemusement.


After the failure of my pilot, I shall not be extending it. It did not work. I suspect this is because it is only nice to be thanked if you know (and value) the person who is thanking you. I don't think Kenny would be surprised or hurt to learn this. He says, and here he is right, that small-scale initiatives cannot be copied. They may work in one place but, if you translate them, the magic may be lost. People should think up their own things, anyway.


So that was partlyswheresI went wrong. There is a second reason why my experiment was a flop. I said earlier that I sent two "bunches". In truth I sent two pathetic, bottom-of-the-range single antirrhinums that had an unfortunately phallic appearance. There was a reason for this, too. I was treating my pilot as a business expense, which I shall be claiming on the grounds that a) they were legit research for an article; and b) I think Kenny claims his. It wasn't a great idea. But at least I did not cost the FT too much money.







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