milk and cheeses might be fresh but its accounts are looking increasingly
sour for investors. At the weekend, an executive at a creditor bank said
the company's basic business was sound but that the finances of the Tanzi
family, which controls Parmalat, needed to be improved.
have re-emerged over why a worldwide dairysgroupswith €7.5bn (.8bn) in
sales last year should have gross debt of €5.3bn and stated liquidity of
€3.5bn. Only Parmalat's seemingly astute ability to rapidly grow
earnings and revenues with acquisitions had placated those concerns.
the past week, that fragile confidence has been shattered. Parmalat
instead became another cautionary tale about a secretive family-controlled
company that profited from weak reporting rules insgroupsto ignore
investor demands.
analysts say Parmalat's global web of sub-holding companies, with more
than €800m in inter-company loans, appears not to be a teetering house
of cards, it will take far more than last week's bland reassurances from
Parmalat executives and the founding Tanzi family to restore faith.
& Touche)指出,公司有近5亿欧元现金已投入驻开曼群岛(Cayman
& Poor's)立即威胁说,要把帕玛拉特的债务级别降至“垃圾”级。
trouble began one week ago when Deloitte & Touche, Parmalat's auditor,
noted that nearly €500m in cash had been invested in an unknown
investment fund based in the Cayman Islands, which it could not consider
liquid. Deloitte also said Parmalat had booked m in first-half
one-time gains, the equivalent of its first-half net profit, from a
currency swap contract with the same obscure fund, called Epicurum.
Standard & Poor's immediately threatened to cut Parmalat's debt to
junk status.
Friday, after initially easing fears of a liquidity crunch by promising to
pull out of the fund within two weeks, Parmalat stunned the stock market
it announced that its chief financial officer of only eight months was
leaving. Secondly, it revealed that debt had risen to €6bn and liquidity
to €4.2bn during the third quarter. Operating profit in the quarter did
rise 8 per cent but profit before taxes and undisclosed one-time items
fell 13 per cent to €108m. No net profit figure was given. Under Italian
law, none is required for the period.
del Soldato)作出的回答引发了更多疑问。他是公司现任首席财务官,且长期担任公司行政官员。例如,分析师询问,他为何不能透露第三季度的现金流数字?另外,一笔5.72亿欧元的期票(其中“绝大部分”由银行担保)与公司在食品工程领域合资企业的融资相关,既然如此,这笔期票怎能作为流动性资产入账呢?而且账目中没有注明合资企业的名称。
yet, during a conference call with analysts, Luciano del Soldato, the new
CFO and a longtime company executive, gave answers that raised even more
questions. Why, for example, could he not disclose third-quarter cashflow?
How could €572m in promissory notes, "a major part" of which
are guaranteed by banks, be considered liquid if they are tied to the
financing of unspecified joint ventures in food engineering?
Del Soldato also told of a series of currency swap contracts with other
parties, some profitable, others not. Asked how he could be sure Epicurum,
for one, could be considered a sound counterparty given that it was not
rated and not known, he answered: "Because it has always paid in the
past" and it "agreed to liquidate our [fund investment] in a
very short time".
Del Soldato did reiterate that Parmalat had no financial connections with
the Tanzi family's failing tourism group. But his admission that the
Cayman Islands fund was looking to invest in "leisure and
pleasure" companies that could have interested Parmalat rattled
investors who had also just been told the fund's investments were to be
highly liquid.
他没有对帕尔玛足球俱乐部(AC Parma)的前景加以说明。该俱乐部是帕玛拉特拥有的一家亏损的足球队。去年,该球队通过发行一笔由资产担保的债券,将自己未来收入的很大一部分售出。
did he clarify the future of AC Parma, the lossmaking football team owned
by thesgroupsthat last year sold a good portion of future revenues through
an asset-backed bond.
more satisfactory answers could take time. Mr Del Soldato had been the
right hand man to Fausto Tonna, the long-time CFO who built up the complex
balance sheet and regularly snubbed analysts. Mr Tonna stepped down this
spring when investors complained about a €500m bond he was planning.
Although Parmalat then promised no further bond issues, another was
quickly placed privately.
英国基金公司赫莫斯焦点资产管理公司(Hermes Focus Asset
Focus Asset Management, the UK fund, believes Parmalat could operate on
liquidity equivalent to 10 per cent of revenues, or some €3.5bn less in
cash, and that much of the excess liquidity should be used to reduce debt.
one analyst: "We're not greatly concerned about the profitability of
the business. Until now we were worried that the finances were simply very
inefficient. Now we're worried that management has taken large risks and
has tried to hide them."
with milk, buyers like to know that the cows are healthy.