
2021年10月25日 09:02 中国石化新闻网


  中国石化新闻网讯 据ICIS-MRC网站10月22日莫斯科报道,根据烃加工信息网显示,埃克森美孚已启动工程、采购和施工合同流程,作为其在怀俄明州拉巴奇(LaBarge)工厂扩建碳捕获和储存(CCS)计划的一部分,该工厂已捕获了比世界上任何其他工厂都多的二氧化碳。


  埃克森美孚低碳解决方案公司总裁Joe Blommaert表示,我们扩建在拉巴奇(LaBarge)碳捕获和储存业务,突出了我们在全球推进CCS项目的承诺。这项技术对于帮助实现社会的低排放目标至关重要,只要有正确的政策,就可以立即部署。长期以来,埃克森美孚一直支持为碳排放提供可预测价格的政策,这使得新的或扩大碳捕获和存储投资成为可能。





  郝芬 译自 ICIS-MRC


  ExxonMobil plans to expand carbon capture and storage at LaBarge, Wyoming facility

  ExxonMobil has initiated the process for engineering, procurement and construction contracts as part of its plans to expand carbon capture and storage (CCS) at its LaBarge, Wyoming facility, which has already captured more CO2 than any other facility in the world, according to Hydrocarbonprocessing.

  The expansion project will capture up to 1 MM metric tons of CO2, in addition to the 6-7 MM metric tons already captured at LaBarge each yr.

  “The expansion of our carbon capture and storage operations at LaBarge underscores our commitment to advancing CCS projects around the world,” said Joe Blommaert, president of ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions. “This technology is critical to help meet society’s lower-emissions goals, and with the right policies in place, is immediately deployable. ExxonMobil has long supported policies that provide a predictable price on carbon emissions, which enable new or expanded carbon capture and storage investments.”

  The LaBarge expansion project is in the design and permitting phase and a request for bids for engineering, procurement and construction contracts has been issued to third parties. A final investment decision is expected in 2022 and will be based on several factors, including regulatory approvals. Operations could start as early as 2025.

  The proposed USD400 MM investment is the latest in multiple expansions of carbon capture at LaBarge. The location currently represents nearly 20% of all CO2 captured in the world each yr. The expansion will further mitigate emissions by capturing up to an additional 1 MM metric tons of CO2 each yr.

  ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions is evaluating several other large-scale CCS projects in the US Gulf Coast, Europe and Asia. The company has an equity share in approximately one-fifth of global CO2 capture capacity and has captured approximately 40% of all the captured anthropogenic CO2 in the world.

  ExxonMobil established its Low Carbon Solutions business to commercialize low-emission technologies. It is initially focusing its CCS efforts on point source emissions, the process of capturing CO2 from industrial activity that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere, and injecting it into deep underground geologic formations for safe, secure and permanent storage. The business is also evaluating strategic investments in biofuels and hydrogen to bring those lower-emissions energy technologies to scale for the highest emitting sectors of the global economy.

埃克森美孚 CCS 二氧化碳 carbon







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