
2024年07月24日 10:27 市场资讯



经济增长显韧性  社会活力待增强












CMFA Team at Institute of Finance & Banking,

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Economic Growth Shows Resilience, 

While Social Vitality Needs Enhancement

In the second quarter of 2024, the global macroeconomic and financial landscape is characterized by a rise in the medium to long-term global inflation rate alongside increasing expectations of rate cuts in the United States. Geopolitical risks and supply chain disruptions have led to strong inflation persistence in developed economies, suggesting a potential increase in the long-term inflation baseline. With weak economic data in June, the U.S. faces growth challenges under high-interest rates. Against this backdrop, it is anticipated that the Federal Reserve's monetary policy will prioritize economic growth over inflation targets. As the European Central Bank has already initiated a rate-cutting cycle in June, market expectations for a Fed rate cut have intensified. Furthermore, global uncertainties are escalating in the second quarter, with political changes in an election year, geopolitical risks, and climate disasters driving precious metals to record highs and causing significant volatility in commodity prices.

There are two primary risks for global macro-finance: First, the policy direction during the U.S. election year is highly uncertain, necessitating caution against external shocks from U.S. policy. Second, global government debt levels have reached new highs. With economic growth under pressure, high-interest rates, and significant debt burdens, the 2024 election year could heighten debt risks.

Regarding the RMB exchange rate, the U.S. dollar index remained strong in the second quarter, putting pressure on the RMB against the dollar. However, as the Fed's rate cut cycle opens, the RMB is expected to stabilize and recover. The RMB index against a basket of currencies remains stable, and with the convening of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CCP Central Committee, further promotion of comprehensive reform is anticipated to lead to moderate appreciation.

The first half of 2024 saw China's economy striving to achieve 5% mid-to-high growth, showcasing strong resilience, thanks to the synergy of macro policies and a smooth transition between old and new growth drivers. Firstly, the internal demand structure improved, with durable goods consumption and manufacturing investment performing well. Secondly, new industries and new momentum grew rapidly, and new productive forces continued to strengthen. Thirdly, the quality and quantity of foreign trade exports increased, with trade partners becoming more diversified and mechanical and electrical products maintaining competitive advantages.

Due to insufficient effective demand and the “deflation” of financial data, as well as the economic structural transformation leading to a decrease in credit dependency, current monetary and credit metrics are generally weak. China is in a downward phase of the financial cycle, and moderate fiscal expansion and proactive risk mitigation by the government can enhance economic resilience. As local debt risk resolution progresses steadily, the debt expansion speed of financing platform companies slows, interest payment pressure eases, and the restructuring and transformation process accelerates. Marginal improvements are noted in the real estate market, with primary city property transactions increasing, significant improvements in the sales and prices of second-hand homes, and a recovery in the financing abilities of property enterprises.

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee laid out strategic plans for further deepening reforms and advancing Chinese modernization. The policy focus includes breaking systemic barriers through comprehensive reforms, actively expanding domestic demand, and stimulating and enhancing societal vitality. Firstly, a new round of fiscal and tax system reforms is envisaged, aimed at rationalizing the fiscal relationship between central and local governments and optimizing debt structures to inspire local government initiatives. Secondly, by leveraging short-term interest rate control corridors and secondary market treasury transactions, monetary policy framework reforms will accelerate to adapt to the new normal of social financing growth. Thirdly, measures to rescue the real estate market need to be intensified quickly to avoid “toothpaste-like” policy easing.

This quarter's special report focuses on central bank transactions in government bonds. Central bank operations in the secondary market are crucial instruments for aligning fiscal and monetary policies, essential for a robust macroeconomic governance framework, and critical to achieving high-quality economic growth and advancing Chinese modernization.

Historically, a sustainable public credit system has been a major factor in the Great Financial Divergence between East and West, and indeed, the Great Divergence. Since the early modern period, government bonds have been pivotal engines driving socioeconomic development and key conduits linking a nation's fiscal and monetary realms.

An in-depth examination of the century-long history of central banks' government bond transactions across various economies provides several insights: First, central bank operations in the secondary market are standard practice, with occasional interventions in the primary market under exceptional circumstances. Second, since the 2008 global financial crisis, central banks' primary goal in these transactions has shifted from managing market liquidity to stimulating economic growth, infusing a more fiscal character into their operations. Third, in recent years, the toolbox for central bank government bond transactions has significantly expanded, encompassing both quantity and price tools, with quantitative easing being predominant.

In the face of insufficient effective demand and the stagnation of household and corporate balance sheets, it is imperative to leverage our national credit advantages and the governance role of central bank government bond transactions. Firstly, raise the debt ceiling moderately, issuing more fiscal instruments and increasing central bank purchases. Secondly, implement a strategy of "issuing (buying) long-term bonds in the short-term, and short-term bonds in the long-term," creating a dynamic government bond market dominated by short-term bonds with long-term bonds as support. Thirdly, establish a more efficient government bond management system by creating a dedicated institution for government bond policy and further refining the government bond yield curve.

国债 美联储 央行 通胀 债务









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