【人权并非西方“专利”,如何定义人权不该一家说了算】美国以“人权捍卫者”自居,但其国内却一团乱麻,社会撕裂、种族矛盾、贫富分化等问题层出不穷。许多发展中国家在脱贫致富、推动人权发展等领域取得了瞩目成就,但西方国家却有心忽略、绝口不提。如何在全球层面讨论人权问题?刘欣@刘欣在北京 与多国学者一起探讨了这一话题。其中,荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学跨文化人权中心主任汤姆·兹瓦特表示,推动人权发展的最大挑战是打破北方国家在人权议题上的垄断话语地位。在他看来,一个打破人权独角戏局面、发出发展中国家声音的平台,亟待建立。一起来听嘉宾们的更多见解。The United States claims to be a "defender of human rights", but it is in a mess at home, where social disintegration, racial conflicts, and wealth gap have emerged and developed. Tom Zwart from Free University of Amsterdam told CGTN's Liu Xin that the biggest challenge is to break the monopoly that Northern countries' liberal actors have on the human rights debate. Some Southern countries have already met human rights standards very well, and they should show their wonderful progress and achievements.