
2021年08月15日 17:00 新浪财经
新浪财经·ESG | 意见领袖 


  2021年8月,新开发银行副行长兼首席财务官莱斯利·马斯多普(Leslie Maasdorp)先生接受了新浪财经ESG频道的访谈,就ESG投资实践,新开发银行可持续投资经验,ESG专业人才培养等话题发表见解。






















  An Interview Transcript is as follow:

  SINA FINANCE: Five years ago in 2017, NDB issued its General Strategy 2017-2021 to support sustainable infrastructure development. This year is the closing year of the General Strategy. In the past five years, what experience and success have NDB achieved in its sustainable development investment? And what role did China play during this process?

  Leslie Maasdorp: The New Development Bank was started in 2015 at a time of heightened global awareness about sustainability. The Bank has sustainability hard-coded in its DNA. The founding documents of the NDB, called the ‘Articles of Agreement’ mandates the Bank to finance sustainable infrastructure and therefore gives unequivocal policy guidance to all the operations as well as the capital markets activities of the institution. As we know the global community adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) in September 2015 and three months later in December 2015, the historic Paris Agreement on Climate Change was signed. These landmark moments laid the basis for the green, sustainable and low carbon policies adopted by the Bank.

  It came as no surprise therefore that the NDB announced in April 2016, that its first five projects were all green and renewable. In the same year, after obtaining a AAA credit rating in China, NDB issued its first Bond as a Green Bond, which cemented the sustainability credentials of the institution. ESG is central to the investment criteria when the Bank assesses its projects from the concept stage. The Bank maps and reports the alignment of each of its projects with the relevant SDGs. Overall, every project which we finance is implemented in a sustainable way and their ESG impacts are assessed, minimized and mitigated during project implementation.

  Chinese regulators, most notably the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) and NAFMII played a vital role in enabling the development of the Green Bond market by issuing coherent guidelines which created an enabling environment for institutions like NDB to issue green bonds. NDB has become the largest issuer of Panda Bonds in the China onshore market with a registered program of RMB20bn. In 2021, NDB successfully issued the first SDG Bond in China domestic market, in partnership with UNDP.

  The Bank aims to be a leader in sustainable finance and will explore new bond issuances in the sustainable format including blue bonds to finance our investment operations in the water sector. Currently, the NDB’s China portfolio consists of diversified loans including solar power, off-shore wind power, low-carbon restructuring projects, water-related projects which all fit in the ESG criteria of the Bank.

  SINA FINANCE: We have learned that NDB issued three-year sustainable bonds worth $2.25 billion in international capital markets in July, and this was the bank’s fourth and largest operation to place dollar bonds in international capital markets. Would it be possible to share briefly regarding how NDB promotes global sustainable development through raising green bonds?

  Leslie Maasdorp: NDB is committed to do most of its domestic and international capital markets activities in the green and sustainable format. The most recent dollar bond issuances of the Bank were labeled as sustainable and ‘pandemic support bond’ as the net proceeds will be used for financing sustainable development activities and providing emergency support loans to enable the economic recovery in the Issuer‘s member countries. In March 2020, NDB pledged a total of USD 10 billion in crisis-related assistance including health and social safety expenditures, as well as supporting member states’ economic recovery.

  In addition to the USD dollar bond, NDB issued an RMB 5billion Sustainable Development Goal bond in the China interbank bond market in March 2021. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) bond was issued under the UNDP Sustainable Development Goals Impact Standards for Bonds (UNDP SDG Standard) as well as the SDG Finance Taxonomy (China). NDB is proud to be the first pilot issuer to use the UNDP SDG Standard as well as the SDG Finance Taxonomy (China) in the Debt Capital Market.

  To advance its funding capabilities to the next stage, NDB has established the Sustainable Financing Policy Framework (“Framework”) which describes the Bank’s principles in governing the use and management of the proceeds of Green, Sustainability or ESG bonds issuance. The Bank aims to guide all the ESG bond issuance under this Framework and to be ICMA standard aligned. There is massive appetite globally for the ESG debt instruments and NDB, along with other MDBs, aims to be the pioneer to fill this gap.

  SINA FINANCE: In addition to the issuance of sustainable bonds, what measures and actions NDB has taken to mobilize private sectors in BRICS countries to participate in ESG practice? Could you introduce the ESG performance of Chinese investment institutions and enterprises?

  Leslie Maasdorp: NDB endeavors to disseminate its ESG experience and knowledge to the member countries through various channels. In 2020, NDB completed a series of reviews of environmental, social and procurement country systems of all five member countries and engaged with countries’ regulatory agencies and government agencies for consultations and dissemination of the studies’ findings. NDB also conducted a series of ten information dissemination and capacity-building workshops for its clients in all member countries on managing environmental, social and procurement risks in projects financed by the Bank. These thematic workshops concentrated on the use of country systems, NDB’s core policy requirements and areas that require further interventions to bridge the gaps between country systems and NDB’s policy requirements.

  In terms of private sector, NDB is in the process to build up its private sector portfolio in member countries, to complement its existing portfolio of sovereign loans. In the process, NDB intends to strengthen its links with relevant national and global players in the infrastructure sector to help draw experience from projects that entail significant ESG considerations.

  SINA FINANCE: In the post-epidemic era, sustainable development, ESG investment and international cooperation have become topics of common concern internationally. And many people have been aware of the current insufficient supply of ESG talents with multiple backgrounds. In May, your remarks on establishment ceremony of Xiamen Torch Academy also mentioned nurturing talent and promoting innovation. Could you share with us your suggestions and expectations for ESG talent development in China?

  Leslie Maasdorp: In the NDB’s 2nd 5-year general strategy, the Bank has committed to attract, nurture, and retain talents so as to continue building NDB into a talent-intensive Institution. A Talent Management Division under the Human Resources Department will be set up and dedicated to this goal.

  For NDB, talent development is about investment in the future via nurturing the youth. As a young bank, NDB has the advantage to build up its unique talent pool of young high-achieving individuals who are encouraged to question the status quo and explore new frontiers by developing new ideas and approaches. In this sense, NDB aims to use its young workforce, with current average age of 32, as a competitive advantage.

  NDB is designed to be an ideal home for ESG talent. The Bank is setting up a new ESG department which will aim to attract ESG professionals from all the relevant disciplines including finance, treasury, risk, investment operations, legal and compliance. Our Treasury team for example are closely monitoring the trends in the global capital markets to explore new frontiers in sustainable finance. 

  SINA FINANCE: Finally, Let‘s go back to NDB’s next five-year strategy. Compared with General Strategy 2017-2021, what is NDB’s view and growth trajectory in terms of ESG? Which direction will the focus be laid out?

  Leslie Maasdorp: With the growing portfolio and focus towards mainstreaming sustainability in the Bank’s operations, NDB and its shareholders assign great value to enhancing the Bank’s development results via ensuring sustainability of NDB-funded projects and replicating best practices from across the industry into our projects.

  NDB’s creation of a new ESG Department will reinforce the Bank’s commitment to environmental and social standards that are in line with our members’ country systems and will contribute to addressing global challenges of combating inequality and climate change. NDB aims to make sustainability and ESG considerations cross-cutting themes across the various aspects of Bank’s activities.












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