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China set to slow the pace of its economy

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年04月21日 10:10 新浪财经



The Chinese authorities are preparing measures to cool their booming economy, including a possible rise in interest rates, according to senior officials.


Wang Mengkui, director of the Development Research Centre of the State Council (the cabinet), said China was suffering from inflation and overheated investment, and would probably register a trade deficit for the whole of 2004. "According to my observation, if there is a need, there is a possibility to raise the lending rates, especially those rates on mid and long-term loans," Mr Wang said. "The adjustment of interest rates would have a relatively good impact on inflation."


Mr Wang's comments coincided with signs that Beijing is easing its longstanding opposition to raising interest rates for the first time since 1995. Wu Xiaoling, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, the central bank, was quoted by state media as saying authorities would "not turn a blind eye" if inflation surpassed bank lending rates.


The administratively set one-year lending rate at Chinese banks is 5.31 per cent, while the one-year deposit rate is 1.98 per cent. The CPI, main indicator of inflationary pressures, was 2.8 per cent up year-on-year in the first quarter of this year.


Mr Wang expects price rises, as measured by the CPI, to reach 5 per cent for the full year, higher than Beijing's prediction of 3 per cent. Inflation was being caused mainly by rising prices of raw materials and energy but many manufactured goods remained in oversupply, meaning that inflation "will not become a big problem", he said.


Efforts by government departments to tame runaway investment would also reduce inflationary pressures on raw materials used in infrastructure and construction projects, he said.


"I would like to predict the whole year's gross domestic product will rise 8.5 per cent," Mr Wang said, noting that his prediction was higher than the 7 per cent official forecast. In the first quarter the economy grew by an official 9.7 per cent.


Mr Wang said pressures on the renminbi to appreciate were abating partly because of domestic inflation and partly because China has run a trade deficit for three consecutive months.


It was possible, he said, that the trade deficit could continue for all this year, resulting in the first full-year shortfall since 1993. "China has got foreign currency reserves of over $400bn and we can't use that much. A [trade] deficit is not something to be afraid of. If our reserves fall, it will not be a serious problem."


He said the impact on the US economy of falling Chinese reserves would not be serious, despite the fact that Beijing has used much of its mounting reserves to buy US Treasuries, helping keep US rates low.


Mr Wang said China would not take drastic measures to cool the economy, preferring smaller steps all aimed at reining in investment.


It would end preferential policies intended to spur the export of commodities such as coal, which would help ensure supply and reduce prices pressures in the domestic market.


Lastly, authorities were considering altering criteria by which the careers of local officials are judged. The emphasis on growth could be moderated by including other criteria such as progress on health, education and the environment.





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