The recent story of American
journalism is a tale of sorrow and shame. |
去年,《纽约时报》(New York
Times)丢了一回面子,被迫登报承认一个年轻记者杰森•布莱尔(Jayson Blair)剽窃和捏造新闻。这次丑闻导致两名主编引咎辞职。 |
Last year, The New York Times
suffered the humiliation of having to acknowledge in print that one of its young
reporters, Jayson Blair, had plagiarised and fabricated stories. The scandal led
to the resignation of its two top editors. |
Prize)提名(但是从未获奖)。 |
Now, USA Today, America's largest
circulation daily, is in the line of fire. Its star foreign correspondent, Jack
Kelley, quit in January after accusations that over a decade he, too, had
concocted stories. Some were considered so outstanding that five articles had
been nominated for Pulitzer Prize consideration (he never won the prize).
In response to the charges, USA
Today appointed a panel of three veteran journalists to investigate the mess.
Their report is expected soon. |
How easy it has been in this febrile
atmosphere to point the finger at miscreant journalists. After all, did they not
deserve the opprobrium of editors, publishers, producers and the public for
violating a basic journalistic tenet: truth-telling without fear or favour?
Yet, by making it seem as if the
fault lies mainly with a few reporters, the management of US media
oversimplifies or deliberately downplays a more disturbing problem. The fact is,
the culture and the business of journalism have been degraded in recent years -
and corrupted by a pursuit of prizes and profit that distorts values and
inspires non-stop chatter on round-the-clock talk shows. |
Post)的编辑伦纳德•唐尼(Leonard Downie)谴责“新闻明星”
Leonard Downie, editor of The
Washington Post, decries the "celebrification of journalism", which drives even
the best in the business to hype a story, to exaggerate "just a bit", to
sensationalise the ordinary and, on occasion, to go over the top and simply
"create" a fact, a quote or a whole story. So hungry are some journalists for a
bigger pay cheque, an editor's praise or an invitation to appear on a popular
talk show that they are seduced into selling their professional souls. They know
better, of course, but they also know that in this competitive climate it helps
to play to the mores of the moment. |
"I lied, I lied, and I lied some
more," admits Mr Blair, as he shamelessly rides the joys of a new book, a likely
film deal and multiple television appearances. |
There is a price; that is painfully
clear. USA Today reported recently that only 36 per cent of Americans believe
what they read, see or hear in the media. Where, then, are they to get
information they can trust? Young people are increasingly turning to the
internet. Older people either bypass news completely or turn to cable or radio
talk shows for prepackaged "news". Conservatives have an ideological lock on
many talk shows; liberals are only now starting a radio network for their kind
of show. The airwaves are noisy with nonsense at a time when we need serious,
substantive information. |
最近,“优秀新闻计划(Project for Excellence in
A recent 500-page study by the
research group Project for Excellence in Journalism highlights a long-term
decline in US journalism. Since 1990, 2,200 newspaper jobs have been lost, as
circulation has slipped more than 11 per cent. National penetration of
newspapers has dropped from 75 per cent to 50 per cent and, as internet usage
soars and ethnic newspapers spread, this trend is likely to continue.
Since 1993, audience figures for
evening TV newscasts has plunged 28 per cent, from more than 40m viewers on an
average weekday to fewer than 28m; and as cable TV grows, network audiences
decline. Last year, for the first time, more Americans watched cable TV than
network TV. One ironic consequence is that cable TV has replaced the networks as
the place viewers go for coverage of serious news events, such as wars and
elections. |
Once news was a treasured commodity
that helped smooth the edges of clashing ideologies; now news, old-fashioned and
solid, is a rare commodity in a world of simplistic generalisations about good
and evil. Where are the gatekeepers, the editors and news managers who guarded
against mistakes, editorial insinuation and fabrication? Have they now
sanctioned hyped journalism to boost circulation and help win a Pulitzer?
Advance word has it that USA Today's
investigation will scold Mr Kelley, recommend stricter sourcing requirements and
lament the state of modern journalism. Then what? Will any of the top editors or
publishers be publicly blamed (or fired) for consistently missing or ignoring
warnings that Mr Kelley was a troubled star who needed help? |
Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard
University)创始董事。 |
The writer, a former correspondent
and anchor at CBS and NBC, is founding director of the Shorenstein Center on the
Press, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard University |
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