从今年的夏天开始,以北京、上海、广州等大城市为代表区域的酒吧们已经开始步入了next level了。如果你也网上冲浪的话,相信一定对“学术酒吧”这个词条不陌生。
Dubbed "academic bars", drinking holes that quench an intellectual thirst for enlightening lectures and lively exchanges are mushrooming across China's big cities.
Typically lasting one hour, the lectures are generally free of charge or can be listened to for the price of a drink.
在国内,上海被认为是最早出现“学术酒吧”的地方。早在两年前,位于黄浦区的“The Tiny Bar”就已经成为了科普生物医学知识的课堂。从今年五月起,位于静安区“街垒Bunker”在于耶鲁大学攻读博士学位的前主理人手中,因一些机缘巧合开始推出一系列的学术讲座,意外在社交平台上引爆了学术酒吧的热潮。
Shanghai is believed to be the first city in China to pioneer academic lectures in bars and pubs.
Two years ago, lectures to popularize biomedical knowledge started in The Tiny Bar in Huangpu district. In May this year, Bunker in Jing'an district, started hosting academic lectures, which unexpectedly sparked interest in the trend among young people on social media platforms.
"Bars or pubs, which provide an informal setting, naturally bridge the psychological distance between the general public and serious academic content," said Bai Anke, a 27-year-old manager of Bunker, a popular academic pub in Shanghai.
"We've noticed that there is a large group of young people in Shanghai who have received higher or overseas education and still pursue serious knowledge after leaving campus."
"Being in an informal setting can be more relaxing, and provides a free environment while learning," she said, adding that the availability of alcohol, or other beverages, complements this scenario.
自去年4月开业以来,街垒便希望打造一个关注公共价值的、共同进步、邻里友善的公共空间(a public space focusing on public values, and a friendly community where people can talk, communicate, share and grow)。
Bunker's academic lectures require no reservations or advance bookings, with seats secured on a first-come-first-served basis. Bai said sometimes the 30 available seats are all occupied before the staff arrive. Consumption of drinks is not obligatory.
The enthusiastic woman characterizes many attendees of academic bar lectures. They are mainly undergraduate and postgraduate students, PhD candidates, researchers, and young office workers, who all share an eagerness for knowledge and are curious about people, culture, life, science, society and the world, Bunker staff said.
除了参与者的口口相传,社交媒体平台的大数据也助推了“学术酒吧”的热度。在小红书上,“学术酒吧”相关标签已有几百万的浏览量。作为小红书今年的“知识夏校(summer school)”项目的收官活动,小红书在9月7日和8日在静安区举办了一场“学术酒吧”快闪活动,在两天的时间内呈现了十余场讲座,内容涵盖哲学、阅读、思辨力、无障碍生活、抗衰老科技、语言学习等。这场不卖票,只靠平台上预约报名然后随机抽取幸运儿的活动,两天内到场1500人左右。他们手持着为每场分享主题特调的酒饮,“一边用功一边放空”。
Working with a venue in Jing'an district, Xiaohongshu launched a pop-up academic bar in Shanghai on Sept 7 and 8, featuring more than 10 lectures on topics including philosophy, reading, critical thinking, life experiences, anti-aging technology, and language learning.
As the closing event for Xiaohongshu's summer school program, the pop-up bar had attracted 1,500 participants, who were randomly selected online, said Sun Qiyao, head of the Xiaohongshu project.
"This year, we have been focusing more on knowledge that is related to and helpful for individuals, as we found out that young people are actually well-educated. In the fast-paced daily hustle and bustle, they are in need of more knowledge to navigate, safeguard and enrich their lives, such as information and experience on careers, finance, laws, health, psychology and culture," Sun said.
Both Bai and Sun agreed that to some extent, drinks can make the audience members relaxed and "merry enough", which sets academic bars apart from class settings, seminar rooms or cafes. The social lubricant also encourages attendees to be braver in raising questions, joining in discussions, and making new friends.
黑灯在此次小红书快闪活动中的分享也是他与“学术酒吧”的第一次真正接触。在他看来,“学术酒吧”是新奇的,具有多元性(with novelty and diversity),很吸引像他这样的“文艺青年”。它可以用“更轻量级”“更丰富”的方式“随时随地”提供知识(light in form, rich in content, and more flexible when it comes to time and place),也算一种新型社交方式。
"I see the essence of the academic bar as a proper space for a certain group of audiences to share and discuss certain topics. So I would say that the 'academic bar' should actually be called the 'knowledge bar'," Sun said.
"The lecture was about a published paper of mine. It was still a challenge for me to explain the academic content in simple and brief words to an audience outside the field. Although I was unsure if such a topic would be accessible to them, it turned out quite positive and interactive," Li Chenghao said.
"I even received some really good and valuable advice from them, as they could see things from different views and aspects based on their various work experiences."
31岁的咨询师兰亭(Liu Qingge)是街垒学术讲座的常客。本科阶段学习社会学,硕士阶段学习犯罪学,她对社会学方向的话题颇为关注,也喜欢在街垒的学术讲座中讨论和学习的氛围。
"The audiences at the lectures are kind of 'self-selected' ones," she said. "They usually share similar knowledge, interests or curiosity about the same topic, and are willing to learn and be open for discussion.
"For me, it is interesting to learn from them, expand my horizons and better understand society and the world," said Liu Qingge, noting such lectures can offer the public a broad "general education" on various aspects of life.
The booming trend is also injecting new vitality into the hospitality industry. Many people have a negative impression of bars and pubs, but the academic lectures are changing the stereotype. More patrons, especially those who don't drink, are stepping into bars for the very first time.
在黑灯看来,“学术酒吧”给酒吧们找到了一条全新的路。酒吧本身就有着一种文化属性( innate cultural quality),而这种小型的可以讨论和交流的公共文化空间(public cultural spaces)真是我们现在缺少的。
"I think academic bars have found a new path for bars and pubs in China. Actually, bars have an innate cultural quality. These small public cultural spaces for talks and discussions are what we are missing now," said Dyingsight, the stand-up comedian.
Liu Qingge, the frequenter of the lectures, said academic bars are part of new business forms that represent change, development and fresh opportunities in society.
Instead of being overly criticized or having too great expectations placed on them, they should be encouraged, even though they may be viewed as a marketing gimmick, she said.