Bilingual | 江苏农业合作项目落地开花,丰富非洲人民“粮袋子”

Bilingual | 江苏农业合作项目落地开花,丰富非洲人民“粮袋子”
2024年09月05日 17:49 JiangsuNow



In recent years, Jiangsu has enhanced its cooperation with African countries in agriculture, which constitutes the backbone of many African economies. The province’s experts have actively shared their knowledge and skills in various projects, significantly contributing to food security and agricultural modernization across the continent. 




Cai Shanyan, a teacher from the School of Agronomy and Horticulture at the Jiangsu Vocational College of Agriculture and Forestry (JVCAF), serves as an expert for the Shennong Institute of Agriculture in Nairobi, Kenya, established with the support of JVCAF. On August 6, he received information through WeChat from Xue Zuowei, head of Baozang Agricultural Development Company in Kenya, that the average rice yield in their test fields exceeded 500 kilograms per mu (about 666 sqm).

During his visit on March 28, Cai provided guidance and training on rice cultivation in Kenya, where yields were around 250 kg per mu due to various challenges. His research identified several key issues affecting local yields, such as uneven fields, soil compaction and damage from invasive apple snails.




Baozang, a local enterprise known among Kenyan farmers, specializes in agricultural technology promotion. During the visit, Cai guided the company’s employees and local farmers on 20 mu of experimental fields. Before returning to China, he compiled a guide on rice cultivation adapted to local climate and soil conditions, providing a valuable reference for locals to increase rice production.

JVCAF is home to many teachers like Cai who participate in international aid efforts. Over the past five years, the college has sent 10 experts to countries including Gabon, Kenya, and Ethiopia for training over 10,000 participants in disciplines such as rice cultivation, vegetable growing, veterinary science and agricultural machinery.


Furthermore, schools in Jiangsu have implemented various programs to support agricultural development in African countries. For instance, on September 4, Weng Fei, a teacher at the Suzhou Polytechnic Institute of Agriculture, taught a rice cultivation course to a group of African students in a field. 







Among the group was Steven, a 22-year-old student from Pointe-Noire in the Republic of Congo, who is also known by his Chinese name "Manyi" (meaning satisfaction). He said that despite the fertile soil in his hometown, crop yields have been low due to substandard management and a lack of modern technology. Over more than two years of study at the institute, he and his classmates have mastered Chinese, become familiar with Chinese culture, and acquired a wealth of modern agricultural knowledge and technologies.

Su Shili, Party chief of the institute, emphasized that human resources are key to agricultural development. The institute aims to update students' knowledge and enhance their technical skills, thus sowing the 'seeds' of agricultural talents across Africa.

Since 2018, the institute has enrolled 78 students from countries such as the Republic of Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, South Africa and Kenya. These students specialize mainly in modern agriculture, agricultural technology and equipment, international agricultural trade, and horticultural technology.





In Jiangsu’s extensive partnership with African countries, Nanjing Agricultural University has played a significant role for 30 years. In 1994, the university began its agricultural education and technological cooperation with Egerton University, Kenya’s premier agricultural institution. Then in 2016, the Kenya-China Joint Laboratory for Crop Molecular Biology was inaugurated, becoming one of the first "Belt and Road" joint laboratories designated by China’s Ministry of Science and Technology. 






"This laboratory with world-class scientific equipment is currently the best of its kind in East Africa," said Liu Gaoqiong, a professor of horticulture from Nanjing Agricultural University. Liu has been a visiting professor at Egerton University since 1997. His team of over 30 graduate students conducts research in the lab, promoting the transition from traditional to modern breeding strategies. 

The laboratory has developed several new varieties of beans and sorghum, achieving yields over 10% higher than traditional varieties. Liu noted that the three-decade cooperation between the two universities has fostered the development of 14 new varieties in the demonstration farm alone and promoted their widespread application. 










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