
自2016年由200多个国家签署《巴黎协定》以来,数十亿人投身于这场前所未有的气候行动之中。这不仅是一项行动,更是我认为的,人类历史上最伟大的行动。从未有过这样一个议题 - 全世界没有争论、没有冲突、没有障碍。而现在,这一行动正迈向新的高度,因为我们将帮助地球治愈,帮助气候恢复。我们的地球迫切需要这样帮助,而我们将在此时,在这里,为这一目标而承诺继续努力。

Since Paris Agreement signed by over 200 countries in 2016, we have billions of people Involved in this incredible climate action. This is a movement, I believe, the greatest movement of all human being and of all time. There's never been anything like this in this earth, no arguments, no conflict, no barriers, and now it's going to reach a new level of importance because we're going to help our planet heal, we’re going to help our climate heal. We have an earth that needs help, and it needs help very badly. We're going to fix it and we've made history for a reason here and today, and the reason is going to be just for that.
We overcame obstacles to make renewables, solar and wind the most accessible and the most affordable clean energy to everyone, every country, that nobody thought possible and it is now clear that we've achieved it.
This is a magnificent victory of both technology and economy, of both public and private sectors, of global cooperation and trade, which will allow us to save and reserve this habitable earth to our next and next next generations.
It’s a long and unprecedented hard journey, no one will win if anyone lose. So be together and fight for our children, our future and ourselves. That’s what we have to have.
