中控技术首秀中亚石油天然气行业展会KIOGE 2024,持续深化本地化服务!

中控技术首秀中亚石油天然气行业展会KIOGE 2024,持续深化本地化服务!
2024年09月28日 10:42 市场资讯

9月25日-27日,第29届KIOGE 2024国际石油天然气展览会在哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图阿塔肯特展览中心盛大开幕。来自中国、哈萨克斯坦、德国、英国等全球19个国家的380多家企业参与盛会。

From September 25th to 27th, the Kazakhstan International "Oil & Gas" Exhibition and Conference (KIOGE 2024) was successfully held at the Atakent Exhibition Center in Almaty. More than 380 companies from 19 countries, including China, Kazakhstan, Germany, and the UK, participated in this event. 



As one of the largest industry exhibitions for the oil and gas sector in Central Asia and the entire Caspian region, KIOGE, which began in 1993, has become an authoritative platform for many renowned large oil and gas production companies, oil and gas service companies, oil and gas equipment manufacturers, and automation & instrumentation manufacturers to showcase the latest products, technologies, and solutions in Kazakhstan's oil and gas industry, implement "smart" technologies, and digitize oil extraction processes.

This year, many Chinese enterprises participated in KIOGE. SUPCON was invited to the event for the first time, where it comprehensively presented the company's development status. The exhibition highlighted SUPCON's new "1+2+N" Smart Plant Architecture, innovative achievements centered around the "4 Data Platform + 1 AI Engine", and many other digital transformation products & solutions. Moreover, SUPCON emphasized the typical products and industrial applications in the oil and gas industry, attracting considerable attention from numerous visitors.

现场来自哈萨克斯坦政府、哈萨克斯坦国家石油天然气公司KazMunaiGas、哈萨克天然气公司Qazaqgas中国石油天然气集团有限公司CNPC、北里海作业公司(NCOC)、雪佛龙Chevron、阿斯塔纳时报(Astana Times)等知名机构的政府代表、客户、伙伴等莅临中控技术展台,切实加深了其对中控技术品牌及业务的认知度,尤其是对公司坚持面向“安全、质量、低碳、效益”四大目标,打造“AI+数据”核心竞争力的前沿探索给予高度赞赏,对中控技术通过“5S店+S2B平台”一站式工业服务新模式,依托本地化服务、数字化技术及生态伙伴的凝心聚力,高效激活中亚地区产业活力的做法表示认可,并表达了合作意向。

Customers from well-known institutions such as the National Company "KazMunayGas", CNPC, NCOC, Chevron, The Astana Times visited the SUPCON booth, deepening their recognition of the SUPCON. They highly praised SUPCON's commitment to the four major goals of "Safety, Quality, Green, and Profit" and its cutting-edge exploration to build core competencies in "AI + Data". They expressed their approval and cooperation intentions for SUPCON’s practice of efficiently activating the industrial vitality of Central Asia through the new "5S Store + S2B Platform" One-stop Service Model, localization services, digital technology, and synergistic efforts with ecosystem partners.

KIOGE 2024为持续提升中控技术国际形象尤其是在CA(中亚)区域的品牌知名度,助力中亚市场开拓,深化本土化服务,强化与国际同行的合作交流提供良好契机,同时,针对中亚地区自动化、数字化水平相对薄弱的现状,公司坚持以客户需求为导向,通过细化产品技术及解决方案,以“中控力量,中国技术”不断赋能哈萨克斯坦乃至中亚地区流程工业的数字化、智能化及可持续发展。

KIOGE 2024 provides a great opportunity to continuously enhance SUPCON's international image, especially its brand awareness in Central Asia, boost market expansion in the region, deepen localized services, and strengthen cooperation and communication with international peers. At the same time, considering the relatively low levels of automation and digitization in Central Asia, SUPCON remains committed to being customer-oriented. By refining product technologies and solutions, "SUPCON's power & Chinese technology" continues to empower the digitalization, intelligentization, and sustainable development of process industries in Kazakhstan and throughout Central Asia.


Central Asia is one of the world's largest oil and gas production and export regions. As a key focus of SUPCON's overseas strategy, SUPCON will continue to increase investment and collaborative efforts in Central Asia. Subsidiaries has been established in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, covering the entire Central Asian region, driving the transformation of process industries in Central Asia from traditional manufacturing models to highly automated and intelligent systems, and achieving sustainable development.











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