国际衍生品市场动态 |行业 Markets

国际衍生品市场动态 |行业 Markets
2021年11月30日 11:52 上期所发布


√ SGX将推出新铁矿石期权

√ Eurex推出新北欧货币外汇期货

√ FIATech推出针对非美国期货的服务




德意志交易所旗下欧洲期货交易所(Eurex)表示,将推出7个新外汇期货合约扩大其外汇期货服务,以覆盖更多欧洲货币。新的货币对将是欧元/挪威克朗、欧元/瑞典克朗、欧元/丹麦克朗、美元/挪威克朗和挪威克朗/瑞典克朗,使得Eurex 拥有的外汇货币对达19种。去年,Eurex外汇期货交易量为61.38万手,比2019年交易量增加了537.4%。


FIA旗下技术供应商FIA Tech推出了一个帮助美国投资者更好地对非美国指数衍生品进行分类的工具。FIA Tech表示,它已与九家期货交易所和五家指数供应商合作,为他们提供关于产品是否符合美国监管规定中允许美国公司可交易分类的相关精准信息,包括纳斯达克交易所、巴西B3交易所、东京证券交易所等交易所及富时罗素、MSCI和标准普尔等指数供应商。

SGX to add 65% iron ore options

Singapore Exchange (SGX) has announcedplans to add two new option contracts to its growing suite of iron orecontracts, amid price volatility and increased focus on reducing emissions. SGXon Monday said it would add SGX Options on MB Iron Ore CFR China (65% Fe Fines)Swaps for clearing and SGX Options on MB Iron Ore CFR China (65% Fe Fines)Index Futures contracts for trading and clearing. The exchange plans to launchthe contracts on Monday, December 6, it said in a member circular.

Eurex adds Scandinavian currencies forlisted FX futures

Deutsche Boerse-owned Eurex has expandedits growing foreign exchange (FX) futures service to cover more Europeancurrencies as it launches seven new FX futures contracts. The new currencypairs will be the EUR/NOK, EUR/SEK, EUR/DKK, USD/NOK, USD/SEK, USD/DKK andNOK/SEK, the Frankfurt-based exchanged said. This brings Eurex FX coverage to19 currency pairs. Last year, Eurex traded 613,810 FX futures contracts, anincrease of 537.4% over the 96,299 traded in 2019.

FIA Tech launches non-US futures service

FIA Tech, a market technology provider forexchange-traded derivatives, has launched a tool that helps US investors betterclassify non-US index derivatives. The Washington-based firm said that it haspartnered with nine futures exchanges and five index providers to provideaccurate data around whether or not instruments comply with US regulatoryclassifications around what can traded by US-based firms. FIA tech saysexchanges such as Nasdaq, B3, Tokyo Stock Exchange participated in the project.Index providers included FTSE Russell, MSCI And Standard and Poor's.


铁矿石 外汇期货 欧元 MB







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