
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian’s
Regular Press Conference on November 21, 2024

China News Service: Can you share with us the details, outcomes and highlights of President Xi Jinping’s visit to Brazil? What’s China’s expectations for the future growth of China-Brazil relations?
Lin Jian: President Xi Jinping just wrapped up his state visit to Brazil. During the visit, the two presidents jointly announced to elevate China-Brazil ties to a China-Brazil community with a shared future for a more just world and a more sustainable planet, and to promote synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and Brazil’s development strategies.
President Xi Jinping and President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva took stock of the past 50 years of China-Brazil relations, and agreed that the relationship is at its best period in history, is growing stronger in global, strategic and long-term significance, and has become an exemplar of common progress, solidarity and cooperation between major developing countries. Elevating the bilateral ties and synergizing the two countries’ development strategies will certainly enable the two countries to carry forward the past achievements in the relations and usher in the next “golden 50 years”, as well as to set an example for Global South nations to seek strength through unity and make new contributions to increasing the representation and voice of developing countries in global governance. President Xi also pointed out that next year marks the 10th anniversary of the official launch of the China-CELAC Forum. China stands ready to join hands with Brazil and other Latin American countries to take China-Latin American cooperation to new heights.
The two presidents signed the Joint Statement Between the People’s Republic of China and the Federative Republic of Brazil on Jointly Building the China-Brazil Community with a Shared Future for a More Just World and a More Sustainable Planet, and jointly witnessed the signing of the Plan of Cooperation Between the People’s Republic of China and the Federative Republic of Brazil on Synergizing the Belt and Road Initiative with the Growth Acceleration Program, the New Industry Brazil, the Ecological Transformation Plan, and the Program on South American Integration Routes. The two sides also signed bilateral cooperation documents during the visit.
The King of football Pelé once said “The most beautiful goal is always the next one.” Likewise, the most wonderful chapter of China-Brazil relations is yet to come. Keeping in mind the future of humanity and the well-being of the people, China is ready to work with Brazil to continually enrich the content of China-Brazil relations in the new era, safeguard true multilateralism, send a strong message of the new era that we choose development over poverty, cooperation over confrontation and justice over hegemony, and join hands to make the world a better place.
RIA Novosti: A senior representative of the US Strategic Command Thomas Buchanan said earlier today the US does not want a nuclear war, but if an exchange of nuclear strikes occurs, Washington wants to keep some of its arsenal to deter its potential adversaries in the future. I wonder what’s China’s comment on this?
Lin Jian: What the US official said shows the US’s outdated mindset of seeking hegemony and absolute strategic advantage. In recent years, the US has kept upgrading its nuclear triad, increasing the role of nuclear weapons in national security policies, strengthening nuclear sharing and extended deterrence with its allies, and promoting forward deployment of medium-range missiles and anti-missile systems. These moves seriously disturb global strategic balance and stability, intensify military competition and confrontation, and increase nuclear risks.
The US should earnestly fulfill its special and primary responsibility for nuclear disarmament, further make drastic and substantive cuts to its nuclear arsenal, create conditions for the ultimate realization of complete and thorough nuclear disarmament, and contribute to reducing strategic risks and upholding regional peace and stability.



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趋势起航今天 13:49:29
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趋势起航今天 13:19:27
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趋势起航今天 12:49:26
【雪浪环境(sz300385):股东杨建平、许惠芬拟减持不超过3%公司股份】雪浪环境(sz300385)(300385.SZ)公告称,合计持有公司20.29%股份的股东杨建平和许惠芬,计划自公告披露之日起15个交易日后的3个月内,通过集中竞价或大宗交易方式减持不超过9,994,300股,即不超过公司总股本的3%。减持原因为家庭资产规划。减持价格将根据市场价格确定。 -
趋势起航今天 12:19:23
【深圳:将在全市园区推行“园区贷”】深圳举行营商环境主题新闻发布会。会上介绍,深圳高度重视解决企业融资需求,向广大中小微企业创新试点“园区贷”,推动产业园区运营机构依法依规运用入驻企业的房租、水电、燃气缴纳等多维度数据为企业画像,量身打造增值增信服务。“园区贷”业务去年8月开展以来,在深圳10个园区试点,授信余额超过110亿元。接下来深圳将在全市园区推行“园区贷”,进一步改善产业园区循环生态。 (21世纪经济报道) -
趋势起航今天 11:49:22
【成都先导(sh688222):东方佳钰、深圳钧天、华博器械拟减持公司股份】《科创板日报》2日讯,成都先导(sh688222)(688222.SH)公告称,公司股东东方佳钰、深圳钧天、华博器械计划通过集中竞价交易或大宗交易的方式减持其所持有的公司股份。其中,东方佳钰拟减持不超过4,817,500股,占公司总股本的1.20%;深圳钧天拟减持不超过2,175,352股,占公司总股本的0.54%;华博器械拟减持不超过2,000,000股,占公司总股本的0.50%。减持期间为2025年3月24日至2025年6月23日。减持价格将按照市场价格进行,减持原因为自身财务需求及安排。这些股东承诺将在减持前3个交易日公告减持计划。 -
趋势起航今天 11:19:20
【中信建投(sh601066):对市场战略性看多的判断没有改变】中信建投(sh601066)研报表示,投资者情绪指数在春节后持续走高,2月7日突破75进入高涨区,在2月26—27日短暂超过90后,情绪指数在2月最后一个交易日由于市场调整跌出亢奋区。情绪指数刚刚突破90后市场即迅速迎来调整,这与去年12月12日存在一定的相似之处。当前市场总体仍然健康,唯一提示市场回调风险的指标来自换手率,这意味着月末市场的下跌主要是由短期交易过热引发的正常回调。总的来说,中信建投(sh601066)对市场战略性看多的判断没有改变,回调结束后仍然建议继续维持较高仓位水平。 -
趋势起航今天 10:49:18
吉利汽车表示将通过关连交易成立合资公司发展智能驾驶业务,吉利汽车将持有合资公司30%的股份。 -
趋势领涨今天 10:35:48
推动完善融资配套机制 下大气力解决民营企业融资难、融资贵问题;抓好“科创板八条”“服务现代化产业体系十六条”“并购六条”等政策落实落地 支持民营企业通过资本市场发展壮大。明天科创板,创业板等科技股应该有表现了! -
趋势起航今天 10:19:17
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趋势领涨今天 09:58:10