
2021年08月01日 17:38 新浪财经综合










  中国的财富管理市场前景非常广阔。根据招商银行和贝恩公司发布的《2021年中国私人财富报告》,2020年,中国富裕人口为262万人,近10年来年均增长率达18%。根据瑞士信贷发布的《全球财富报告》(The Global Wealth Report),中国拥有资产净值超过10万美元的大众富裕人群为1.13亿人,超过美国的1.03亿人和日本的5500万人,成为世界上最大的大众富裕人群。














  在银行主导下发展起来的中国金融体系,其资本市场和财富管理行业都将“重获新生”。 在野村,我们秉持将野村差异化服务及国际化经验带入中国的理念,致力于为中国资本市场的扩大添砖加瓦,我们坚信这将是一个共赢的未来。

  Speech at GAMF 2021 Beijing Summit


  Nomura is a global financial services group centered on the Wholesale and Retail Securities businesses. While Wealth Management and Asset Management have long held the top position in the industry in Japan, they are aiming to expand their business to China and Asia and opened Nomura Toho Kokusai, a Chinese local securities company, in 2019.

  From that standpoint, I would like to talk about China‘s business opportunities and global experience.

  First, we pay attention to the remarkable accumulation of personal financial assets in China. Although China‘s economic growth will slow down in the future due to the aging of the population and other factors, the accumulation of financial assets is expected to further progress in light of Japan’s experience.

  Of course, the market for Wealth Management is very promising. In 2020, China‘s wealthy population numbered 2.62 million, with a growth rate of 18% per year in the past 10 years (Note: China Merchants Bank, Bain & Company, 2021 China Private Wealth Report). According to Credit Suisse’s The Global Wealth Report, the number of mass affluents with net assets of over $100,000 in China was 113 million, surpassing 103 million in the U.S. and 55 million in Japan to become the world‘s largest.

  On the other hand, we are concerned that if China maintains its conventional structure of massive inflows of funds into “financial products” or speculative real estate transactions, it will not be able to turn individual financial assets into an engine that creates a virtuous cycle advantageous to the Chinese economy, and that it will cause asset bubbles or cause economic stagnation.

  This concern is based on Japan‘s bad loan problem from the 1980s to the 1990s and the experience of the housing bubble that occurred in Europe and the United States in the 2000s. Each time Nomura Group faced a financial crisis or economic stagnation, it struggled to adapt its business model to the needs of its customers.

  Based on this experience, we recognize that China will also be required to implement full-fledged Wealth Management to protect its customers‘ wealth from speculative market movements and financial crises and to provide advice on asset management in line with the Dual circulation (economic) strategy of the Chinese economy.

  There are several elements to what makes a “full-fledged Wealth Management”. First, keep the cash and deposit ratio at a reasonably low level and invest as much as possible in risk. Second, long-term and diversified investment. Diversification should include foreign and alternative assets. The third is professional portfolio management, with ongoing asset allocation and rebalancing. In any case, they have accumulated experience in both theory and practice overseas.

  Given the trend toward global experience taking root in China, the growth of the investment trust (fund) market in the Mass Affluent segment, the explosive growth of long-term funds, and the spread of discretionary investment services in the High-Net-Worth segment are expected in the future.

  In China‘s new era of Wealth Management, we see three areas as big business opportunities: 

  First, we will provide research and execution services on global investment opportunities for asset management companies, funds and family offices, which will grow and grow in China.

  Second, Nomura Eastern International (NOI) will provide comprehensive Wealth Management services to wealthy Chinese. I want to make the most of my experience in Japan.

  Third, Nomura Securities Retail and Nomura Asset Management should take the diversified investment needs of Japanese individual financial assets totaling approximately US $19 trillion and bring them into the Chinese capital market.

  In any case, Nomura Group‘s Business Opportunities will contribute to the formation of the AM and WM markets that support China’s stable growth.

  Finally, I would like to say a few words about win-win in the global and local markets.

  Nomura Toho Kokusai launched with a strong focus on localization. Management is entrusted to local management, and all but a few of the nearly 200 employees, including the chairman and president, are newly recruited in China. In order to accurately capture business opportunities in China, it is necessary to take drastic steps to localize.

  At the same time, local employees are encouraged to learn about Nomura‘s corporate culture and Nomura’s experiences in Japan, Europe and the United States. This is a channel in which only human resources can deliver the strengths and intangible assets that only Nomura has among many foreign financial institutions to customers in China.

  In China‘s financial system, which has developed under the leadership of banks, both the capital market and the WM industry will be “created.” At Nomura, we believe this is a win-win, as we can differentiate ourselves from the competition, while helping to expand the overall size of the capital market in China by delivering the experience we have cultivated in Japan and globally.









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