荷宝投资首席执行官Gilbert Van Hassel:可持续发展最大的挑战之一就是忽略当前机会

荷宝投资首席执行官Gilbert Van Hassel:可持续发展最大的挑战之一就是忽略当前机会
2021年08月02日 17:36 新浪财经综合



  荷宝投资首席执行官Gilbert Van Hassel参加全球财富管理论坛2021北京峰会并作主题发言时表示,疫情给全球带来危机的同时,也带来了提高社会可持续性的机会。当前,自然环境的恶化加剧了病毒跨物种传播的几率;疫情使得全球诸多经济体陷入了严重的衰退,加剧了贫富差距;气候变化及生物多样性的丧失也将影响人类健康。因此,可持续发展对实现全球绿色复苏、以更好的应对未来的挑战具有重要意义。从融资端来看,需要在可再生能源、医疗、教育、住房、交通和基础设施领域投入更多资金。从投资端来看,可以通过深入可持续性研究、不断完善可持续性战略,同时支持绿色复苏等。



  Gilbert Van Hassel


























  这些战略还与我们自己的净零承诺高度一致 —— 我们希望通过该承诺于2050年在我们的整个资产管理规模实现净零温室气体排放。并且不止我们有这样的雄心:如今世界近一半的资产都进行了净零承诺。







  以上是我想要跟大家分享的一些想法,它们强调了一个重要原则。我认为可持续性方面最大的挑战之一就是忽略当前的机会。可持续复苏需要社会作出重大转变,而这意味着会有赢家和输家。那些能够选择赢家 —— 也就是可持续性方面的领导者 —— 的投资者将会获利。这其中蕴藏巨大的机遇。而且,像我常说的那样:如果你能关注可持续性,就能成为一个更好的资产管理者。


  Speech at GAMF 2021 Beijing Summit

Gilbert Van Hassel

  Dear distinguished guests, good morning, good afternoon and good evening. It is a pleasure to be with you at the 2021 Global Asset Management Summit and to address ESG investing in the context of the green recovery of the global economy. I sincerely hope that we can meet again in person in China in future events.

  This is clearly an important and urgent topic. The pandemic has devastated millions of lives around the world, which we can’t take that lightly. At the same time, the current crisis also presents an opportunity, obligation almost, for all of us to make our societies more sustainable in the future.

  Nobel-prize winning economist Milton Friedman once famously said: “Only a crisis – actual or perceived – produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around.”

  So what are the ideas lying around sustainable investing that can promote sustainable development and lead to a sustainable recovery?

  To answer this question, let me talk about three topics with you today:

  1. The blueprint that can help us create a green recovery

  2. The way sustainable investing can make this sustainable recovery happen

  3. And how do we make sustainable investing actionable at Robeco

  1. The blueprint 

  Let’s talk about the blueprint for a sustainable recovery first.

  The current pandemic is not only a health challenge. Covid-19 taught us an important lesson about sustainability. This is that most sustainability challenges are interconnected with other sustainability issues. Let me explain: Whereas the degradation of nature made the transmission of the virus from animals to humans more likely, the global outbreak that ensued led to millions of lives lost. At the same time, it has plunged economies into deep recessions, and it has deepened inequalities. While we are fortunate to now have developed vaccines for Covid-19, a vaccine in itself will not reduce the risk of future health crises occurring.

  And the same goes for other sustainability challenges. Climate change and biodiversity loss, for example, are not only about nature. They are likewise deeply connected to people’s health, our food production systems, our value chains and economies.

  This makes sustainable development complex: so how can we tackle these interconnected challenges in a systematic way?

  The good news is that the world has a blueprint for sustainable development. In 2015 all of the world’s leaders adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs. These goals aim to eradicate poverty and hunger, promote health, education, and sustainable growth, and they seek to protect our planet.

  With the SDGs the world has, for the first time in history, a global blueprint for a better world for current and for future generations.

  These Sustainable Development Goals also give us a guide for a sustainable recovery. The United Nations said that the SDGs are: “vital for a COVID-19 recovery that leads to greener, more inclusive economies, and stronger, more resilient societies.”

  Achieving the SDGs would at the same time make sure that we can better face future challenges. If we have stronger health systems, fewer people living in extreme poverty, less gender inequality, a healthier natural environment, we will also be better equipped when the next crisis strikes.

  But these Sustainable Development Goals are bold. The world agreed to achieve them by 2030. Our governments also said that this requires the involvement of the financial sector. So what can we, investors, do? That brings me to my second point, on how sustainable investing can make this happen.

  2. How can sustainable investing make this happen

  Financing is one hurdle facing the SDGs. For these goals to be achieved the world needs to invest much more money in areas like renewable energy, healthcare, education, housing, transport and infrastructure.

  Investors are increasingly getting on board to supporting such goals. What we see is that a massive change is happening in the financial sector. Investors around the world are integrating sustainability characteristics into their investment strategies, like we’ve also been doing for many years.

  Let me illustrate that with some statistics. 2020 was a record year for sustainable investing. According to research from Morningstar, funds that incorporate sustainability criteria reached USD 1.7 trillion in assets under management, up 29% compared to 2019. And there is a lot of untapped potential: more than 3,000 asset owners and managers with USD 103.4 trillion in assets under management committed to the Principles for Responsible Investment. Imagine what happens if all that money is being used for good.

  One way for investors to help achieve the SDGs is by financing companies that provide solutions to the SDGs, while reducing investments in companies that have negative impacts on the goals. Another way for investors to make a difference is through active ownership. As shareholders of the companies we invest in, we can vote at shareholder meetings and engage with companies to make them more sustainable. Money speaks and we have the power to let that voice be sustainable.

  So how can we invest in the SDGs and its subgoals, like climate change? And how do we, at Robeco, make that more tangible? That brings me to my third topic.

  3. How do we, Robeco, make SI actionable

  Robeco is a research-driven investor. This means fundamental, quant, and sustainability research. By doing thorough research on sustainability, we are able to continuously improve our sustainable investing strategies and thereby support a green recovery.

  Let me give you a few examples of how we do that – from our investment practices and our active ownership.


  Through our research we aim to develop innovative strategies that contribute both to wealth and wellbeing. For example, Robeco was one of the first in the world to create a framework with which it analyzes companies’ impacts on the SDGs. Once we know how much positive or negative impacts a company has on the SDGs, we can allocate capital to those companies that are a force for positive change.

  Another example is on climate change. Last December we launched innovative climate-focused fixed income strategies. These are the world’s first global fixed income strategies that are fully compliant with the EU benchmark regulation for Paris-aligned investments. This was so innovative that these strategies are being measured against newly created climate indexes which we developed together with Solactive, a specialist in this area, because such benchmarks were not yet readily available to the market.

  These strategies also align well with our own Net Zero Commitment – through which we want to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions across all our AuM by 2050. And we are not alone with such an ambition: today nearly half the world’s assets is under a net zero commitment.

  Active ownership

  But asset allocation is not the only way for investors to make a difference. Active ownership is another. We have been engaging with investee companies for over 15 years on nearly all sustainability topics you can think of. For example, here in China we are engaging with one of the main energy distributors on the topic of climate change. The company recently said they would welcome Robeco’s help in formulating an appropriate emissions reductions strategy. That is a clear example of making impact and solving challenges together.

  And we don’t stop at corporate engagement. We also are pioneering how to engage with governments. This is a key area in which positive impacts can be realized.

  A concrete example is Brazil. As long-term investors in Brazilian bonds and equities, it is important to us how Brazil deals with deforestation and climate change – main challenges in the country. This not only is a matter of environmental and social responsibility that is relevant for the whole world, but also a financially material factor in our investment decisions.

  We’ve discussed this issue with the Vice President of Brazil, together with other investors. The fact that the Brazilian government is open to discuss these matters with investors is an important sign, and we’re grateful for having that, but it’s not the ultimate goal itself. The ultimate goal to achieve is significant reduction in deforestation rates and proper law enforcement against environmental crimes.

  While it is too soon to tell whether this engagement will lead to a positive result, it is a clear example of a new phenomenon: investor-led engagement with sovereign entities. For the sake of time, let me leave it there, and round up.


  These are some thoughts that I wanted to share with you because they highlight an important principle. I believe that one of the biggest sustainability challenges is not seeing the opportunities. A sustainable recovery requires significant transformations of societies and that means that there will be winners and losers. If investors are able to pick the winners – the sustainability leaders – they will profit. That is a huge opportunity. And, like I said more often: if you focus on sustainability, you are going to be a better asset manager.

  With that, I invite you all to seize this sustainability opportunity by investigating how your investment decisions can be a force for a sustainable recovery. I truly believe that with collective action we can accomplish major changes and create wealth and well-being, which is in the interests of both society and our industry.

  Let‘s create a truly sustainable future together.

  Thank you.









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