安联投资首席执行官Tobias C. Pross:中国中产阶级正将投资需求转向ESG产品

安联投资首席执行官Tobias C. Pross:中国中产阶级正将投资需求转向ESG产品
2021年08月01日 17:31 新浪财经综合



  安联投资首席执行官Tobias C. Pross参加全球财富管理论坛2021北京峰会并作主题发言时表示,从全球的ESG投资趋势来看,2020年是ESG投资真正意义上的转折点,投资者在投资决策中正式将可持续性纳入考量范围,这体现在2020年有更多的资金流向了可持续投资产品。从中国ESG投资趋势来看,虽然中国的煤炭产量和销量仍是世界第一,但自双碳目标提出之后,企业的低碳转型正付诸行动。同时,中国已经建立全国碳排放交易市场,这是全球最大的碳排放交易市场。而金融行业亦能发挥其优势,助力全球绿色复苏。例如资产配置方面,可以通过ESG纳入投资过程,引导资金投向低碳产业。此外,还可优化企业信息披露,更好的引导投资者投向有气候韧性、并已开始践行低碳业务的企业。



  Tobias C. Pross
























  Speech at GAMF 2021 Beijing Summit

  Tobias C. Pross

  First, I would like to express my gratitude to the Global Asset Management Forum for organizing today‘s event and inviting me on behalf of Allianz Global Investors to speak about a topic that is very close to our heart, sustainability.

  Global ESG trends

  Sustainable investing has been for some years now on everyone‘s lips, but we believe that last year, the inflection point many of us were waiting for has finally been reached.Investors realized that sustainable considerations in the investment process not only aren’t detrimental to performance, but have the potential of bringing incremental returns in the long period.

  • This shift in attitude towards sustainable investing can be seen first and foremost in market flows towards sustainable investment products, which in 2020 have been of unprecedented magnitude.

  • Three main secular trends can be identified and accredited for this shift: Client demand due to a shift in value from the newer generations, Stronger and more focused regulatory push,China pledging to carbon neutrality by 2060, with its intermediate goals.

  ESG in China

  Not only sustainability is at its inflection point, China‘s economy is too. While the country’s demand and production of coal is still the highest in the world, China‘s pledge to reach carbon neutrality by 2060 has been followed by a resolute effort towards accomplishing this ambitious goal.

  o The launch of the national emissions-trading program—a system that would create the world‘s largest carbon market and be key in reaching peak emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality, or net zero emissions, by 2060.

  o China is the largest producer of solar panels and is expected to account for 40% of global renewable capacity expansion from 2019 to 2024.

  o China‘s meteoric rise of electric vehicle and renewable energy sectors during recent years demonstrate the potential for climate policy to drive investment and growth.

  While these numbers are already impressive, this transformation process can‘t stop with the energy and manufacturing sector. Every sector needs to change to achieve net zero. We believe that the financial sector can play a role just as important, through capital allocation as a catalyst to finance the transition toward low carbon business models via the integration of Environmental, Social and Governance factors (ESG) in the investment process.

  China‘s regulatory efforts in this direction are significative, resulting in a commitment which will drive investments and corporate action. It is of paramount importance to have a clear policy direction, combined with enhanced corporate reporting to help investors efficiently direct funds to those companies that are climate resilient and on track on the transition path to a lower-carbon business model.

  Also from a client perspective, sustainable investing is quickly climbing the ranks of the investment industry‘s hot topics. China’s public pension and sovereign wealth funds are increasingly looking at sustainable investment solutions, and on the retail space, the growth of China‘s middle class is, and will, shift investment demand towards ESG products over time.

  AllianzGI in China

  In recent years, China‘s local asset managers have shown great achievements in terms of sustainability. The number of ESG-related funds is increasing significantly and we’re very pleased to see China‘s leading asset managers start to:

  1.Participate into ESG/responsible investment related organizations such as UNPRI.

  2.Set up dedicated ESG research/investment team.

  3.Put stronger emphasis on internal ESG governance structure, such as setting up ESG committee, policy and process etc.

  Allianz Global Investors is highly committed to the Chinese financial market. We are dedicated to developing a sustainable investment universe in this important market by exploring new opportunities including the onshore retail fund management business in China. We are dedicated to contributing to the development of the sustainable investment market via investment knowledge, education and support in harmonizing ESG standards between China and overseas, to ultimately facilitate growth

  • Since sustainability is very much about “walking the talk”, we couldn‘t be prouder of our mother company Allianz’s commitment towards a more sustainable future, with whom we are 100% aligned, and we can say that sustainability is in our group‘s DNA.

  o Both Allianz and AllianzGI are member of the Net Zero Asset Owner/Asset Manager initiative to meet the Paris Agreement goals.

  o As part of this commitment, we will develop innovative solutions targeting climate change and already launched the first approach with Climate Engagement with Outcome (which sees us actively engaging with our portfolio‘s top carbon emitters).

  o We have a strong track record in advising regulators with regards to sustainable finance topics For instance, AllianzGI is the senior advisor to the pension committee of IAMAC where we, amongst other topics, advise on ESG integration for pension investments (Allianz is co-chair of IAMAC‘s International Expert Advisory Committee)

In our 20+ years of experience in sustainable investing, since launching our first Global SRI strategy, we constantly innovated and evolved our approach, while staying true to our identity of true active asset manager, which we believe is ideal to guide companies towards a Net Zero future, by actively engaging with them on sustainability themes and helping them shifting their business models.

  o We manage one of the world‘s first three Green Bond funds.

  o We have, and plan to increasingly do so, significantly built up our SDG fund franchise, to encompass themes such as water, clean energy and health.

  o Have strong track record in managing impact investment strategies, where we are able to generate measurable impact alongside financial return.









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