MSCI:2023年度研究报告《女性董事比例进度报告》出炉 领导层职位仍然由男性主导

2024年03月05日15:26    作者:MSCI  

  意见领袖 | MSCI


  MSCI ESG与气候研究部亚太区主管王晓书表示:“2023年,亚太地区公司的女性董事比例持续呈现上升趋势。这一趋势在一定程度上得益于各个市场推出了旨在促进董事会多样性的监管措施。然而,另一趋势也尤其值得关注——近年来,监管机构和投资者已开始着眼于董事会性别多样性以外的指标。他们逐步开始评估企业在性别薪酬差距、其他高管职位的女性比例以及相关政策、目标和进展是否透明。扩大企业多样性的参考指标可能有助于企业善用更多人才,从而在瞬息万变的市场中能够更好地应对风险挑战、捕捉新机遇。”



  · 2023年全球范围内,MSCI全球指数所涵盖的大中型成分股企业的董事会席位中,女性董事占比为25.8%,较2022年略高一个百分点。

  · 女性董事比例达到30%或以上的成分股比例从2022年的38%,上升到41%。

  · 发达市场企业的女性董事比例(32.9%)仍远高于新兴市场企业(17.1%)。

  · 在亚太地区,2023年女性董事占比为18.2%,较2022年的16.6%有所上升。

  · 澳大利亚(40.8%)、新加坡(25.3%)、中国香港(19.0%)和韩国(16.3% )是亚太地区进展最大的市场,这些市场的女性董事比例增加了3%或以上。

  · 在韩国,中国台湾和中国香港,董事会成员均为男性的企业比例下降幅度最大。

  · 女性担任董事席位占比(MSCI亚太指数)

This chart shows the overall percentage of director seats held by women in 2022 (1,435 companies) and 2023 (1,477 companies) among the constituents of the MSCI AC Asia Pacific Index (5 Developed Markets and 8 Emerging Markets). The index constituents are as of October of each corresponding year. Boards of directors (one-tier board structure) and supervisory boards (two-tier board structure) are considered in this assessment. Source: MSCI ESG Research, October 2023This chart shows the overall percentage of director seats held by women in 2022 (1,435 companies) and 2023 (1,477 companies) among the constituents of the MSCI AC Asia Pacific Index (5 Developed Markets and 8 Emerging Markets). The index constituents are as of October of each corresponding year. Boards of directors (one-tier board structure) and supervisory boards (two-tier board structure) are considered in this assessment. Source: MSCI ESG Research, October 2023

  · 董事会成员均为男性的企业占比(MSCI亚太指数)

This chart shows the percentage of constituents of MSCI AC Asia Pacific Index (5 Developed Markets and 8 Emerging Markets) for 2022 (1,435 companies) and 2023 (1,477 companies). Malaysia and New Zealand not depicted due to having no all-male boards in either year. The index constituents are as of October of each corresponding year. Boards of directors (one-tier board structure) and supervisory boards (two-tier board structure) are considered in this assessment. Source: MSCI ESG Research, October 2023This chart shows the percentage of constituents of MSCI AC Asia Pacific Index (5 Developed Markets and 8 Emerging Markets) for 2022 (1,435 companies) and 2023 (1,477 companies). Malaysia and New Zealand not depicted due to having no all-male boards in either year. The index constituents are as of October of each corresponding year. Boards of directors (one-tier board structure) and supervisory boards (two-tier board structure) are considered in this assessment. Source: MSCI ESG Research, October 2023


  · 全球范围内,董事会领导层职位仍然由男性主导。仅9.1%(2022年为6.3%)的董事会主席和6.5%(2022年为5.8%)的首席执行官职位由女性担任。

  · 在亚太地区,女性担任首席执行官的占比提升了0.9个百分点,上升速度快于全球水平。

  · 在亚太市场,新西兰和澳大利亚女性担任首席执行官的占比增长最为强劲。

  · 在中国内地和中国香港,女性担任首席执行官的占比分别小幅上升至6.7%和4.4%。

  · 女性首席执行官/首席财务官占比(MSCI亚太指数):

The table shows the percentage of CEO and CFO positions held by women in 2022 (1,435 companies) and 2023 (1,477 companies) among constituents of the MSCI AC Asia Pacific Index (5 Developed Markets and 8 Emerging Markets). The index constituents are as of October of each corresponding year. Given that this assessment was aimed at identifying the number of women CEOs and CFOs, we only accounted for CEOs and CFOs identified as women according to the issuers’ disclosure. As a result, the remaining CEOs and CFOs include both male CEOs and CFOs as well as CEOs and CFOs whose gender have not been disclosed or where there was no information concerning the CEO/CFO available. Source: MSCI ESG Research, October 2023The table shows the percentage of CEO and CFO positions held by women in 2022 (1,435 companies) and 2023 (1,477 companies) among constituents of the MSCI AC Asia Pacific Index (5 Developed Markets and 8 Emerging Markets). The index constituents are as of October of each corresponding year. Given that this assessment was aimed at identifying the number of women CEOs and CFOs, we only accounted for CEOs and CFOs identified as women according to the issuers’ disclosure. As a result, the remaining CEOs and CFOs include both male CEOs and CFOs as well as CEOs and CFOs whose gender have not been disclosed or where there was no information concerning the CEO/CFO available. Source: MSCI ESG Research, October 2023

  · 女性担任高级管理层职位的占比(MSCI亚太指数):

Note: This chart shows constituents of the MSCI AC Asia Pacific Index that have disclosed the gender composition of their executive management teams by the percentage of women among them for 2023 (1,477 companies). The definition of executive management team may vary by jurisdiction. Source: MSCI ESG Research, October 2023.Note: This chart shows constituents of the MSCI AC Asia Pacific Index that have disclosed the gender composition of their executive management teams by the percentage of women among them for 2023 (1,477 companies). The definition of executive management team may vary by jurisdiction. Source: MSCI ESG Research, October 2023.


  · 女性董事占董事会席位的15.7%,较2022年的14.8%有所增长。

  · 21.8%的企业董事会成员均为男性,较2022年的24.9%有所下降。

  · 6.7%企业的首席执行官由女性担任,较2022年的6.3%有所上升。

  · 27.5%企业的首席财务官由女性担任,较2022年的26.8%有所上升。





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