逐字逐句分析 特朗普签贸易战备忘录时说了啥(全译)

逐字逐句分析 特朗普签贸易战备忘录时说了啥(全译)
2018年03月23日 19:55 新浪美股综合








  Diplomatic Room  外交厅

  12:45 P.M. EDT  美国东部时间中午12:45

  THE PRESIDENT:  Well, thank you everybody. This has been long in the making.  You’ve heard many, many speeches by me and talks by me, and interviews where I talk about unfair trade practices.  We’ve lost, over a fairly short period of time, 60000 factories in our country — closed, shuttered, gone. Six million jobs, at least, gone. And now they’re starting to come back. You see what’s happening with Chrysler,with Foxconn, with so many other companies wanting to come back into the United States.


  译:谢谢大家。这事已经很长时间了。你听过很多很多的演讲和我的谈话,还有我谈论不公平交易行为的采访。我们在相当短的时间内失去了在我们国家的6万家工厂 - 关闭,废弃,不见了。至少有600万个工作机会没有了。现在它们开始回来了。你会看到克莱斯勒和富士康发生了什么,还有很多其他公司希望回到美国。

  But we have one particular problem. And I view them as afriend; I have tremendous respect for President Xi. We have a great relationship. They’re helping us a lot in North Korea. And that’s China.

  (特朗普提到在朝 鲜事件上中国帮助了美国很多,之前所谓美国绕开中国和朝 鲜接触的说法应该是不成立的)


  But we have a trade deficit,depending on the way you calculate,of $504 billion. Now, some people would say it’s really $375billion. Many different ways of looking at it, but any way you look at it, it is the largest deficit of any country in the history of our world. It’s out of control.


  We have a tremendous intellectual property theft situation going on, which likewise is hundreds of billions of dollars. And that’s on a yearly basis.  I’ve spoken to the President.  I’ve spoken to representatives of China. We’ve been dealing with it very seriously.



  As you know, we’re renegotiating NAFTA. We’ll see how that turns out.  Many countries are calling to negotiate better trade deals because they don’t want to have to pay the steel and aluminum tariffs. And we are negotiating with various countries — Mr. Lighthizer, Mr. Ross.



  We are just starting a negotiation with the European Union because they’ve really shut out our country to a large extent. They have barriers that — they can trade with us but we can’t trade with them. They’re very strong barriers. They have very high tariffs.  We don’t.  It’s just not fair.

  译:我们刚刚开始与欧盟进行谈判,因为它们在很大程度上确实把我们的国家拒之门外。他们设立了障碍 - 他们可以与我们交易,但我们不能与他们交易。这些是非常强大的障碍。他们有很高的关税。我们没有。这不公平。

  NAFTA has been a very bad deal for the United States, but we’ll make it better or we’ll have to do something else.The deal we have with South Korea is a very one-sided deal.  It’s a deal that has to be changed.



  So we have a lot of things happening. But in particular,with China, we’re going to be doing a Section 301 trade action. It could be about $60 billion but that’s really just a fraction of what we’re talking about.



  I’ve been speaking with the highest Chinese representatives,including the President, and I’ve asked them to reduce the trade deficit immediately by $100 billion.  It’s a lot.  So that would be anywhere from 25 percent, depending on the way you figure, to maybe something even more than that.  But we have to do that.



  The word that I want to use is “reciprocal.” When they charge 25 percent for a car to go in, and we charge 2 percent for their car to come into the United States, that’s not good.  That’s how China rebuilt itself.  The tremendous money that we’ve paid since the founding of the World Trade Organization — which has actually been a disaster for us. It’s been very unfair to us.The arbitrations are very unfair. The judging has been very unfair. And knowingly, we always have a minority and it’s not fair.


  译:我想用的这个词是“互惠”。当他们收取25%的汽车进口税时,我们收取2%的汽车进口税,这并不好。中国就是这样重振自己的。我们自世界贸易组织创立以来付出了巨大财富 - 实际上这对我们来说是一场灾难。这对我们非常不公平。仲裁非常不公平。评判非常不公平。而且很明显,我们总是少数,这是不公平的。

  So we’re talking to World Trade, we’re talking to NAFTA,we’retalking to China, we’re talking to the European Union. And I will say,every single one of them wants to negotiate. And I believe that, in many cases — maybe all cases — we’ll end up negotiating a deal.


  译:所以我们正在与WTO谈判,我们正在就北美自由贸易协定谈判,我们正在与中国谈判,我们正在与欧盟谈判。我会说,他们每一个人都想谈判。我相信,在很多情况下 - 也许是所有情况 - 我们最终都会谈判达成协议。

  So we’ve spoken to China and we’re in the midst of a very large negotiation. We’ll see where it takes us. But in the meantime, we are sending a Section 301 action. I’ll be signing it right here, rightnow.  I’d like to ask Bob Lighthizer to say a few words about the 301 and where we are in that negotiation.



  And we’re doing things for this country that should have been done for many, many years.  We’ve had this abuse by many other countries and groups of countries that were put together in order to take advantage of the United States, and we don’t want that to happen. We’re not going to let that happen. It’s probably one of the reasons I was elected; maybe one of the main reasons. But we’re not going to let that happen.



  We have, right now, an $800 billion trade deficit with the world. So think of that.  So let’s say we have 500 to 375, but let’s say we have 500 with China, but we have 800 total with the world. That would mean that China is more than half. So we’re going to get it taken care of.  And, frankly, it’s going to make us a much stronger, much richer nation.



  The word is “reciprocal.  That’s the word I want everyone to remember.  We want reciprocal — mirror. Some people call it a mirror tariff or a mirror tax. Just use the word reciprocal.  If they charge us, we charge them the same thing.  That’s the way it’s got to be. That’s not the way it is.  For many, many years — for many decades, it has not been that way.


  译:这个关键词是“互惠”。这是我想让所有人都记住的词。我们想要互惠 - 像镜子一样是相互的。有人称之为镜像关税或镜像税。只要使用“互惠”这个词,如果他们向我们收费,我们会向他们收取同样的费用。这就是相互对等的方式。事实并非如此。许多年来 - 几十年来,情况并非如此。

  And I will say, the people we’re negotiating with — smilingly,they really agree with us.  I really believe they cannot believe they’ve gotten away with this for so long.


  译:我会说,我们正在与之谈判的人 - 微笑着,他们真的同意我们。我真的相信,他们都无法相信他们已经远离互惠这么久了。

  I’ll talk to Prime Minister Abe of Japan and others — great guy,friend of mine — and there will be a little smile on their face.  And the smile is, “I can’t believe we’ve been able to take advantage of the United States for so long.” So those days are over.



  Ambassador Lighthizer, thank you.


  AMBASSADOR LIGHTHIZER:  Well,thank you very much,Mr. President.  First of all, for those of you who don’t know, Section 301 is a statute that gives substantial power, authority to the President to correctactions in certain circumstances where there’s unfair acts, policies, orpractices by our trading partners.



  In this case, the area is technology. Technology is probably the most important part of our economy. There’s 44 millionpeople who work in high-tech knowledge areas. No country has as much technology-intensive industry as the United States. And technology is really the backbone of the future of the American economy.



  Given these problems, the President asked USTR to conduct astudy.We conducted a thorough study. We had hearings. We reviewed tens of thousands of pages of documents. We talked to many, many business people. We had testimony, as I say.



  And we concluded that, in fact,China does have a policy of forced technology transfer;of requiring licensing at less than economic value;of state capitalism,wherein they go in and buy technology in the United States in non-economic ways; and then, finally, of cyber theft.



  The result of this has been that the President has analyzed it —we have a 200-page study which we will put out — and he has concluded that we should put in place tariffs on appropriate products — we can explain later how we concluded what products they are; that we would put investment restrictionson China with respect to high technology; and that we’ll file a WTO case. Because one of the actions here does involve a WTO violation.

  译:结果就是这样,总统已对此进行分析 - 我们有一个长达200页的研究报告,我们将公布 - 他已经得出结论,我们应该对适当的产品征收关税 - 我们可以在以后解释我们如何挑出这些产品;我们会在高科技方面对中国施加投资限制;并且我们将向WTO提交诉案,因为这里的一项行为确实涉及违反WTO规定。


  This is an extremely important action, very significant and very important for the future of the country, really, across industries. And I would really like to thank you very much, Mr. President, for giving me theopportunity to work on it.



  THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much, Bob.  Secretary Ross.


  SECRETARY ROSS:  Intellectual property rights are our future, and it’s no accident that in June of this year, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will issue its 10 millionth patent — 10 million patents. There’s no country in the history of the world that remotely approaches that.


  译:商务部长罗斯:知识产权是我们的未来,今年6月,美国专利商标局将发布第1000万件专利 - 1千万项专利,这并非偶然。世界历史上没有任何国家可以接近这一点。

  So the steel and aluminum actions we’ve taken deal more or less with the present. This action on intellectual property rights deals with the future.So we’re trying to solve both today’s problem and problems that otherwise will be forthcoming.That’s why these actions are so important and so important in unison with each other.  We will end up negotiating these things, rather than fighting over them, in my view.



  THE PRESIDENT:  Mike Pence, would you like to saysomething?


  THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, Mr. President, and to all our honored guests.  Today’s action sends a clear message that this President and our entire administration are determined to put American jobs and American workers first.



  The action the President will take today under Section 301 also makes it clear that the era of economic surrender is over.The United States of America is taking targeted and focused action to protect not only American jobs,but America’s technology, which will power and drive an innovation economy for decades to come.



  It is just one more step of a promise made and a promise kept by President Trump.


  THE PRESIDENT:  So we’ll sign right now. I just want to let everybody know, just for a second time,that we are in the midst of very major and very positive negotiations.Positive for the United States and,actually, very positive for other countries also.



  We have some of our great business leaders — and leaders, period— right behind me. I may ask Marillyn — Lockheed — the leading woman’s business executive in this country, according to many.  And we buy billions and billions of dollars’ worth of that beautiful F-35.  It’s stealth.  You cannot see it.  Is that correct?


  我们拥有一些伟大的商界领袖 - 领导者,嗯 - 他们就在我身后。我可能会问玛丽琳-休森(Marillyn Hewson,美国军工巨头洛克希德马丁的CEO) - 许多人都认为她是这个国家最优秀的女性企业经理人之一。我们购买了价值数十亿美元的 F-35战机。它是隐身的,你看不到它。是那样吗?

  MS. HEWSON:  That’s correct, Mr. President.


  THE PRESIDENT:  Better be correct.  Right?


  MS. HEWSON:  Absolutely.


  THE PRESIDENT:  Marillyn, please say a few words.


  MS. HEWSON:  Well, thank you, Mr. President.  I would just say that this is a very important moment for our country, in that we are addressing what is a critical area for the aerospace and defense industry, and that is protecting our intellectual property.  As has been expressed, that is a threat to us if we have that stolen from our companies, because that is the lifeblood of our companies.



  And so, we very much welcome this action on the part of the Trump administration and the President of the United States. Thank you.


  THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, Marillyn.


  This is the first of many. This is number one, but this is the first of many.


  (The memorandum is signed.)


  Thank you all very much. Marillyn.  Thank you very much.


  MS. HEWSON:  Thank you, Mr. President.


  Q    Mr. President, would you still like to testify to the Special Counsel, Robert Mueller?

  记者提问:总统先生,你依然准备(就通俄门事件)向特别检察官穆勒(Robert Mueller)提供证词吗?

  THE PRESIDENT:  I would like to.  I would like to.




  12:58 P.M. EDT







责任编辑:郭明煜 SF008

贸易战 关税 特朗普







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