波音开始组装梦幻飞机787http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年05月22日 23:34 北京商报
Boeing Co. started assembly of its upcoming 787 Dreamliner on Monday and unveiled a manufacturing method that aims to speed up production times and reduce the number of parts used. In building the company's first all-new plane in more than a decade, Boeing has changed everything from what materials it uses to how it constructs the 787, which is slated for its first test flight in late August and delivery next May. Boeing has outsourced most of the 787's manufacturing to firms in Japan, Italy, South Carolina and elsewhere, while the company itself is concentrating on putting the plane together at its cavernous main facility in Everett, near Seattle. The mid-sized jet, which will seat up to 330 people, is the first commercial plane whose fuselage and wings are predominantly made of carbon-composite materials rather than aluminum. Boeing said it will take about seven weeks to assemble the first plane. By the 100th plane, the company expects to lower that to six days and, ultimately, Boeing said a new 787 will roll out of its factory every three days. Since its launch in April 2004, Boeing has racked up 568 orders from 44 customers, making it the most successful plane launch in Boeing's history. 波音公司周一宣布,开始组装其下一代梦幻飞机787,同时公布了一项生产方案,目的是缩短生产时间,并减少所需零件的数量。 新的787是10多年来波音推出的第一款全新飞机,它从材料到制造方法都与以往产品完全不同。787将于8月试飞,明年5月初开始交货。 波音将787的大部分制造业务外包给了日本、 意大利和美国南卡罗来纳州等地的工厂,其西雅图的生产基地将精力集中在飞机的整体组装上。787是一种中型喷气式飞机,最大容量330人,是第一款主要用碳复合材料而非铝来制造机身和机翼的商用飞机。 波音表示,第一架飞机的组装将耗时7周。该公司希望到第100架时将每架飞机的组装时间缩短到6天,并最终缩短到3天。 从2004年4月计划公布以来,波音已接到44家客户共568架该飞机的订单,这是该公司历史上推出新飞机最成功的一次。 董莉