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http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年01月30日 12:35 汇源公司网站

  Forbes.com – 23 Jan 2007

  AFX News Limited

  MTV Networks China and Huiyuan Group enter strategic partnership

  BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) - MTV Networks China and China's Huiyuan Juice have formed a partnership to link the two brands in on-air and other advertising throughout 2007.

  Under the agreement, Huiyuan Juice will sponsor all of MTV China's events, culminating in the beverage supplier becoming the first sponsor of the 2007 MTV Style Gala in Shanghai.

  Huiyuan recently launched 'Huiyuan First Listen', a segment featured daily on MTV's show 'Tian Lai Cun', to promote China's most popular music videos and music news.

  Financial details of the agreement were not provided.


  AASTOCKS.com – 23 Jan 2007

  MTV Networks China and Huiyuan Group enter strategic partnership

  BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) - MTV Networks China and China's Huiyuan Juice have formed a partnership to link the two brands in on-air and other advertising throughout 2007.

  Under the agreement, Huiyuan Juice will sponsor all of MTV China's events, culminating in the beverage supplier becoming the first sponsor of the 2007 MTV Style Gala in Shanghai.

  Huiyuan recently launched 'Huiyuan First Listen', a segment featured daily on MTV's show 'Tian Lai Cun', to promote China's most popular music videos and music news.

  Financial details of the agreement were not provided.


  北京 (XFN-ASIA) - MTV中國與匯源果汁已組成戰略聯盟, 在07年年內的節目播出和其它廣告場合開展全面合作。

  根據協議, 匯源果汁將贊助MTV中國的全部活動, 包括在上海舉辦的07年MTV音樂盛典擔任首席贊助方。


  匯源最近在MTV的“天籟村”節目中推出了冠名音樂節目。《天籟村》是MTV的一檔標志性欄目, 每天播出60分鐘, 集音樂、娛樂、互動於一身, 除了向年輕觀眾介紹國內, 港台和國際上最流行、最熱門藝人、MV之外, “雙向互動”也是本欄目的鮮明特色。


  CRIEnglish.com – 23 Jan 2007

  MTV China and Huiyuan Enter Strategic Partnership

  MTV Networks China and China's Huiyuan Juice have formed a partnership to link the two brands in on-air and other advertising throughout 2007.

  Under the agreement, Huiyuan Juice will sponsor all of MTV China's events, culminating in the beverage supplier becoming the first sponsor of the 2007 MTV Style Gala in Shanghai.

  Huiyuan recently launched 'Huiyuan First Listen', a segment featured daily on MTV's show 'Tian Lai Cun', to promote China's most popular music videos and music news.

  Financial details of the agreement were not provided.


  Media Magazine – 24 Jan 2007

  Huiyuan Juice inks sponsorship deal with MTV China

  BEIJING - MTV Networks China and Huiyuan Juice, have formed a sponsorship alliance that will culminate in China's biggest fruit juice brand being the first sponsor of the 2007 MTV Gala in Shanghai.

  The partnership is part of a new Huiyuan Juice campaign aimed at revamping its brand image and attracting more young consumers. The deal will underscore the sponsorships of the annual 2007 MTV Gala and Huiyuan First Listen, a five-minute daily segment on MTV China.

  In addition, an on-ground element of the deal has the brand sponsoring all MTV China's events, making Huiyuan Juice the exclusive fruit juice supplier for MTV China throughout 2007. The partnership comes after Huiyuan first sponsored the 2006 MTV Gala.


  Marketing Interactive – 25 Jan 2007

  MTV grows a bit fruity

  By Staff Writers

  Hong Kong - Huiyuan Juice has announced a sponsorship alliance with MTV Networks as part of its new campaign aimed at recruiting young consumers to the brand.

  The deal will underscore the sponsorships of the annual 2007 MTV Style Gala, a fashion and style show and Huiyuan First Listen, a five-minute segment featured daily on MTV China’s syndicated show ‘Tian Lai Cun’.

  “Both MTV and Huiyuan are popular brands among youth in China. We are confident that our partnership will bring a healthier and more entertaining lifestyle to our young audience,” Li Yi Fei, MD of MTV Networks China said in a statement.

  “Partnering with MTV creates a powerful music marketing platform that brings a chic and healthy lifestyle to every young person in China,” Matthew Gene Mouw, VP of Huiyuan Juice said.

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