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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年07月12日 19:26 上投摩根

  Global Emerging Markets 欧洲新兴市场

  Emerging markets made strong progress last week, as investors returned to riskier assets following recent sharp falls. The gains were led by Eastern and Emerging European markets on the back of higher commodity prices and takeover news. In Russia, the RTS was 11.1% higher as oil prices continued to rise, while Lu
koil, the largest Russian oil producer, announced a 43% rise in first-quarter profits. Takeover news saw Pliva, a Croatian drugs group, agree to be taken over by Barr Pharmaceuticals of the US in a USD 2.2 billion deal that was greeted positively by investors in other central and Eastern European markets. Hungary's BUX ended the week 10.4% higher, while Poland's WIG was up 8.7%. In Turkey, stocks dropped to an eight-month low at the beginning of the week as the Turkish central bank announced further steep interest rate increases as part of its attempts to shore up the lira. Nevertheless, Turkish stocks bounced back at the end of the week, with the ISE National 100 ending 7.0% higher.

  In Latin America, Brazil's BOVESPA, was up 5.7%, while Argentina's MERVAL rose 7.7%. Mexico's IPC, meanwhile, managed a 3.2% gain ahead of close-fought presidential elections, which took place on 2 July. At the time of writing, the result of the election was still too close to call between the two leading candidates - Felipe Calderon, a free market candidate of the ruling National Action Party, and Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, a left-wing candidate of the Alliance for the Good of All Party.

  投资者再度垂青近期急挫的高风险资产,推动上周新兴市场进账可观。商品价格上扬及企业购并消息刺激东欧及新兴欧洲市场升势领先。油价持续上扬支持俄罗斯股市升11.1%,俄国最大产油商Lukoil宣布第一季溢利增加43%。收购消息方面,克罗地亚制药集团Pliva同意接受美国Barr Pharmaceuticals以22亿美元出价收购,交易获其它中欧及东欧欧洲市场投资者看好。匈牙利股市高收一成,波兰股市则升8.7%。


于7月2日举行的总统大选短兵相接,结果未卜,股市依然录得3.2%进账。截至执笔当时,两名领先候选人当中,执政国民行动党的自由市场派卡德隆(Felipe Calderon)与左翼奥布拉多尔(Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador)的得票率仍然十分接近。

  (以上资料全部来源于JF Asset Management)



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