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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年07月12日 19:26 上投摩根

  United States 美国

  US stocks advanced on relief that the Federal Reserve's interest rate decision was no worse than expected, while the Fed's benign accompanying statement raised hopes that rates were close to a peak. The Dow Jones ended the week 1.5% higher, while the NASDAQ rose 2.4%. Worries that the Fed would raise rates too fa
r and choke economic growth led to cautious trading early in the week ahead of the interest rate decision, particularly after the release of strong consumer confidence and housing market data. Merger activity provided a welcome distraction from the interest rate speculation as Phelps Dodge, a copper miner, launched a USD 40 billion bid to takeover Falconbridge and Inco to create the world's largest nickel producer. Also, Johnson & Johnson, the Dow-listed consumer health products company, announced plans to buy Pfizer's consumer health unit.

  The interest rate decision, when it finally came on Thursday, saw the Fed raise rates by 0.25% to 5.25% - the 17th successive rate increase. While there was some relief that the rate rise was not bigger (some investors had predicted a 0.5% increase), investor confidence was boosted by the Fed's benign accompanying statement, which said that future rate rises would depend on the outlook for inflation and economic growth. The Fed's statement certainly suggests that it may be close to a pause, possibly after one further quarter-point increase at its meeting in early August (assuming inflation data remains under control). This would be positive for US equities, which have historically rallied as interest rates have peaked.


  合并活动将市场注意力从利率问题分散至其它方面,铜矿商Phelps Dodge出价400亿美元向Falconbridge and Inco提出收购,以组成全球最大镍产商。道指成分股消费保健产品公司琼森(Johnson & Johnson)亦宣布计划收购辉瑞(Pfizer)的消费保健业务。


  (以上资料全部来源于JF Asset Management)



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