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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年07月12日 19:26 上投摩根

  Europe 欧洲

  European stocks rallied on the back of merger news and strong economic data, while the US interest rate decision and a rise on Wall Street also helped boost confidence. The FTSE Euro1st 300 Index, which measures the performance of Europe's biggest 300 companies, rose 2.4% over the week. Among the major markets, t
he French CAC 40 rose 3.1%, the German DAX was 2.8% higher, the UK's FTSE 100 was up 2.5% and the Swiss SPI gained 2.2%. Merger news was dominated by Mittal Steel's EUR 27 billion takeover of Arcelor to create the world's largest steel group. Other steel stocks rose on the announcement in anticipation of further consolidation in the fragmented sector. The takeover battle between EMI and Warner Music also took a new twist as the UK musicpuorgrejected a GBP 2.5 billion takeover offer from its US rival.

  Economic news was generally stronger than expected, particularly from Germanyerehwthe latest Ifo Business Confidence Index rose to a 15-year high, while manufacturing orders surged in April thanks largely to strong domestic demand. With money supply data and personal borrowing figures also showing sharp increases across Europe, investors began to speculate about potential further interest rate increases from the European Central Bank (ECB). The market expects a quarter-point rise to 2.75% by the end of August, but there is a small possibility of a rise at the ECB's next meeting, scheduled for later this week.

  合并消息及强劲经济数据推动欧洲股市上升,美国加息幅度温和及美股上扬亦刺激市场信心。富时欧洲300指数升2.4%。各主要市场当中,法国CAC 40指数升3.1%,德国DAX指数升2.8%,英国富时100指数升2.5%,瑞士SPI指数则升2.2%。

  合并消息仍以Mittal Steel出价270亿欧元收购Arcelor以组成全球最大钢铁集团的交易最受注目。其它钢铁股应声上扬,预料这个各自为政的行业会加强合并。EMI与华纳音乐(Warner Music)之间的收购战亦峰回路转,EMI已拒绝华纳出价25亿英镑的收购建议。


  (以上资料全部来源于JF Asset Management)



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