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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年07月12日 19:26 上投摩根

  Japan 日本

  The TOPIX (+2.7%) rallied strongly at the end of the week as signs that US interest rates were close to a peak helped lift exporters. Earlier in the week the market had remained jittery over interest rates, both at home and in the US. On the domestic front, there has been a host of secondary dilutive equity issue
s such as Elpida, JAL, Nippon Mining and Makino Milling, as well as continuous scrutiny by politicians and the media on BoJ governor Fukui regarding his investments with jailed investor Murakami. However, investors shrugged off such bad news, as concerns on slowdown in the global economy eased off. By sector, commodity, financials and real estate outperformed, while rubber and retail underperformed. 1Q results by retailers have been slightly weaker than expected, which seems to have led to the underperformance, but this seems mainly on the back of poor weather. For the first 6 months, small cap stocks significantly underperformed large caps, but there seem to be some signs of bottoming out in the relative performance of small caps, as valuations have become more attractive.

  The 2Q Tankan survey from the BoJ showed that the headline business conditions index for large manufacturers rose one point to 21 in June in line with consensus. Japanese firms expect a further rise to 22 in September. Firms' FY2006 capex plans were revised up considerably to 6.2%oYoY. The unemployment rate declined further in May to 4.0% from 4.1% in the previous three months. Among employment, employed workers at firms increased 0.5% MoM and came back to the historical high level recorded in February.

  美国息口快将见顶刺激出口股造好,上周尾段东京第一市场指数大幅回升2.7%。初段市场一直对日本国内和美国息口忧心忡忡。国内方面,Elpida、日本航空(JAL)、Nippon Mining和Makino Milling等公司相继发行股份造成摊薄效应,政客及媒体亦紧盯日本央行行长福井俊彦与被捕投资经理村上世彰之间的轇轕。不过,随着全球经济放缓隐忧减退,投资者都将这些坏消息抛诸脑后。



  (以上资料全部来源于JF Asset Management)



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