
2023年04月30日 16:58 JiangsuNow



The launching ceremony of a large-scale promotional campaign kicked off in Nantong city of Jiangsu province on the evening of April 29. As a good start of this year, Jiangsu received 1.1706 trillion yuan of a total retail sales of consumer goods in the first quarter(Q1), up 7.8 percent compared with the same period last year.

△ “惠聚南通 美好生活”夏季购物节在南通市老城区繁华地段南大街启幕。△ “惠聚南通 美好生活”夏季购物节在南通市老城区繁华地段南大街启幕。


The large-scale campaign will last from May to September, with over 1700 activities to be held to boost spending and 170 million yuan consumption vouchers and 55 million  digital yuan (e-CNY) coupons will be issued across the province.

△ 五一假期首日,游客在苏州周庄古镇景区游览。△ 五一假期首日,游客在苏州周庄古镇景区游览。


△ 4月29日,江苏扬州,游客在趣园茶社品早茶。△ 4月29日,江苏扬州,游客在趣园茶社品早茶。


△ 五一长假,南京夫子庙景区迎来旅游高峰期,游客人山人海,体验夜游秦淮。△ 五一长假,南京夫子庙景区迎来旅游高峰期,游客人山人海,体验夜游秦淮。


Local governments of 13 cities across Jiangsu province will all issue a new round of consumption vouchers to boost the recovery of catering, tourism, retail and other industries, with series of themed activities to be held at the same time.

Nanjing will launch a night life festival and a live shopping festival, as well as 18 night economy markets to be promoted. A summer night music festival and a beer festival will be held in Wuxi city. And Wuxi will hang out over 10 million yuan consumption vouchers to residents, while over 90 million yuan consumption vouchers will be issued in Xuzhou city. Changzhou will launch Hanjiang Road International Food Festival and some cultural festivals during this time. The Double Five shopping festival will kick off in Suzhou city, and over 800 activities will be hosted to promote consumption while over 30 million digital yuan coupons will be released to residents. Cash vouchers and digital yuan coupons worth a total of 32 million yuan will be issued in Nantong. Lianyungang will host 12 themed activities to boost consumption of traveling, outdoor sports, seafood and e-commerce. Purchases of new energy vehicles will be supported by Huai’an government as 10 million yuan vouchers will be offered in the subsidy program. 30 million consumption vouchers and 5 million digital yuan coupons will be issued during the 8 themed activities held in Yancheng. 2023 Huaiyang Cuisine Festival will be held in Yangzhou and over 1000 enterprises will take part in the festival. Zhenjiang will host 10 themed activities and issue 5 million consumption vouchers. Taizhou will launch 10 themes activities dedicated to Taizhou Breakfast. Suqian will also host 10 themed activities and issue 10 million digital yuan coupons to promote consumption.

江苏省 南通市









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