
2021年09月24日 09:32 中国石化新闻网


  中国石化新闻网讯 据《石油世界期刊》9月21日伦敦报道,9月20日,12家世界最大的油气巨头承诺在其控制下的业务实现净零排放(范围1, 2),并更新了降低上游作业甲烷和碳排放强度的目标。

  石油和天然气气候倡议组织(OGCI)表示,支持《巴黎协定》将全球升温幅度控制在远低于2 ° C 的目标,并认识到“采取行动的真正紧迫性”。



  成立于 2014 年,致力于开发降低油气行业的能源强度和排放方法的OGCI组织,包括英国石油、雪佛龙、CNPC,埃尼、 Equinor 、埃克森美孚、西方石油、巴西石油、雷普索尔、沙特阿美、壳牌和道达尔。该集团约占全球油气生产的30 %, 2016年承诺将在十年内投资10亿美元开发新的低排放技术。




  根据新目标,OGCI 表示计划到2025年将上游甲烷排放强度降低到远低于0.20%,将上游运营的碳强度降低到每桶石油当量17千克二氧化碳当量,并到2030年结束常规燃烧。



  根据OGCI的数据显示,2019年,上游油气作业的甲烷和碳强度分别为0.23% /桶油当量和21.1 kg二氧化碳当量/桶油当量。

  郝芬 译自 《石油世界期刊》


  Oil majors vow net zero target, update goals to cut methane, carbon intensity

  A group of 12 of the world's biggest oil and gas majors pledged Sept. 20 to reach net zero emissions from operations under their control (Scope 1, 2) and updated targets for reducing the methane and carbon emission intensity of their upstream operations.

  The Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) said it supports the goals of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2°C and recognizes there is "a real urgency to act".

  But the net-zero target lacks a specific timeframe and more "answers" are still required in order to reach the Paris Agreement objectives, the OGCI said.

  "All OGCI member companies aim to reach net-zero emissions from operations under their control and also leverage their influence to achieve the same in non-operated assets, within the timeframe set by the Paris Agreement, recognizing that we have many, but still not all, the answers needed to get there," the OGCI said.

  Established in 2014 to develop ways of cutting the energy intensity and emissions of the oil and gas industry, the OGCI includes BP, Chevron, CNPC, Eni, Equinor, ExxonMobil, Occidental, Petrobras, Repsol, Saudi Aramco, Shell and Total. The group, which accounts for around 30% of global operated oil and gas production, pledged in 2016 to invest $1 billion over a decade to develop new low-emissions technology.

  Last year, the OGCI said it was focused on reducing the group's Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 21 million mt of CO2e Total direct emissions from the global oil and gas industry are estimated to be around 4 gigatonnes of CO2 equivalent per year, according to the group.

  OGCI also said it has updated its 2025 carbon and methane emission intensity targets, with a potential additional saving of around 50 million mt of greenhouse gases per year.

  Carbon intensity

  Under the new targets, the OGCI said it plans to reduce upstream methane emissions intensity to well below 0.20% by 2025, bring carbon intensity from upstream operations down to 17kg CO2e per barrel of oil equivalent and end routine flaring by 2030.

  "Our success will rely on acceleration of innovative and large-scale solutions such as applications of efficiency measures, sharing of best practices, electrification, hydrogen solutions, and carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS), methane leak detection and elimination, bioenergy as well as responsible investments in natural climate solutions," OCGI said.

  In October 2020, the OGCI said it was making progress on an upstream carbon intensity target of between 20 kg and 21 kg CO2e/boe by 2025 against a 2017 baseline.

  The collective upstream methane and carbon intensity upstream oil and gas operations was 0.23% and 21.1 kg CO2e per barrel of oil equivalent, respectively, in 2019, according to the OGCI.








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